This past weekend wasn't that bad, as weekends go...AND, if you didn't live down on the SE side like we have for 2 decades, it was probably a lot better overall..
Still, you have to always look for a silver lining (I find doing that keeps me from going
We sure didn't have much to applaud yesterday., with the off and on rain.
But, we'll get by...we usually do, don't we?
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us an end to the rain (but it's still a bit soft out there, so drive accordingly). We're looking at partly sunny skies, temps again reaching to around 71 degrees, and (hopefully) a light breeze to help dry things out once again.
Now, let's pause to get ourselves that comforting drink, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the downspout is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National All Is Ours Day
(that's being a bit possessive, isn't it?)
---It's National Empanada Day
(seems each week we have something either gay or Hispanic...where's the AMERICAN stuff?)
---I's National Zoo Lover's Day
(I love our own Children's Zoo, but I detest the "zoo" we have on the SE side...too many "beasts" roaming about)
*** Next, there are several reasons why I LOVE stories like this:
-The cat came away from the incident without harm.
-The officer was patrolling in an ALLEY (great to see this again).
But it does say a lot about people who litter a neighborhood up, or otherwise don't take the time to properly put their trash out (overfilling the bins for example). NCE is supposed to look into the refuse in alleys.
-The cat will become a community cat. And, if it ever stops by here, the cat will get fed...heh.
Actually, that looks like the white cat I've seen around here that I nicknamed "Snowball".
Good job by all involved.
*** Next up...a good job done by the judicial system (for a frigging change):
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Welcome home, loser. |
(but, if he were put to death, we'd save a buttload of money by NOT having him become a "ward of the state"...just sayin')
Now, let's not make the appeal process outlive the sentence.
*** Next, and speaking of zoos, how do these animals manage to keep doing what they do?
Quincy Hall, 34, of the 1400 block of Greene Street is the perp in question, and he likes to beat up women, and houses...a lot.
His ex had extensive injuries and over 75 photos had been taken to catalog them.
Let's try and lock this one up and lose the damn key.
*** Next, in one part of the SE side, it takes a company (and it's volunteers) to help clean things up:
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Wow, lookit that graffiti. |
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Yeah, let's paint OVER that crap. |
*** Next up, and for those NOT wanting to do anything positive, we have this...
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The service sucks worse than Blogger & Comcast. |
So, I call it in and ask the woman for a REDELIVERY. The woman said the request was sent to dispatch
The replacement paper NEVER showed, and the JG office is ONLY open between 8AM - 12 Noon on Sunday. Most likely, we'll get (another) credit...that's not what we PAY for.
I sent a couple (very) nasty-grams to the paper, and they will probably come to naught, but this is just another example of what we DON'T get down here in the crotch of this city.
Also, there's no place (nearby) where you CAN get a damn paper...thanks to the crime. We used to be able to get a paper from a damn machine at the Speedway that was down the block across Pettit Av. (both have been gone for a long time).
It's crap like this that gives me major trust issues with a lot of folks and what passes for their "service" in Fort Wayne.
They just don't seem to value customers they've had for 20 years.
And people wonder why the SE side gets the reputation it does. They earned it.
*** Next, yes, it's time once again to drop by "Kitten Corner"...
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I iz grocery shopping again. |
I think they got wind of me being a bit miffed at the newspaper, because they were extremely sedate for mist all of yesterday.
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I is watching the inside of my eyelids. |
Well, no effin sh*t, Sherlock...same goes for dogs, and yes, even some birds.
Can't say as much for kids around here and what passes for parents...not much communication...maybe we need a "study" on this?
*** Next up, let's do our check in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
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"What iz he doing over there?" |
They both missed Saturday's lunch, but were here for dinner.
And, aside from the late Sunday rain, they wee fed out from under the patio table.
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"I'm keeping the wall from moving." |
*** Last back to the patio... we're constantly hearing about all these studies that detail how wonderful Fort Wayne is.
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I know mine ALL too well. |
Well, here's ONE (study) that the lame-stream media will NOT tell you about:
This is a brilliantly compiled read, and deservedly so.
Now, WHY do you suppose this hasn't shown up in the papers or on local TV?
And WHY isn't much (if anything) being done to CHANGE this situation?
More importantly, why has this been allowed to occur in the first damn place?
(because those in power over the last 40 years were too busy making a great downtown and riverfront, Bob?)
Good answer. You get a gold star!
They were too busy keeping up with other cities, when they should have been trying to keep our ENTIRE city intact and thriving.
Misplaced priorities...yes, they will ALWAYS come back and bite you in the ass..
Maybe that's why our mayor has SUCH a comfortable ease the pain.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Why are these murders, proven of guilt, allowed to sit in a place with tv and other "luxuries" he depriced his victims from enjoying?
The cost of maintaining a lifer prisoner is twice as much a "normal" prisoner. The cost of execution costs over 1 million. Go Figure.
Precious Snow Ball.
Sad to day, we've become a society that values the lives of murderers and yet, will summarily kill the UNBORN through abortions.
Somehow, that does not sit well with me.
If you're in jail, it SHOULD be called "doing HARD time" the way it used to be.
And, if you're convicted (and sentenced) for capital MURDER< then you should pay THAT debt IN FULL, because the victim (or victims) you killed had NO say in it at all.
Yes, the cost to house them for LIFE is outrageous...look how much MANSON cost the penal system (and the taxpayers).
Surely, there is MUCH room for serious debate on these things.
Thanks much for stopping by to comment.
Be well out there.
Firstly, did ya get the 2 e-mails abt the beer tasting this weekend?
Was a really nice day, pictures tomorrow...
Which all is ours?? Cause I think I got shorted...
WTH is an Empanada? Bob, your post is leaving me behind...
Big man, beats up a woman. So do they beat guys like that in jail nowadays, or is it just the club the meet at anymore?
Heard abt your paper fiasco. And they wonder why it is they are going down that chute...
Yeah, I saw the cat study too... shared by someone who added, "So yes, they are just ignoring you."
So you are basically pinned between #s 10, 25, and 54; while we are sandwiched between 167 and 171. On the bright side, since the top ten lit up virtually the length of Paulding, we did decent...
---Yes, I did, and I thank you for them.
Now, I know what NOT to get, if I EVER manage to get me to a REAL "Kroger"....heh.
(pretty good reviews, too)
---I figured you & Scrappy would be out and about.
---Yeah, I've some trouble as to what constitutes an "ALL", aside from detergent.
---Empanada - think of it as a fried or baked turnover kinda meat pie. Argentinian origin.
---Yeah, when they're on the street, they're more brave than anything, but lock 'em up, and the cowardice shows it's yellow stripe (up their spine).
---I think the chute is CLOGGED with all the crap from dissatisfied customers...!
---They're not ignoring you...they're just in a BLISSFUL mood...LOL.
(kinda like politicians W/O the suits and agenda.)
---Oh, yeah, we're on the cusp of several of the BAD areas...guess we're ":lucky"?
I dunno, that kinda luck will empty your pockets in Vegas REAL fast.
I think you're a LOT better off than us in the "crotch".
But, I have to admit that they NAILED the badlands in FTW.
(I bookmarked that site for future reference).
Hey, thanks a lot for taking time to drop on by today.
Stay safe (and get in another walk tomorrow) up there, brother.
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