06 March 2019

Humpday Happenings...
Okay then...another day in the frozen wasteland known s the Midwest. Well, it sure doesn't seem like MARCH, does it?
I admit to becoming quite bored with this freezing portent to Spring. My joints are fighting with one another to see who wants to ache the most. Take care if you go outside, You can STILL get frostbite in this stuff.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us more COLD (big surprise there, huh?) with mostly sunny skies (for all the good that's gonna do). Temps will top out around 25 degrees, and I hear there's snow coming late Thursday (...great...).
So, let's take the time to get a nice hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa made to warm us on the inside, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First  out of the deep freeze is our WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week:
"We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of."
This should be something that's always in the back of your mind whenever something comes our way, whether it's found in technology, marketing, branding, news...you name it.
So, who said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back at DeWitt Clinton High School in NYC...
*** Next, time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's Ash Wednesday
(let's ask the other "Ash" how he feels about this?)
Had a feeling he'd say that.
---It's National Dentist's Day
(well, they're not as bad as lawyers)
---It's National Dress Day
(okay, guys...time to be a real man...lol)
---It's National Frozen Food Day
(picked a damn cold day for it, too)
---It's National Oreo Cookie Day
(or, as the left calls it - "Black Conservatives Day")
---It's National White Chocolate Cheesecake Day
(wonder where the race-baiters are for this one?)
*** Next up , a training accident sends 2 FWPD officers to hospital. Here's the story:
This took place at the PSA and both officers have non-life threatening injuries.
Can't wait to see what the investigation uncovers.
*** Next, police have a suspect in custody regarding the Hanna St shooting of Trevon L. Giddens (19) the other day.
Here's the lowdown:
((Fort Wayne police arrested 19 year-old Keshon L. Rogan on Tuesday. He has been preliminarily charged with Attempted Murder, Aggravated Battery with a Deadly Weapon, and Criminal Recklessness. 
Rogan is considered a suspect in a shooting  at the 3200 block of South Hanna Street around 8 p.m. Monday.))
Got that smug-ass face going on...as most of them usually do.
Looks like a career criminal in the making here.
*** Next up, I found this unexpectedly, and wanted to pass it along:
Leave it to MSN to (once again) louse up the autumn of my life...and probably yours as well.
Drinks I should NOT take after the age of 40?
Are you effin KIDDING ME?
Granted, there are some on the list I wouldn't partake of anyway, but there are a lot on the list I find all but necessary to maintain my sanity...lol.
See how many you like (or hate).
*** Next, if it's not the city, it's the county, right?
Cripes, the county wants to "adjust" taxes to pay for needed bridge repairs.
(didn't even know we had a "bridge tax"? Who the hell dreamed this up?)
Funny, never paid a TOLL going over any (yet).
*** Next up, King Kong Bundy dies...
Never was a fan of pro "wrestling" but had friends who were and they followed it closely.
He was 61 years old and no cause of death was mentioned.
*** Next, let's stop by our very own "Kitten Corner"..
"You know I'm cute."
The kids were in fine form yesterday, and that doesn't mean we were hip-deep in feline craziness.
It means they were fairly well-behaved, spent a good amount of time playing with various toys, napping a good part of the day away, and enjoying their meals when they woke up.
"Yes, this is the life!"
A lot can be said for such a life...ask Garfield.
*** Next up, time for us to check in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
"At least the food isn't frozen."
The furry duo were where they were supposed to be - close by the house, although Midnight did have to wander about on his patrol (missing lunch in the process).
But he made breakfast and dinner.
Whiskers was in the shelter again, when not out having a meal.
"Make the cold go away!"
This cold weather is causing me to thaw the water dish out a couple times a day, and you can tell the cats REALLY like that, because they always go and get the LIQUID variety, instead of the frozen type.
And, they even rubbed noses, which means "all is forgiven" from the prior butt-sniff/head smack the other day.
See, we CAN all get along.
*** Last back to the tundra...I like to remember the good things from my past.
I find that once in a while, I dig out the old yearbook and wonder how my schoolmates are doing, and how many are still with us.
But, it's the pictures I find interesting, because if nothing else, the eyes of my classmates exude something we ALL should keep with us...HOPE.
Nowadays, I bet I'd be hard pressed to find that in any yearbook.
Many students have been through the court system before they even get out of high school. We're not talking a "trip to the office" type of stuff, either.
We're talking properly ARRESTED...!
Wonder if that means they use their MUG SHOTS for the yearbook? LOL!
(well some DO and others do not...probably because the ones WITH mug shots have PRIORS, while the others DON'T...'ya think?
I suppose I shouldn't make light of this, but it's a sad commentary about our youth in general.
What are we doing now that we didn't do back when I attended and such problems were a LOT fewer (if non-existent) in our schools?
Perhaps I should ask what are we NOT doing now that we used to do back then?.
I do know when we were in school our heads were NOT filled with mush of any kind...we had too many facts, figures and sundry other historical and scientific stuff to know. There was little to no time for nonsense.
I still maintain we were better off when it came to the teaching of our youth BEFORE Jimmy Carter allowed the creation of the Dept. of Education. That seemed to kick the snowball down the proverbial mountain.
And here we are today...in the lodge...taking it easy...at the bottom OF that mountain.
Somehow, that's not as reassuring as others would like us to believe, is it?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


Susan Kane said...

As always, a good post.

When I was teaching, it was a school where I call teaching as being "in the trenches." It was in a high Mexican gang area, and sometimes I could almost see prison numbers. I think about those 4th gr. boys and wonder what is happening in their lives. Praying for them is all I can do.

After that I taught in a diverse community.

Nat'l Dentist Day. Ironically I had just made an appt to see my new dr.

Bob G. said...

---After all the years of blogging (since 2006), I think I might be getting it right (most of the time)...heh.
---Wifey also noticed that in her teaching years. Then again, we've gotten into the whole "busing the bad-asses" into good neighborhood schools, rather than keep them in their OWN neighborhood and hold them accountable with the same standards.
For some reason, that seems too harsh and insensitive.
It only brings good schools down. We need some more JOE CLARKS out there.
---Dentists are like hair dressers - once they get you in the door, you're a customer for LIFE...HA!

Thanks so much for stopping by today.

You stay safe out there.

CWMartin said...

Your opinions on winter are my own. I would like to get rid of this crap and give Scrappy some time outside he can enjoy before he passes...

Quote: That depends, I grew up around a church and Bible stories. That helps.

I do miss the ritual of days like Ash Wednesday.

Dress: Rejected. I did offer (sorta) to table dance for my partner on her birthday today...

Shoulda been more like frozen fool day...

Race baiters: As long as they get out from between me and that cheesecake...

Shooting: At least they didn't get hit like that guy from Ohio did last week, lol...

Rogan: One of "Rogan's zeroes", I surmise...

Drinks: Well, that was a pretty even split of "I wouldn't drink that in the middle of the fricking desert", "I can take or leave that one", and "screw you buddy, I'll drink one in the casket".

Bundy? I was a Bruiser Bedlam guy, I remember King Kong BRODY...

Close: Put the white boys in orange, too. Why do they deserve any respect?

Bob G. said...

---"Your opinions are my own"...LMAO!
(gotta remember that one)
---Yes, it does. Remember that not EVERY quote featured here is from a saint (or pastor). This one might surprise you.
---But ASH (from "housewares") is always good to watch.
---Table dance, huh? Your talents are many ,my friend.
---Food, fool,...lotta "F" words to utilize here.
---You got THAT right. Love to find me one of those cheesecakes (or several).
---Really. Didn't know this was becoming a "competition".
---Definitely a ZERO...in anyone's book.
---ROFL...sounds like YOUR choices were very close to mine.
---Yeah, he might have been more of an "east coast": celeb in that ring.
---I know...they should have mug shots by now. That's "true" equality for 'ya.
(Iowa must be slow on the uptake)

Thanks for stopping on by to comment (and not freezing in the process).

Stay safe (and warm) up there, brother.