30 March 2007

The Daily Rant(ings)...

I admit to getting a laugh now and then while going through the News-Sentinel's "daily rant" blurb/column...been doing it for quite some time. It always provides more than enough amusement to last through 2 cups of coffee. Hell, it's better than most of the comics OR the editorial pages! It does make me wonder what the people who DO the ranting are all about.
I know why I rant...it's because of all the __________________ (fill in the blank with a few of YOUR favorite expletives) around here. I also wonder if they have a clue, need a clue, want a clue, or just want to "buy a vowel"...! Here's some recent rants, along with *my* observations and answers to their queries and ponderings:

I am a FWCS (Fort Wayne Community Schools) student and support the renovations. If you don’t agree, try spending a day in an un-air-conditioned building on a 90-degree day.

((I DID...about TWELVE YEARS to be exact...didn't do ME one bit of harm, and it's not gonna kill YOU either. We used to OPEN THE WINDOWS, or put on a FAN. Suck it up and get on with life!))

I’m a season -ticket person. Is there any way they could update the music they play at the hockey games?

((Sure...go tell the damn organ player to get some NEW sheet music...or better yet...just grab a couple CDs from Wal-Mart. Nothing screams HOCKEY like a few EMINEM tunes during a powerplay, eh?))

Every police officer in Allen County, including the Indiana State Police, should go to personality school.

((They DID...it's called "The College of Dealing With Assholes on a Daily Basis".....))

Coming into Fort Wayne on 33/27 South, the Anthony Plaza is an eyesore. Couldn’t a nice motel be built there with beautiful landscaping? The south end of town needs a good motel!

((You might not be aware of this, but the south end of town IS the city's premiere "eyesore"...been doing well at it for the past 15 years, and the concern the city has displayed in that regard shows all too well...and it DOES need a lot more...like an ENEMA...more DECENT people that really give a shit, less drugs, less illegal guns in the wrong hands, less public urination, less litter, fewer rentals, fewer Pitbulls and their owners, a LOT less boomcars and their drivers, MORE police, MORE shopping and more jobs that would bring, and a few REAL politicians that give a shit about this part of town, but hey...what the hell do I know...I only LIVE here))

Is anyone else concerned that with the higher property taxes we are going to have, plus the school board’s “Cadillac-system” schools … the charities that depend on our contributions are going to really suffer?

((Sure I'm concerned, and being philanthropic is a noble gesture, but as we all know..."charity begins at HOME"....so take a page from that book and worry about how YOU'RE going to pay for all those FWCS improvements, as well as rising utility costs, property taxes, sales tax, and all the other taxes those politicos have planned for YOUR future, OK?))

Fort Wayne’s answer to every problem: Raise taxes, get a fake study group together and spend, spend, spend.

((Now you're catching on, Bub.....you MUST be a Libertarian...you should run for MAYOR, clean house, and get this city back on the RIGHT track for a change.))

How sad! I thought we finally had someone that would stand up to the city. We will be sad to see The Palace restaurant go.

((It's all about the M-O-N-E-Y...as in moolah, cash, coin of the realm, dinero, the god-almighty dollar, francs, pesos...get the picture?))

Why do many of these people who plow the snow in business parking lots pile the snow in the handicap parking spots, making it impossible for those spots to be used?

((Probably because some numbnut thinks that handicapped people NEVER go anywhere whnever the least bit of inclement weather strikes...WRONG! That level of stupidity is right up there with those that park in the FIRE ZONE right outside Scotts & Kroger, directly UNDER the damn SIGN that says "NO PARKING-FIRE ZONE"!))

Shame on people who arrive at a drive-up banking window and straddle two lanes so that no matter which window opens or becomes available first, they can be the first to be served.

((Well, we "could" call it a LACK OF RESPECT for other people...or maybe a insufficient dose of CIVILITY, or perhaps they're a tad understaffed in the ETHICS department, but let's just call it what it is...a STOOPID mook who can't find their ass with both hands, OK?))

And this one is a "beaut"...
Why do people buy dogs, only to leave them outside all the time and rarely, if ever, interact with them?

((It's called NOT KNOWING your arse from a hole in the ground aka what you incur by taking on a responsibility. And to think that many of these SAME people who can't give the basic amenities to an ANIMAL are calling themselves PARENTS....oh, yeah, that's worth a few chapters in the tome of life to me, and explains a LOT of what's WRONG in this city, as well as across the nation with our youth today. It's just like the old "trash-IN, trash-OUT" theory))

So there we are..some of the obvious conclusions I've come to regarding some (rather) asinine questions. Feel free to apply any or all of them, should the need arise.

I promise won't tell...!

1 comment:

Jana said...

"I am a FWCS (Fort Wayne Community Schools) student and support the renovations. If you don’t agree, try spending a day in an un-air-conditioned building on a 90-degree day."

Try being in an un-air-conditioned classroom for a majority of the YEAR in 100+ degree weather, you big baby. Go live in Las Vegas, where most (if not all) of the public schools are YEAR-ROUND, then you'll know the TRUE meaning of hot.

Oh, and you can't open the windows either. Too much air polution (ever see the sky-line in Los Angelas? yeah, REALLY makes ya want to open the windows, let me tell you...).

Also, feel lucky that you don't live out west where water has to be rationed all the time and people's vehicles get over-heated at the drop of a hat.

Oh, feel VERY lucky that you're not living in the past, where air-conditioning at ANY place didn't exist...

What a brat...