Hope you have the umbrellas today, and that your driving reflects the wet conditions out there.
Yes, with Spring comes those April showers (which bring May flowers).
We're not looking at a gully-washer kinda rain, but it's enough to not make you want to be out in it for long.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us...yeah, cloudy skies and some rain, as in scattered showers most of the day. Temps with only top out in the mid-40s, so take a jacket with the umbrella.
Now, let's get ourselves a comforting beverage to start the day, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First off of the hat rack is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"Liberal progressivism evolved after our Constitution. It has repeatedly failed all over the world so why do we think it could be successful here in the United States of America?"
This was spoken by none other than Allen Bernard West (born February 7, 1961) who is an American political commentator, retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel, and former member of the U.S. House of Representatives.
And here is his WIKI:
I've always liked West, and would have liked to see him as president, but it wasn't in the cards.
(guess the nation's not ready for a black REPUBLICAN...yet).
It's a fairly long read, but it delves into his military service and such.
I mean, who wouldn't want someone in the White House who's completed jump school at Ft. Bragg (82nd Airborne), is a former Lt. Colonel and a master scuba diver?
*** Next, we have our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's Jeep 4x4 Day
(I grew out of this phase)
---It's National Burrito Day
(eat 'em if 'ya got 'em)
---It's National Chicken Cordon Bleu Day
(this is pretty good eating)
---It's National Hug a Newsperson Day
(Not gonna be a guy, that's for sure)
---It's National School Librarian Day
(we know they aren't getting rid of books)
---It's National Vitamin C Day
(not gonna get much when it's raining)
---It's National Walk Around Things Day
(sure beats walking INTO things)
*** Next up, here's a good gun rights-related article from Buckeye Firearms
It's not the law-abiding gun folks who tend to be the extremists. Whatta revelation! Another study that's not based that much in reality, and tends to be more agenda-driven than factually-based.:
*** Next, and while we're talking about guns, here's ONE reason people carry them:
I can't imagine having a child forcibly taken from a mom at a mall in broad daylight...by some Islamic Egyptian national (in West Virginia, of all states)...can you?
Fortunately, this ended well - perp gets busted, mom and daughter are okay, and no guns were confiscated. Naturally, the left will spin this as a form of overreaction.
Thank God for the 2nd Amendment.
*** Next up, I think we found us another dumbass for the week in Fort Wayne:
Funny, I didn't think THAT restaurant chain HAD a "drive-thru".
The driver "thought" the vehicle was in reverse...LOL.
I dunno, you go from PARK, to REVERSE...ONE notch on the shifter...NOT 3 (into DRIVE).
Might want to check the tags and see if they'e "handicapped".
Luckily no one was injured in the crash.
And, for the record, it was NOT a car OR a van...it was a MINIVAN.
*** Next, time to drop by "Kitten Corner"...
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"We're well behaved...for the time being." |
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"Yes...what she said." |
We're very careful about that kinda thing...and just for that reason.
*** Next up, time to check back in with "Midnight and Whiskers......
Well, we're back to having a furry TWOSOME once again. Whiskers has been on a "wandering" gig for the past 2 days, and after not having her around since breakfast, she finally did come back a bit after dinner.
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"I wish she'd stay close by. I miss her." |
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"Better late than never. and he missed me." |
*** Last back to the soggy lawn...I got my vehicle registration renewal yesterday...((ouch)).
The state wants $88 bucks for a 36-year old car JUST so I can get a slip of paper and a tiny sticker for the license plate.
(talk about highway robbery).
When the Firebird was brand new (in Philly), I paid a mere $20, and that INCLUDED a mandatory inspection (for emissions)...pass or fail. I can see where Indiana is making some serious scratch here with such high registration rates.
I know the Wifeymobile 2.0 will cost well OVER a "Franklin".
So, WHY aren't our roads all in better shape with THAT kinda moolah rolling in?
Also, I can see why a lot of the "locals" never GET registration or let it lapse...the newer the vehicle, the MORE expensive it is, and we got us a lot of "poor" people down here driving Caddys and other newer vehicles.
I guess I can thank our lucky stars they're not doing (here) what they did in Philly...rate your insurance costs based on ZIP CODE.
We'd be paying a ton of cash if that were the case (better not provide the lawgivers with any ideas).
Still, we don't mind paying OUR way...we just don't much take to paying for everyone ELSE along the way.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Wow, I finally made it. Between a brief but annoying power failure, a spur of the moment project for the Time Machine i had to type up right after (not to mention getting ready for "the date" with Shelley Fabares), taking care of hockey and Fantasy baseball, trying to figure off where I left off blog reading, and seeing if FB desperately required my presence (it did not), and throw in 2 dinners somewhere along the way...
I'd go along with West. Better first black POTUS than the "one" we got...
4X4: Yeah, me too.
Hug a newsperson: Maybe if I could find Lee Ann Okuly again...
I walked around my machine (in between actually working) to the tune of roughly 3 miles today...
Mama shoulda put a bullet in Fat Fuad and saved some democrat douchebag the trouble of getting him off for being profiled...
Golden C: You know, a lot of these "I thought it was in reverse"types might wanna consider knocking off the jackrabbit starts so as to not accidentally jump curbs... just sayin'.
Wanna bet Whiskers is knocked up and setting up a maternity ward off site somewhere? We never had to worry about that back in the day. Dad kept a vent open in the '37 Chevy, and the backseat was the starting point for many a kitten.
I have few good things to say about road construction. Nipsco has been tearing hell out of the immediate area since fricking November (and is a leading suspect in our brief power outage as they have dismantled the sidewalk that runs along Wash. Ctr to install... something...), and from the sounds of things, midsummer will see me needing a chopper ride to get to my stupid workplace (Which will be oh-so-convenient for our neighbors at FedEx and USPS).
---I hate those power failures. We gt the 1-second ones here...I call 'em power FARTS!
That's Fort Wayne.
---We've had a few black REPS that never got a shot at the WH...a real shame.
---I'll just bet you would...heh.
---THREE miles? That's too much walking without getting "someplace".
---It's getting so you can't shop with your child these days...I mean WTH??
---Yep, and maybe if they were LITERATE ENOUGH to read the DIFFERENCE BETWEEN "R" and "D".
---The community cats are not "active" in that manner. Wish we could that to some of the "locals", and I mean that in a "good" way...lol.
---I've been reading about all these "improvements"...so WHY doesn't any of it EVER get truly FINISHED?
We're supposed to have all these funds going INTO road upkeep and yet...it never seems to end. Someone's pockets are getting filled instead of these potholes.
(and that's just within the city confines)
Weird, huh?
Hey, thanks for stopping by to comment.
Stay safe (and well-paved) up there, brother)
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