14 March 2019

Thoughts For Thursday...
We've got ourselves another mild day here in Fort Wayne, but it does come with a "price" (doesn't it always?).
We also have a fair amount of rain, so if you were planning anything, you might want to take it INDOORS. If you have to go
out, take the umbrella.
Hey, be thankful you're not out in Colorado, where they got what's being called a "bomb cyclone", which tossed 100 MPH winds and lots of snow around, causing all kinds of problems.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us mostly cloudy skies, RAIN (off and on), and increasing winds (here we go again), with temps climbing into the upper 60s. Sounds like fun, right? (no, it does not)
In any event, let's get a nice comforting drink to start the day, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First off of the umbrella stand is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"Socialism and Communism are extremely attractive to a superficial observer. It is not until you get into the details, or actually experience it, that it becomes apparent that it does not work."
This was spoken by another "newbie", one Thomas Peterffy (born 1944) who is a Hungarian-born American billionaire businessman. He is the founder, chairman, CEO, and the largest shareholder of Interactive Brokers.
And HERE is his WIKI:
It's not a long read, and I had never heard of this person until a few days ago.
As you might surmise, he leans more to the conservative side of politics, ad favored the Republican candidates in recent elections.
It's definitely worth a few minutes of your time.
*** Next up, let's look at our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MARCH 14 -
---It's National AG Day
( if farmers want rain today, they got it)
---It's National Children's Craft Day
(and stop eating the library paste)
---It's National learn About Butterflies Day
(not any outside, so stop by the library)
---It's National PI Day
(Albert Einstein was BORN on this day, and Stephen Hawking DIED on this day...weird, huh? Weirder still, they were BOTH 76 when they died.)
---It's National Potato Chip Day
(got it covered)
---It's National Write Your Own Story Day
(nah, I'll wait for the screenplay and DVD release)
*** Next, grocery shopping and what bothers employees:
I confess to doing a #7 once in a while (on Saturdays), but to me, that's more of a STAFFING issue with the store mgr. than a problem with me personally. They should KNOW traffic is heavier on weekends...(duh).
I CAN honestly say that others are chronically guilty of most ALL of these (and they're usually right in front of US at the checkout).
*** Next up, another Fort Wayne house fire:
This took place in the 1700 block of Alabama Ave. around 0747 hrs.
This is just north of Lakeside Park.
Strange how ANOTHER porch spontaneously combusted.
do you think we have someone going around tossing incendiary devices?
It's just a bit TOO odd and too frequent.
*** Next up, and speaking of "odd", there's THIS:
A man was found dead (from an obvious head wound) sitting on a bench at Eagle Marsh.
And it's NOT suspicious? What the hell IS then?
*** Next, time to drop by "Kitten Corner"...
"I'm just busy looking cute."
Our kids were doing really well, behavior-wise, until Wifey got home.
Then, it was run all over the place for no reason.
"Mommy's coming. Let's get crazy."
I don't know what gets into them, but it did put a damper on an otherwise calm day.
And Lord knows we could use them as the warmer weather comes along.
*** Next up, let's check in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
Whiskers takes a walk on the "boardwalk".
Yes, the furry twosome were once again alongside the house for most all the day. No one missed any meals, and both got after dinner treats.
...While Midnight stays vigilant.
They also did a bit of a "cheat" early in the morning. I went out to open up the garage (side door), and both of them came around from the patio.
So, yes, they did get some treats for showing up and letting me know they were both going to be there for breakfast.
Time for dinner, kids.
And as nice as yesterday was with feeding them, today will be another one of those "under the patio table" deals.
I'm sure the winds will also play into this. Midnight will probably go elsewhere, while Whiskers takes to a shelter.
*** Last back to the mud room...My Dad liked to say that "life is one damn thing after another". And he was right.
So THAT'S where Dad got that from.
If it's not some socialist agenda being shoved in our face by some loon, it's anti-Semitic rhetoric from a congressional Islamist.
If it's not some huge college entrance scandal on the west coast, it's a resurgence in the mobs with killings on the east coast.
Everywhere you go, there this crap is.
There's no getting around it, and certainly no way to ignore it.
But Dad had a plan; always do YOUR best, and try to stay out of other peoples' problems.
He always felt that "our own:" problems were plenty to deal with...again, he was right.
He believed that the WAY we handle the things we encounter in life determines the outcome much better than any other outside influence.
He also believed in doing what was right, in spite of what others might have to say.
Doing the right thing isn't always easy, but it sure makes you sleep better at night.
We might even be called every name in the book for sticking to that, and that's fine.
Better to be damned by man for doing right than damned by God for doing wrong.
Now there is something to think about.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


Susan Kane said...

A voice of reason in a socialized garage sale!

Any day that involves a John Deere farm equipment is a worthwhile day!

Here near our area along I-15 Calif. the hills are bursting with poppies and Pink Lady butterflies. The massive rain we've had resulted in amazing beauty.
Go here:

CWMartin said...

Okay, so TM is in the can, and I'm back to 2 ahead on the Bible Study posts (C and D in the can), now I get to look around at what the world is doing. Hi, Bob!

Yeah the rain was fun. Did a grocery run right in the worst of it.

Can't say I know your guy either. I'll give him a look in a bit.

Grocery: I'll admit to a little three and a little five (though today I was a good boy and put the stupid thing back correctly, and even picked up an item that stupidly tried to jump in my basket and missed miserably.)

"Tossing incendiary devices"... new weapon of choice in thugland? I hope not...

Eagle Marsh: I think their trying to pass this off as a "fell off the bench and hit my head" thing... smells funny.

Close: Very nice. As long as the "stay out of other people's problems" is weighed against the Good Samaritan.

Bob G. said...

---That's a really good way of looking at it.
---Nothing runs like a DEERE...lol.
---I saw a story with all the blooms along the hills out in CA (beautiful)...
I guess that makes it easier to take, given the governmental challenges that state "enjoys".
---Yep, that's the SAME story where I saw all those flowers.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

Be well out there.

Bob G. said...

---I figured you were working on the TM.
---Didn't know you were getting THAT far ahead on the Bible study...kudos.
Oh, Hi there yourself, buddy!

---That's the only thing I dread...RAIN (soaks the paper bags, unless you keep 'em dry...a real challenge).
---He's a cool kinda guy...shame we don't hear more from him.
Seems to know who GOD is (that can't be all bad).
---I can overlook you doing #3, but doing #5? You're better than that, buster!
What bugs me is when I grab ONE item and FIVE more decide to join in the ":?fun" and hit the floor!
Fortunately, none of those "clean up in aisle 5" gigs.
---I can't think of anything ELSE it could be. Last time I checked, porches were NOT prone to spontaneous combustion.
---I sure does smell funny, and it's not because of the wetlands. I have a hunch someone might have "dropped him off" there.
---Never fear...it always was.
Okay to lend a hand, but never butt in to another's "business", no matter how much you might want to.
Saves a lot of unwanted hassle. that way.

Hey, thanks for dropping by and commenting.

Stay safe (and dry) up there, brother.