12 June 2019

Humpday Happenings...
Looks as though we have a decent day staring at us, but be warned that this might come to an end by tonight.  I heard that rain is in the forecast.
Yeah, time to break out the umbrella again (maybe) later on.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us partly to mostly cloudy skies (increasing as the day progresses), temps reaching to around the mid to upper 70s once again, with a slight breeze. There 'ya go...not a bad beginning at all.
So let's get ourselves a comforting beverage to set the tone for the day, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First off of the bookshelf is our "WHO SAID THAT?" quote for the week:
"The doctor sees all the weakness of mankind; the lawyer all the wickedness, the theologian all the stupidity."
Sounds like THIS person has things sized up quite well.
So, who said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back in  Gdańsk, Poland...
*** Next, let's look at our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
JUNE 12 -
National Red Rose Day
(and they smell good, too)
National Jerky Day
(I think they mean the BEEF kind and not the SE neighbor kind...lol)
National Peanut Butter Cookie Day
(these are not bad at all)
National Loving Day
(is there a problem with showing a same race couple these days?)
*** Next up...Have we a one way street that is actually a TWO way street in our society?
I'm really beginning to think so, and here's some proof.:
Inquiring minds want to know...
When I wanted to look up the ALT-LEFT, guess what? NO WIKI! But, I did find this:
Seems a bit MORE than just "pejorative".
((The alt-left, meanwhile, is a purely pejorative description. Few, if any, people on the left claim to be part of anything called the alt-left, as the term was created in an attempt to demean leftists and imply they are morally equivalent to the alt-right.))
Technically,  this would appear correct.
So, only the Alt-RIGHT exists, but there is NO real Alt-LEFT? Gimme a damn break here.
They BOTH exist, yet the lame-stream media would have you believe that ONLY conservatives have the market cornered on the whole "ALT" gig...that's nonsense (and quite an arrogantly dangerous assumption on their part).
To me, that's like saying that only whites are racist, and we ALL know that to be a falsehood of the highest order.
*** Next, time once again to stop by "Kitten Corner"...
The kids were acting like Wifey never left for a few days.
Daddy checks on me when I sleep.
They got into a brief chase-around, but they became bored soon enough.
Gallifrey had to check on me several times while I was sleeping last night, and that means he had to climb on me, waking me up. I told him "yeah, I'm still breathing, buddy.". Then, off he went to wherever he sleeps.
"I can't haz coffee? Why?"
Violet never bothered, so she must assume things are okay.
They know who feeds them...
*** Next up, let's do our check-in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
"Just taking it easy until treats-time."
Our furry duo were here for a most of the day with Midnight patrolling past lunch as usual.
He still limps, but it's sure not proving an impediment to his wanderings, like it was days ago. .
Whiskers hangs out near the house ALL day into night.
"NO way I'm missing those treats."
But neither of them miss the treats on the steps twice a day...
Cute cat...but shy.
We had another "newbie" come by - a dark gray and white cat with a collar and tag. It ran off when I went out, so I've no idea where this one belongs.
Watching the "locals" meander by.
And, we also had the fluffy cat camped out near the A/C unit once again.
We're becoming quite the "cat house"...LOL.
*** Last back to the volcano...can global COOLING be close at hand?
Well, there is some evidence. Take THIS story from January 2018...that we NEVER heard a thing about from the lame-stream media:
Add to this, the 9 June 2019 eruption of Mount Sinabung in Sumatra, Indonesia.
This is something we have NO control over, just like that weakening magnetosphere of our planet, or solar activity or the wandering magnetic north pole.
And yet, we're bombarded daily with global warming and how "we" must save the planet.
I said before this rock will do as IT pleases...we're just along for the ride (as it were). Extinction of species is nothing new to planet Earth.
I'm not crying that the sky is falling, but I am pointing out some REAL SCIENCE here that's going on AS you read these words.
I want to think we're paying attention to what the planet is trying to tell us, rather than what some are demanding of everyone in the name of "global warming". At best we could be slated for a cooling down. At worst...well, that's a bit much to consider at this point.
Let's just hope for the best...and maybe offer up a prayer or two.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Rain? Thankfully I got 2 1/2 miles in without getting mugged this afternoon...

The theologian would be right at home at Dowco. My quote for today: "If stupidity were cholera, we'd all be corpses."

Loving Day: Why Bob, that would be racist...

Me, I'm Alt-uninterested. Every nutbag has an opinion, and we gotta hear 'em all...

Gallifrey: You know one of the hardest things is waking up in the middle of the night and not hearing snoring... I would so love to have someone do that to me...

Cat-house: Taken the WRONG way, that would explain a lot about your neighborhood, lol!

Volcanoes: I hadda laugh at the part about we should accept the predictions of volcanoes because the scientists involved had a great track record in weather forcasting. I'd say if you consider a volcano "weather", well, son, your cred's a bit weak...

The rest was pretty interesting, though.

Bob G. said...

---Glad you got a walk in.
The "groups" around there doesn't sound good. Maybe you need to carry some MACE with you (in case).
---LOL. Maybe that should be the "corporate motto"?
---Yeah - SAME race couples being racist...(laughing like Rocket Raccoon)
---I just thought it strange that there was no WIKI for alt-LEFT, but a virtual tome for the alt-RIGHT.
(when it's radicalism either way).
I think I'm alt-CURIOUS now...heh.
---I'm just not a "startle me awake" kinda guy these days. Blame that on the"locals".
---Cat house...it COULD, but I think we've more party, crack and stash houses than anything else.
---That was the only part I had trouble with as well. Forecasting weather is a crapshoot at best (check local listings), but when a volcano ERUPTS, I think the "forecast" is pretty well SETTLED (and often deadly).
I will admit that volcanoes can CAUSE weather changes globally (again, proven).
I found much of that story intriguing.

Hey, thanks for stopping by today and commenting.

Stay safe (and volcano-free) up there, brother.