And now for something COMPLETELY different...
Here's something you usually DON'T see in those nice, serene NORTHERN

One of the homey/thug/gangsta (take yer pick) "boyz" staying overnight at a house in the next block up decided to help the USPS get more "up close and personal" with their deliveries in lieu of the holiday season which is fast upon us...
So...he SMACKS into the ass-end of the mail truck, and pushes it UP ONTO the sidewalk across the street. Luckily the mail carrier wasn't hurt, and (unfortunately) neither was the thuggie driver of the Chevy POS. I guess those flashing AMBER STROBES on the USPS truck didn't mean a DAMN thing...did they, (insert ludicrous ethnic first name here)?
I keep saying how bad it is to SPEED along these streets(limit unposted should be about 25MPH...NOT 40+)...and believe me, any one of these streets down here will get REAL narrow...REAL fast when parked vehicles are at the curb(s). In other words, there is absolutly NO room for "error"...(that's reckless driving to you uninitiated out, some people don't think I'm right with my assessment...and that goes to show their arrogance as well as their ineptitude. This driver IS of that persuasion, folks.
I called the FWPD as soon as I heard the crash ( took the digicam pics), and they came FASTER than when I called *911* the other night for the granite chunk that escaped (from it's rightful owner) and came leaping through my window!!! (Who'da thunk?)
Oh..if you ever have to call dispatch for the prepared to play the HOME version of our city''s latest "game"...called (colloquially)...Twenty Questions (that are actually FIVE questions asked several different ways at various times 'cause the dispatcher isn't paying attention).
Now I'm all for believing in KARMA, and in this case at least, that driver's karma smacked into the USPS "truck-ma"...LOL! Serves that frigging moron right for speeding, or not paying attention..whatever.
Interestingly enough, this perp, as well as his "quasi-posse" have been photographed (by yours truly) DRAG-RACING down the damn street, as well as walking ALONGSIDE a car while it was rolling up the street on it's own power and no one at the wheel...Amazing how stupid works with these people (like quite well?), isn't it?
OK...pop quiz...How do YOU spell MORONS?
(hint: think 14th letter of the alphabet)
And gosh-golly-gee-whiz...these are the SAME people that have over several hundred "stop-bys" a MONTH at their "crib" (which has had a FOR SALE sign on it for the last 2 months), as well as BOOMCARS galore, blunt-smoking out front, and other "dubious" behavior...(wish to hell they WOULD the Allen County lockup where they belong, because the ZOO wouldn't take them on a dare).
All of this...for the sake of "equal housing"..fairness..civil rights, call it what you will (I call it a drug house that needs to be raided). Some people just simply DO NOT BELONG living among NORMAL folks...they do not know HOW to conduct themselves in any sort of respectable, civil manner. And until we can address that issue with a VIABLE solution, I don't want to hear about race, equality or anything that's "supposed" to be working...'cause it's NOT...and I have the proof (see above) to back me up.
What I would state is that if we could corral ALL these STUPID PEOPLE up....and put them somewhere (far) away from everyone else...that would be a damn good start. And remember...STUPID is color-blind!
Everyone's DONE stupid's when it becomes an enjoyably CHRONIC condition that action needs to be taken.
But it's not I see this sort of thing every day...and speak from knowledge gleaned from their idiotic it?
(Bill Cosby IS right, dammit!)
B.G. I applaud you for standing
up to the FWPD and the B.S. located S.E.
Ask yourself, Location, Location,
Location. City gov is pouring 1.4
mil into McMillen Park to expand
the Lifetime Academy in the most crime rate area of the city. I do not get it. And I'm not sure if you are in that area. I just am thinking you live that way from your writings.
It blows my mind. At McMillen, we find empty gun shells in the parking lot, and bad vibes all around. In fact, McMillen Ice had a robber come in, case the lockers rooms, rob wallets and he was the same suspicious guy that
the staff said robbed them eailier in late summer. The first thing the FWPD asked was if McMillen had surveilance cameras in the parking lot or in the front lobby so they could get evidence.(No public surveilance
cameras. 5 seperate reports were filed all with case numbers)
What's even more remarkable is the follow-up from the detective on the case, said they had a bank surveilance of the guy trying to use a debit card but since he did not get any money out and the card was cancelled there was nothing they could do.
It's because of the "Privacy Act".
Thank goodness we just lost a drivers lics.& cash. Others lost S.S. cards, debit cards, and much more.
It's too weird. Be Safe.
Get a outside camera and security lights.
Of course, keep the most important self-defense at your side...Locked & loaded.
We might, once in a great while "advance to the rear" (as a purely strategic maneuver),but we shall NEVER retreat!
(I'm in Pettit-Rudisill area...just as gloriously ghetto-esque)
I used to install surveillance devices...that's an easy one for me (vbeg)...!
MY take on this "privacy act" is that I have MY RIGHT to MY PRIVACY...abuse my right, and you won't like the outcome....
My Dad used to say Never screw with anyone you don't might get a surprise you DON'T want.
These people will find out the hard way, believe me.
I'm with you and yours, B.G.
Just follow the "Golden Rule".
and above board within the system.
I told David what happened B, and he said that if the cops tried to get on to you if you defended yourself, you should reply to them that if they don't do it to the thugs in your neighborhood, they can't do it to you.
And I'm SO glad you guys weren't hurt...
Looks like things do change over the years.
McMillen rink manager out?
Toepfer says she’s been essentially fired; city says it’s reorganizing.
By Blake Sebring
Toepfer: Has worked at the ice arena since 1962
For more than 40 years, Mitzi Toepfer never needed a resume, in part because everyone knew where she was and how to get in touch with her. Now she may need a new job.
The longtime McMillen Park Ice Arena manager says she was essentially fired Tuesday, though no termination date has been set or official announcement released.
According to Toepfer, Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation Department Director Al Moll and Superintendent of Leisure Services Perry Ehresman told her in a meeting with her staff that new management would be needed and that she did not need to apply.
Ehresman said early today that no one has been fired, but the parks department is considering a staff reorganization based on a study of the rink released in August.
Toepfer, 66, has worked at the rink since 1962. The rink opened in 1956 as the state’s first artificial ice rink, didn’t get a roof until 1968 and, in 2000, added another sheet of ice in a $5.2 million renovation.
Toepfer had been a contracted employee until the renovations started in 1999, when she asked to be placed on the city payroll so she could receive benefits.
During her tenure, Toepfer has been responsible for bringing national and international hockey tournaments and regional figure skating events to the building.
She was inducted into the Indiana High School Hockey Hall of Fame in 2005 and is the state representative to USA Hockey, an organization she has been affiliated with for more than 30 years.
“If they want to point their finger at me and tell me I don’t know how to do my job, I’m sorry, that’s not going to fly,” Toepfer said.
“If you’re going to tell me it’s because people don’t like me, it’s generally because I’ve had to tell people, ‘No’ (to ice time), and I can point to 10 people who like me for every one of those. They want me to quit, and I told them flat out I would not quit.”
Toepfer said she was told the new manager would need to raise funds, find corporate sponsorship, sell ads for the dasher boards and oversee the figure-skating program, which will become the rink’s major emphasis for the next two years.
Toepfer said the move comes because of a report released Aug. 7 called the “McMillen Ice Arena BEST Team Report.” An 11-member volunteer committee concluded that McMillen Ice Arena “cannot serve the immediate and/or long term ice needs of the community,” and recommended discussion begin on construction of a new arena.
The committee, made up of people who had previously stated preferences for a new rink, recommended the city assume $3.5 million in debt for a new rink and the 2000 McMillen upgrades. Currently the debt is the sole responsibility of the arena, which attracts about 275,000 visitors annually. Both Toepfer and Moll have estimated the building receives revenues of $1 million annually.
The rink has five full-time employees, including a maintenance man and a secretary, and 30 to 35 part-time employees. Since the renovations in 2000, Toepfer estimates the number of people using the facility has increased at least 150,000.
The BEST report says, “The current McMillen organizational structure creates an autocratic management structure, focusing the decision making at the top with the arena manager. With a more team-orientated organizational structure, improvements could be made to be a more inclusive and open system for staff and users. This team structure should include management positions to focus on the areas that need improvement, specifically, marketing, hockey and figure skating director positions.”
Toepfer estimates her staff would have to at least double and probably triple to implement the recommendations. Three companies have tried marketing the rink in the last five years, she said, and all gave up. They were not mentioned in the BEST report.
No committee member talked with Toepfer or her staff, who were criticized within the report, she said. The report said the staff at McMillen was undertrained, but no one asked what kind of training staff members actually had, she said. Toepfer said staff members are required to take annual training from such organizations as USA hockey, and she is certified through Serving the American Rinks, a joint venture between the United State Figure Skating Association and USA Hockey
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