18 March 2019

Monday Musings...
I trust you are all recovered from St. Patrick's Day. We sure had our share of weather over the past 72 hours.
That snow yesterday was something. Looked more like January, but it all melted right after it stopped.
At least those damnable winds died down a lot.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us mostly cloudy skies, temps rising to around 42 degrees, and no precipitation in the forecast.
Sounds like a keeper.
So, let's greet the day with a nice comforting beverage, as we see what ELSE has been going on...
*** First out of the garage is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MARCH 18 -
---It's National Sloppy Joe Day
(I should really make some of those )
---It's National Awkward Moments Day
(seriously? We need a DAY for things that occur on a DAILY basis?)
---It's National Biodiesel Day
(so that's why that truck smells like french fries)
---It's National Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day
(pass the milk, please)
---It's National Supreme Sacrifice Day
(without this, we would not have America)
*** Next up, we couldn't have a weekend in Fort Wayne WITHOUT a shooting, could we?
This took place in the Quimby Village area (1800 block of Bluffton Road around 0220 hrs Sunday morning). A male victim was found there. A short time later, near Lincoln Ave and Broadway, a second male was found. Both were taken to hospital in serious condition.
(never a dull moment here, right?)
*** Next, a wanted felon in Fort Wayne (of course) is caught:
This took place at a HOUSE (and not a home) in the 2600 block of Bowser Avenue, around 1610 hrs Saturday.
Whatta 'ya know...it's down on the SOUTHEAST side (again, as usual).
((Twenty-seven-year-old David Goodman is facing charges in connection to several warrants, plus a dealing marijuana and possession of a firearm by a serious violent felon charges. Detectives then found a 9mm handgun, which has been reported stolen from a burglary in 2017.))
Talk about a laundry list of crimes  as well and being held WITHOUT bond...nice job, people
One thing's for sure, he certainly won't be going to DUBLIN, IRELAND any time soon...not wearing all that ORANGE...heh.
*** Next up, ISP makes a huge haul of drugs near Indy:
This took place last Wednesday around 1130 hrs along I-70.
Lesson to be learned here - DON'T follow too close to other vehicles when hauling a couple MIL of drugs from Burbank, California...(dumbasses).
Danny Lutrell          Brandon Pierson
Nothing like pulling drug haulers off the highways of America...is there?
*** Next up, this was no "E" ticket ride regarding Disney:
This happened a few days ago, but I had to smile as to the outcomes of this.
Guess the (would-be) perp found out the HARD (900 lb) way what it means to enter "the enchanted kingdom".?
*** Next, so THIS is why Dollar General stocks has taken a nose dive of late:
Maybe that's what this city needs...MORE dollar stores (we have to foster job security, right?).
*** Next up, I know you often ask yourselves: "I wonder HOW many socialists / communists DO we actually have in Congress these days?"
Well, wonder no longer:
Now THAT is a pretty long list, isn't it?
Just what we DON'T need.
Guess that sound you hear is our founders all rolling in their graves over this.
It's NOT about nay form of "inclusion", but the dismantling of our democratic REPUBLIC...plain and simple.
*** Next and speaking of which, FOX decided to kick another host to the curb:
Judge Jeanine was "preempted" Saturday night with a repeat ep. of "Scandalous". Trying to tell us something (subliminally)?
Seems no one wants to stand by some people who have opinions that are closer to the TRUTH than others' facts...how "novel"...and predictable.
C'mon FOX...wise the hell up, Try DEFENDING your shows and personalities, rather than caving to political correctness. That's what CNN and MSNBC is for.
*** Next up, time to stop by "Kitten Corner"...
The kids had a really good weekend without Mommy.
"We're looking for Mommy...and birds.."
Naturally, they DID have a few bouts of running around, but they were brief in nature. Had to burn off that excess energy.
Most of the time was spent napping, or eating, or following ME around.
They also got to watch the snow come down, and melt very soon afterwards.
*** Next, let's have our check in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
Having a meal before the snow came.
The furry twosome stayed close by all weekend (well, someone had to keep an eye on me...lol).
I didn't have to feed them under the patio table that much, either.
Most meals were more "al fresco".
"Where's that other human who pets me?"
Whiskers stayed in a shelter between meals. Midnight was his usual self - preferring to do a between-meal patrol, but he always came back for food...and a nap.
The wet food sure helped out to keep them nearby, and breaks up the monotony of the dry food.
*** Last back to the homestead...Wifey returns today from southern Indiana, and I'm sure the cats will all be lined up awaiting her arrival.
Well, they are cats, so maybe not. We shall see.
I know I'll be happy, because without the usual number of warm bodies here (2 OR 4 legged) this place gets real big real fast.
I noticed that when our previous cats passed away.
There should be a sense of "home" wherever you decide to hang your hat.
I grew up with that, thanks to my parents (and our dogs).
That wonderful feeling of familiarity whenever you walk through the door, is something to cherish, for not everyone is so blessed.
And, you should always remember that HOME is where YOU make it and what YOU put into it.
Anything less, and you're just marking time in some "dwelling".
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


Susan Kane said...

National Supreme Sacrifice Day should be honored every day. It takes precedence over Nat'l Sloppy Joe Day.

I love Clara.

CWMartin said...

Recovered? Form WHAT? A hockey game on TV and one too many pepsi zeros, followed by a Wal-Quil when Laurie's cold tried to become mine? Yep, recovered from that.

Today was a great day, and Scrappy got all the walk he could handle... I saw two little ground hogs and a bunny. Scrappy tried to swallow half-a-burrito he found and licked mud for water.

Sloppy Joes... does sound good...

Awkward moments: A co-worker's hubby won a little blue stuffed monkey with a NASCAR hat and she gave it to Debbie (my NASCAR Truex vs Keselowski opponent). I saw it and said to Debbie, "Amazing they could get such a good likeness of Keselowski out of plush..."

Salute on the last one...

Quimby: They should both be sentenced to one weekend at the firing range, to prevent misses like that in the future...

Goodman: Send him anyway. It'll be fun...

Safe: Saw that. Chuckled softly. Reaping what you sow, buddy...

Commie list: Well, now you can see why faith an honesty and fairness mean so little to them.

FOX: Oh, but I see they're letting Donna Brazille in to be an "objective voice from the left"... I thought that's what Shep Smith was for...

BTW, you can always give us a call on those Vincennes weekends...

Bob G. said...

I could not agree with you MORE.
(and if those sacrifices had never been made, we most likely would not be able t have this conversation...or enjoy our freedoms as we currently do.

Thanks for stopping by to comment.

Be safe out there.

Bob G. said...

---We all recover from stuff in our life most every day.
Yours were just St. Patty-specific.
You guys better not get sick!
---Goodness. Does Scrappy know how much you worry about him?
(no more mud-diving or turtle-eating)
---I didn't defrost any ground beef for the SJs...(darn
---LOL...how wonderfully nasty of you!
---I might have to agree. If they KILLED each other, sure the homicide rate would rise, but crime would eventually drop (lack of stupid-ass perps).
---ROFL...just not for HIM. I like that.
---Most definitely. Love to see HOW he explained that at the Pearly Gates.
---And people don't think America is AT RISK?
They need to re-evaluate their priorities and love of country.
--- an "Objective voice from the left"...?
---I'll have to make a note of that for future reference.

Thanks for dropping by and commenting.

Stay safe (and mud-free) up there, brother