I think today will be one of those days even the "heat enthusiasts" will find a bit much to take.
We're talking oppressive heat AND humidity...the kind where all you want to do is stay indoors and watch the sidewalks fry some eggs. Or, you can watch the dashboard on your car melt.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us hazy, hot and humid conditions with mostly cloudy skies, temps rising to the low-to-mid 90s.
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It's gonna get THIS hot. |
Take the proper precautions when outside and don't stay out there too long.
Now, let's get some serious hydration going with a tall, cool drink, as we see what else is going on...
*** First up...The answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude".
This was spoken by our good friend, Alexis de Tocqueville (29 July 1805 – 16 April 1859) who was was a French diplomat, political scientist and historian. And here is his WIKI:
It's a long, yet very good read, even if it's your second time around.
He was a person gifted with wonderful insight to the truth of various matters.
*** Next...time for the "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
JULY 18 -
National Sour Candy Day
(Sweet-Tarts are my favorite)
National Caviar Day
(what's the big deal? It's fish eggs.)
Get to Know Your Customers Day
(this is a quarterly gig)
*** Next up...Our city's 1st Anthony Wayne Day didn't go that bad:
Let's check out the history books here. The Miami tribe SPLIT with one faction (pro-America) relocating to OK, while the other faction (pro-British) remained in the upper Midwest region.
And let's not forget the PEACE TREATIES Wayne made with the Cherokees and Creeks (when in Georgia).
Just read his WIKI and you'll find out he was a very fine military commander, who often held out against superior numbers.
Not bad for a kid from Chester County, PA (just south of Philly, btw).
*** Next...Here's one reason NOT to be part of Facebook:
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"Dear Facebook...you SUCKETH!" |
After reading the quotation in question, I find NO "hate speech" ...just a whole lotta TRUTH about mankind.
Here's the quote:
"Let us never assume that if we live good lives we will be without sin; our lives should be praised only when we continue to beg for pardon. But men are hopeless creatures, and the less they concentrate on their own sins, the more interested they become in the sins of others. They seek to criticize, not to correct. Unable to excuse themselves, they are ready to accuse others."
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"Thou shalt not ban the truth I speak." |
I am getting SO sick and tired of these manufactured falsehoods
*** Next up...And we couldn't get by without Our Daily Shooting:
This took place around 0330 hrs in the 2500 block of Ormsby St.
Yes, that's still on the SE side
One male was shot in the leg and a stray bullet struck a nearby house (more TNB). How predictable.
*** Next, it's time to stop on by "Kitten Corner"...
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"I got here first." |
Maybe they could tell the next couple days would be sweltering.
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"But I was here longer." |
We know how that works, right?
*** Next up...let's check in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
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"It's still dry out here." |
Luckily neither one got soaked, but they did like the meals provided.
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"I think it's drizzling now." |
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"The sun's back out now." |
*** Last back to the photo album...Wifey's Dad passed away quietly yesterday afternoon.
Ever since I first met Don (my then soon to be father-in-law) you could tell he was (above all) a good man.
He (and his late wife, Nancy) raised a fine daughter and he was an excellent provider.
He was also an avid bird enthusiast (they call them "birders" in Indiana).
For the longest time, he always called me Robert, and although I prefer Bob, it never bothered me one bit.
He had a good run in life, touched more souls than even he would know, and left a legacy that will remain long after his earthly body is interred.
My hope is to get to see him again, as do all the other family members that remember him with such love and fondness.
Thank you for all you've done for us over the years, and may God receive you into his loving arms now and for all eternity.
No long or sad goodbyes...just a heartfelt "...until we meet again".
And that's all I am going to say about that...for now.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
You and my brother Don could be brothers, altho his beard isn't as plush as yours.
Our son's cat Scuba was a "cat rug" in summers here in So California. Temps would be 100+ (but dry desert wind). He would sprawl on the kitchen tile and then move to another spot once it was heated up.
Ooops. I mistook your ref. to f-in-law as being yourself. Are all men named "Don" friendly people?
Yup, it is a hot Thurs. here, with a brisk desert wind, which blows through my mind.
Come to think of it, I can't ever recall anyone I've known named DON who wasn't a nice individual.
The cats stay on the move finding that cool spot. I know that well. I do the same in bed a lot...except in winter...lol.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Be well and keep comfy out there, dear.
Sorry I didn't get back yesterday... I was kind of a mess.
AdT would have made a fine (naturalized) POTUS.
Wayne was an exemplary commander, who would have probably gotten "McArthur"ed in todays age.
St. A: From the same people who said, "White people like dogs because they remind them of slaves" (to whom I responded, "Go to hell.").
Don: Like you said, if one can judge a character by the lives he's touched, it will be a pleasure to introduce myself in the next age.
Kind of a mess...you sure you're not hanging out with US?
Yes, he was a staunch advocate of America.
I might have to agree with you there. I admire his taking on superior forces and holding the line.
I hadn't heard THAT one...but I LOVE your retort...well said.
I believe that MANY of us will find our personal line of souls wonderfully amazing (and long) in eternity.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Stay safe (and stay inside where it's cool) up there, brother.
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