And let's face it...on the low-end of the spectrum, ANY set of $8 lights you can get for $4 or UNDER...even if you don't "really" need them...you just HAVE to get them, while on the HIGH-END...it's always nice to get some electronic, "life-enhancing" device for OVER FIFTY PERCENT OFF....it's a MALE thing. The "conquering the larger beast" (retail giant), as it were...LOL!
I like to call it a "Study in Spontaneity". How quickly can I decide that what I DON'T need, but just HAVE to get is really WORTH the cost? It's things like THIS that can keep one's mind sharp over the years...you have complex mathematics, decision-making and logic, philosophical conundrums, and even motivational nuances to deal with...and it's all due to spotting THAT special BARGAIN!
And they think only WOMEN can grab all the really good deals....
Still, it is a good time for the ladies in the group to start thinking about gifts for NEXT year...and this is where they can really shine! Men think of primarily of the "immediate"....the "here and now", if you will. Blame it on those millenia of cave-dwelling. Women see far in advance (and can plan accordingly)....overall, they have a MUCH better grasp of the spatial-time relationship thingy than WE do, and that's fine. It provides a good balance (in my relationship anyway), one keeping the other in check (AND from spending TOO much) when the situations present themselves. Some people are even blessed to be able to see BOTH aspects at the same time. Lucky bastards...!
So here's to next Christmas...bigger, brighter, and costing even LESS money than this year....
Who said we can't learn from the past, apply it to the present, thereby being able to affect the future?
So saddle up, pard'ner, mosey on out and git yourself some after-Chrstmas bargains...make next Christmas a whole lot easier to deal with.
You "only" have 363 shopping days left!
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