I think we might be able to put away the snow shovels, folks.
(although I won't rule out a dusting some time soon. It IS Indiana)
And, this is the 4th day this month our paper failed to show up by the appointed time, so I had to call it in to get another delivered (we got 2).
Nice to know you pay for the laziness of others, isn't it?
Anyway, we'll put that behind us and move forward.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us early clouds changing to mostly sunny skies, and breezy conditions, with a high once again into the mid to upper 40s.
Now, let's get a comforting drink to start the day (and week), as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the junk drawer is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MARCH 25 -
---It's National Lobster Newburg Day
(forget what it looks like - it tastes great)
---It's National Medal of Honor Day
(nothing else needs to be said)
---It's Tolkien Reading Day
(I'd rather watch the movies)
*** Next, it looks like another dead body has been found:
This took place in the 1400 block of Huestsi Ave around 2245 hrs last night.
People on the block saw a suspicious pickup at the end of their street.
After it left, neighbors found a dead body and called police.
Talk about "short dumping". That alone is a violation. Any bets it's ruled a homicide? That will give us FIVE for the year, I believe?
*** Next up...a very good Bill O'Reilly column:
Beto O'Rourke IS one scary-ass person, because he's got some "issues".
(we're not talking rooms looking like a Jackson Pollock painting under a black light...he's way past that, especially when it comes to climate).)
He believes this climate change is being touted as "settled science", when in fact, it's ALL based on computer MODELS making predictions.
Like a fortune teller feeding you what you'd LIKE to hear.
The only thing "settled" about this is that lots of people are being horn-swoggled. And that comes back to the whole manipulation gig I spoke of last week. We're far from finished with this, don't doubt me.
---But wait...we get a TWO-FER from Bill:
You can make book that there are those making wads of money over this situation...and all for creating sensationalist tripe where none seems to be found.
*** Next, we have an update on the Gaywood Drive shootings:
((Police have since identified the victims as Quamel O. Stinson, 29, of Fort Wayne and Latoyia N. Billingsley, 31, of Fort Wayne. ))
Wonder how everyone else on the block is sleeping these days...or if they even care at this point? Nothing seems to get better.
*** Next up, Aaron's Rug Gallery is robbed:
This took place back on 22 March around 1630 hrs. Aaron';s Rug Gallery is located at 1217 Broadway.
Details about the robbery were not disclosed (well, thanks a lot, people).
Nothing like keeping concerned citizens in the dark, is there?
*** Next, time to once again stop by our "Kitten Corner"...
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Yes, he CAN sleep in almost any position. |
Gallifrey was enjoying his spot on the window sill perch, not that there was much to see.
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One of her favorite spots. |
Violet was content to climb into my lap, when she wasn't being otherwise cute, and trying to get a picture of her when she climbed up wasn't exactly what I was hoping for.
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"Cecil B DeMille you ain't, daddy!" |
And that's why we have laser pointers...heh.
*** Next up, let's check in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
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"What's he watching now?" |
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"...I'm watching you, why?" |
Whiskers is always around and usually the first to show up at the patio door for breakfast.
In many ways, there is something to be said about having a "routine".
*** Last back to the pantry...I'd like to hope we're done with all this "investigation" BS of our president.
But somehow, I have the sneaking suspicion this will not go away anytime soon.
Now, after 2 (tedious) years, you'd think that would have exhausted every avenue when it comes to allegations and proof of either guilt or innocence. With some in D.C., apparently not.
It's like "we know you're guilty, and we'll keep investigating until we can create something that proves such guilt".
Please, don't insult my intelligence, or that of others who feel similarly.
And this pertains to those on both sides of the aisle, because we know there are wolves IN the flock, as much as there are other wolves prowling around the flock.
Personally, I'm getting tired with this nation working against itself. There needs to be a call for a cessation of political hostilities from BOTH sides/ Just sit yourselves down, and start working TOGETHER to better our nation, rather than tear it asunder.
And remember, all you politicians...are civil SERVANTS...you ALL work for "WE, THE PEOPLE"!.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Get with the truth, Bill. Climate change is real.
CS Lewis was brilliant and his writing was profound.
Also, he had a strong faith.
I love CS Lewis Day.
---I kinda miss the days when those folks called it GLOBAL WARMING.
I mean, our CLIMATE has indeed BEEN changing...for EONS!
(and mankind was just along for the ride)
Wonder what they'll call it NEXT?
(I thought it was Tolkien Day? I also enjoy C.S. Lewis...truly a faithful person).
Thanks for stopping by to comment.
Be well out there.
Well, by time of day, you can tell I did get an actual day of work in today... though anyones guess how many such there will be.
Put away snow shovel: Good idea.(Note: Just looked, L beat me to it...)
"Pay for the laziness of others": Come work with me a day or two...
Weather was nice enough to make it to the barn and back... though someone was dragging at the end...
LobNew: Looks great to me, bring some over!
Tolkien: Got a backlog of stuff to read, Silmarillion tour #7 will have to wait...
Huestis: On the bright side, they're not shooting them all in the streets (or through the bedroom wall) anymore...
None of today's Dems are dealing from a full deck, it would seem... Joe B. might be the closest...
Aaron's: Hopefully the cops will carpet the area, not padding their time, and pull the rug out from under the perps. Prolly a bunch of illegal Berbers. Likely they've shagged it out of the area.
Whiskers and Midnight could be the feline "Everly Brothers!" Try em on a TM slot?
I'm sure you heard the "Bernstein montage" on Rush today. I cracked up right when Rush did...
---Be careful, that working thing might well become a "habit"...heh.
(been there, done that...for a LOT of years)
---Yeah, I figure any snow that comes now will either melt right away, or be handled with a broom.
---What, you have paper carriers moonlighting at YOUR place? YIKES!
---I haven't had that in years! Would love to find a place that does it justice.
---I'll still stick w/ the movies.
---Not THIS week, anyway...give 'em time (and good weather).
---Yeah, eating dirt might be "excused" for e 3 year old, but an ADULT???
(I always preferred library paste in a jar)
---LOL...now THAT made my day. Well played, sir.
---I dunno know about THAT. They never had any "hits" to speak of (just random meows and purrs). Now, the JINGLE CATS...there's talent on the paw!
---That had me snorting. That was brilliant!
Hey, thanks for dropping by today and commenting.
Stay safe (and well-humored) up there, brother.
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