I'd take about thirty years, if I had my druthers.
But let's not dwell...
Instead, let's focus on some snippets from the news.
-- Glenbrook Mall declares chapter 11 bankruptcy.
Our very own (last) real indoor mall is going to be "restructuring", but says operations will remain normal. In other words...keep on shopping, I mean it's NOT like this city loses malls...oh, wait...it DOES.
But there's a lot less CRIME where Glenbrook is, so you're all safe...for now.
Speaking of CRIME...
Face it, if the police pull someone over, and they have a HUGE wad of cash on them, and, after checking he person, find he has priors run-ins with the law, dresses like a gangsta, and is not currently (or really ever has been) employed, this guy MIGHT require some closer scrutiny...'ya think? And maybe we should check that new BMW he's driving as well. He could well be a "playa".
Speaking of "playaz"...

Kids will be kids, right?
I think not.
Problems like this are usually over some boy (who might not even attend that school), and you're way too young to get all into "adult shit" like this.

That would also help me prove that we have a PEOPLE problem and NOT a gun problem in this nation.
Speaking of people...
-- Parkview Field (of dreams) had a "sellout" crowd last night, as the Wizards...uh, I mean the TIN CAPS continued their win streak with a 7-0 win

And YES, it IS a nice stadium...then again, it's NEW, and most ANYTHING that's NEW is NICE. Let's see what shakes when the bloom is off the rose, and the shine becomes dull.
Speaking of Bloom...
And Peters, and Brown...(oh, my)
-- Anyone care to tell me WHY these county commissioners are the HIGHEST PAID people in their positions in the ENTIRE STATE?
Personally, I don't think they're worth the $65K+ they make every year to do...(what the hell is it they actually DO anyway?)...whatever they do (like propose MORE tax hikes..and RAISES for themselves).
With an economy like this, surely they could "fore go" a raise, or better yet...give BACK their salaries for a YEAR.
Speaking of politicians...

Yeah, well, unless and until the PREZ can invoke some sort of embargo against IMPORTATION of weapons INTO Mexico (and parts south), that dog ain't gonna hunt, people.
You know and I know that almost ALL the weapons finding their way into the hands of the drug cartels come from every place ELSE, than the USA.

Hell, they don't even have to sell DIRECTLY...they can sell to someone in Argentina, who THEN transports the weapons into Mexico's SOUTHERN border. Good luck with any progress you can make on that, Mr. Presidents!
Speaking of progress...

Seems we're well down the rabbit hole these days, anyway...
But it was refreshing to see SO many people with a single voice...didn't matter the color of the skin, the religious conviction, the job they held (or were laid off from), the money they had (or didn't have), or their political affiliation. They were out to make a point...and serve notice that enough big government is truly enough.
They exercised their right to PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY and FREEDOM OF SPEECH in a way that would have made Dr. King proud.
And now, the ball is in the government's court...
If they are a bit fearful over all of this...they should be.
The people will not "just go away".
And if the politicians don't give these people a second thought...that would be a mistake, and they'd best be looking for another job, because they WILL be voted out.

If we choose incorrectly, then WE can change that.
But...if WE do nothing...then NOTHING is exactly what WILL change.
Have a good weekend, and
Stay safe out there, America.
i'm kinda in a rush so i didnt read your whole blog today. but, glenbrook chapter 11. that is not good at all. last time i was there was a few years ago and i wasnt impressed. the apple part didnt have the resturant i liked going to. and it had really lost its charm. they could play up so many things there and they dont. you know the fountain in front of penneys was donated from disney world. perhaps not donated but i remember it came from down there. it was a big thing in the news back in the day.
They changed a LOT in the last few yeatrs there..the ICE RINK'S gone (got a carousel now), but the food court is larger.
KB TOYS is gone, and that quaint little "walkway" (cut-through) that had the coffee/tea shop went bye-bye as well.
ANd they have WAY too many CLOTHING stores...all with the same stuff (pretty much).
Not as much fun to go there as it USED to be.
Me and the missus make our BI-YEARLY jaunts there...and that's about it.
Then again, SOUTHTOWN MALL "used" to be a nice place to shop (even when HALF the stores were gone like back in 1997!)
Excellent post all the way through.
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