I will go on record by saying that I've had enough of the heat and humidity of summer.
On the "up" side, the lawns grow a LOT slower without rainfall.
As for the down side? Well, there's too many to mention in the time and space allotted here...heh.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us (as if we needed a reminder), hazy, hot and humid conditions, with mostly sunny skies, temps climbing into the low 90s (again), which, with the heat index, will feel even warmer.
Now, let's a tall cool drink to get the day off on the right foot, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First up is the "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
JULY 15 -
National Give Something Away Day
( I do...it's called WISDOM)
National I Love Horses Day
(but I'm glad we don't have "community" horses)
National Tapioca Pudding Day
(yes, I DO like this...sue me)
National Pet Fire Safety Day
(Tried teaching the cats...they laughed.)
National Get Out of the Dog House Day
(didn't know I was IN it)
*** Next...There's a REASON the Coast Guard well...guards oiur coasts:
Drug dealers using submarines...how "novel".
I know right where Coronado is (gorgeous sunsets) .
Think San Diego coastal area
Granted, this sub is NOT anything close to our Virginia-Class boats, but still...inventive.
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Actually, it's a semi-submersible. |
And we took about $569 MIL of drugs off our streets.
*** Next up...A "cat's tale" on the Monon Trail:
I had not heard about "Pirate Cat" until Friday when I saw the story.
Breaks my heart to hear about it, and yet, he will live the remainder of his life as he wanted to.
(I know all too well what that's like)
*** Next...Here's the latest Bill O'Reilly column:
There USED to be a time when people KNEW the fallout that can occur with bad parenting. Can's say I see it near as much today. And yes, the consequences are numerous and long-reaching in our society.
We are reaping the "benefits" of parents who prefer gratification OVER their child's success. Bill touches on a few of the reason we have income inequality in America...and as usual, he's right.
*** Next up...time to drop by "Kitten Corner"...
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"I get to nap here first." |
We did have a brief crazy-session on Saturday, but that never lasts long (I think they like to hear me raise my voice).
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"And when you get up, it's all mine.." |
*** Next...let's do our check-in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
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"Too hot to patrol today" |
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"Good. Stay here with me" |
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It's even too hot to "sing". |
We might have to amend this spot to reflect that (a furry threesome?).
Say one thing...that boy can eat.
*** Last back to the family album...It's been a roller-coaster of a week around the "Fortress".
Wifey's Dad is not doing well, and we're at THAT point in time where certain "arrangements" need to be made.
Now, I'll be the first one to tell you that losing anyone close to you is NO picnic, but losing a parent, no matter how inevitable it may be, is something that hits to the very core of our being.
Thing is, we never will forget it. We just learn to live WITH it.
There's not a single day that passes where I don't miss my parents. I could use some of their advice, and wisdom.
I"d like to think they passed enough on to me that I did okay, and would have made them proud.
Leaving this life is hard on many, but the promise of a better (and eternal) life is there for us who trust in the Lord.
As one door closes, another one opens.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
I'm sorry, and you owe me one of these back, but I need the laugh too bad today- "humisity"?
I gave today too- some of what God gave me in dealing with Scrappy to a co-worker that lost his mom suddenly last week. There's something in knowing someone else knows where you are.
"Community horses"... BWA-HA-HA! That would be something in your neighborhood...
I like tapioca too!
"Tried teaching the cats"! That's a no win on ANY subject!
Pirate cat: You go, buddy!
Leave it to BOR to come up with an angle we all miss- and he's right.
Geez, only YOU would find that. But, in my defense, the "D" key IS right next to the "S" key.
(latest entry in Bob's Lexicon).
There are more people who know than you think, and they're all in your corner.
That would also cost a FORTUNE in food and water (not to mention the "cleanup").
Yeah, but NOBODY has found a way to invent an INSTANT version...(darn).
Yeah, usually they're busy teaching ME (and Wifey).
Pirate Cat is a trooper!
One of the reasons I enjoy Bill is that he's a "contemporary", so he's grown up around the same stuff as I have at the same time.
Thanks for taking time to stop by and comment.
Stay safe (and by all means, keep cool) up there, brother.
See, I love that new definition!
All I hadda do was channel Norm Crosby...lol.
(he's still alive, God bless him)
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