03 August 2007

Tales From The South Side...

It's the end of the week, and I think it's time again for some of the MOST unbelievable things that nearly everyone else in Fort Wayne finds hard to understand...that's why SOMEONE has to relate them to the rest of you "normals" out there (that would be ME).

And if I had a video camera, I could YouTube this stuff for your amusement, because frankly speaking, there are those that simply can't (or won't) comprehend what goes on down here (that would be the curiously ABSENT City Council members, and the all but INVISIBLE area advocate who are too busy making sure we have a damn fine DOWNTOWN).

True Story:
Wednesday was trash (prep) day, and like any "normal" citizen, I put MY can out where IT belongs...after 12 noon, out along our alley (otherwise know down here as our auxiliary street system). And before Serv-All comes to pick it up on Thursday, I notice that MY can has suddenly (and for no other reason) MULTIPLIED into THREE cans! (Yeah, that's what I thought too). I'll have you know that my trashbin is NOT that kind of bin!
Seems the (add your own expletive here) "neighbors" didn't like THEIR side of the alley ..the trashy side as much as OUR side...the well-kept side. These are the SAME neighbors who recently enjoyed a week-long BLOCK PARTY when their 11 year old girl died in a car crash up the block. SO you KNOW what type of "animals" we're dealing with here, right? SO I go out AGAIN, and move THEIR cans to THEIR side of the alley, and loudly proclaim: "and I BETTER NOT have to come outside AGAIN, or there WILL be hell to pay". When the trash WAS picked up, the people moved only ONE of the two cans back alongside their house.
Sorry, but I already HAVE a trash bin, and don't need another (morons).

True Story:
A house down the block was recently placed on the "for sale" list, which means the guy who used to live there and work for GM before he became the neighborhood "burnout" (and was alleged to sell guns for drugs as well as grow pot IN said house) has moved to another place....good riddance to bad white trash, right? Well, almost.
First off, you have to understand what kind of person he is....his hair is long, greasy, and down the middle of his back (hey Einstein...the hippie movement hasn't been in vogue since the early 70s...it went went WEST to Frisco...move THERE wit the rest of the damn pot-headed tree-huggers), and he kind of looks a bit "Manson-esque", if you catch my drift. I didn't see a swastika carved into his forehead...(yet). He always had HUGE bonfires (we're talking pep-rally sized) well within 15 feet of the house (an NCE violation). And he was always wasted. Obviously, HE didn't listen to Dean Wormer (fat, drunk and stupid is not way to go through life, son). He certainly isn't fat..he's got more of that "meth-skinny" look about him, with no ass to hold those pants the hell up. Maybe that's why he prefers bib farmer overalls...LOL!
Anyway, he's outta here, and the house is being basically "renovated"...I mean GUTTED (it had standing water in the basement, the plumbing sucked and was basically a hell-hole before this guy moved out, as was told to me by a person who had been in that house)...so take a guess as to where ALL that crap wound up?
Nope...guess again.
RRRRIIIIGGGHHTTT. It wound up OUT FRONT, ALONG THE DAMN CURB. Can you say "slum-district" or "eye-sore"? I knew that you could. The men clearing the place out don't know OUR city code all that much. So, after I send an email to the proper city department, a Serv-All truck comes along yesterday, solely for the purpose of cleaning this damn blight up...congrats to Waste Management for...well, managing this waste with speed and alacrity. I can hardly wait to see the indigent, transient trash that winds up moving into that house. So far, we're 0 for 6 on the "trying to get a better neighbor" list. Not a good sign, is it?

True Story:
Yesterday, my wife was looking out our door (easy to do from the sofa in the family room), and she notices a young boy picking at the bark on our tree alongside the house. She went out and asked him what he was doing, to which he replied "nothing". She said that he should not be on our property (there is a sign still posted reading NO TRESPASSING). The boy went around the corner and up the block. With ALL the damn trees around here, it makes you wonder WTF made "OUR" particular tree so damn fascinating to this young boy, that he would ignore all the other multitude of trees in the whole area and fixate just on ours.
I mean, it's not like this is the "money tree" the city thinks we pluck all those FRANKLINS off of to pay our taxes now, is it? By the way, I neglected to mention that this boy was NOT white.
Well, this makes a nice statement about supervising your kids, knowing where the hell they're at, and maybe wondering if it would frigging KILL you people to get your welfare asses out and BUY them a frigging TOY once in a while, instead of blowing the wad on booze and drugs, so they don't wind up playing with a stranger's damn TREE several blocks away from their house...doesn't it?

Time and again I see this type of "behavior"....people who for some damn reason feel the need to randomly encroach on YOUR property, claiming it as part and parcel to "their" territory. I look at it like a "hostile annexation" of sorts.
Their motto is: What's yours is MINE, and what's mine is MY OWN".
Their "flag" is whatever bedsheets they hang in their windows as "drapes".
Their vehicle of choice is whatever is the NOISIEST (to annoy you).
Their children are taught to howl like hyenas before they're 4 years old.
Their fashion sense is nothing less than "thuggie/ho-chic".
Well I will say one thing...living here is a real double-edged sword. On the one hand, you have these deplorable people with absolutely no regard or respect for whatever YOU own, while on the other hand, it is somewhat amusing to watch their behavior, as it's SO far removed from what is normal (gives monkey island at the Childrens' Zoo some real competition...thank the maker they haven't got to flinging their feces...yet).
Maybe I should start tossing some peanuts...'ya think?

And that's exactly WHY I will continue to convey stories such as these (and much, much more) from our neighborhood...stories that make YOU glad you're NOT living here.
After all, some one's got to tell it, right?

Do have a safe weekend.


Jana said...

Gah, I can't STAND it when trash is thrown to the curb! I'm guessing the landlord or people in charge of cleaning out that house could've notified the Waste Management people, telling them that they need some trash bins for a few days?


Jen said...

Just a thought..... did you notice if the neighbors "other" trash was picked up or not? Some friends of ours had a similar situation recently and it turned out that their neighbors trash service had been suspended due to non-payment, so they had been placing their cans with our friends.

Bob G. said...

All the trash was picked up...I don't know if the non-payment thing works (at all) in this city, as I've never seen anything like it observed or enforced.

If this IS the case, they'll have a surprise next week if they try to "add " theirs to mine.

As to the trash at the curb, if they were going to toss out THAT much, they could have contacted Waste Management for a roll-off or a damn dumpster!


Tim Zank said...

BG...The phenomenon you speak of (everybody and their damn brother encroaching on your property) is fast becoming the norm. It's directly related to never have been taught respect. Respect for others, others property, elders, teachers,police, and the list goes on and on. It starts with the lousy parents and then carries on with our government reinforcing the lack of respect, by not listening to us, wasting our money, taking our property, and nannying us into submission.