I'm not going to advocate one belief over another, as anyone who knows anything about most religions has already realized, there are MANY similar truths to be found in EVERY major religion.
I like to call them all part of the "Universal Constant"; Things that never alter, no matter what the case (or what the religion).
SACRIFICE is the cornerstone of this week...and weekend, for those of the Judeo-Christian faith.

The Israelities knew, ahead of time, that being released WOULD entail many sacrifices, and those that did not initially place lamb's blood on their doorposts paid the ultimate sacrifice.

Then there's US...the regular people...the ones who go about our daily routine, just doing what we have to to make our lives better, and the world a better place. Try as we might, any sacrifice we make pales in comparison to what we read about, or even what our faith allows us to believe in.

And these people are no more remarkable than anyone else, until the time comes when they are forced, by circumstances beyond their control to fulfill that obligation regarding that sacrifice.
And the color of their skin matters not, nor does their nationality...or religious belief.

They may patrol our streets, rescue our friends from burning buildings, or preserve freedom in a foreign nation.
Doesn't really matter...
What DOES matter is that they DO WHAT THEY DO in order to make the rest of us safe enough to live our lives, often oblivious to the work they perform. THAT is sacrifice on the grand scale.
Does that mean that the rest of us cannot sacrifice in other ways?
Certainly not.

(I remember quite a few ketchup sandwiches that speak to that, when I was young)
And we view our sacrifice as much as those that have given their all for this country and it's people.
That alone should give us pause to think.
There are many things in life we can simply DO WITHOUT...and so we sacrifice.
Thing is, once we're okay with doing without (when we really don't need it to begin with), we start to appreciate that which we DO HAVE a lot more. And we find that we CAN do without and still be fine with it. That makes us a bit more frugal with our lives. We're not cheapskates, because we can help ourselves when it comes to decisions that will entail some type of sacrifice, be it financial or whatever.
So from today until the end of this Sunday...take a moment to reflect about what it means to SACRIFICE.

Think about those who, this very minute, are sacrificing much in order to ensure YOUR safety. Think about tomorrow, and what sacrifices that will bring to so many in this country, perhaps even yourselves.
It doesn't matter if a sacrifice is made by ONE man, or by an entire nation. What needs to be understood is that it is often required in order to achieve a greater good.
And almost always, the sacrifice made is appreciated.
We may not enjoy making a sacrifice now and then, but in the end, we ARE better for it.
We may not wind up with the newest TV in the living room, the largest house on the street, or the leanest cut of meat from the grocery, but shouldn't such things NOT be those that define us?
Shouldn't we rather be defined by WHO WE ARE...and NOT by WHAT WE HAVE?
Sacrifices allow us that much in life.
And they build character, empower us to strive for the better, and compel us to become more than we were the day before.
We don't have to cut off our noses to spite our faces.
A sacrifice now and then really drives that point home.
It's just common sense and something for everyone to think about on this Good Friday.
Have yourselves a great weekend, a Blessed Passover or Easter, and as always...
Stay safe out there, America.
amen to that.
Same to you B, same to you.
Well said
just thought i would pass this to you. its one of those that make you go hummmm........
happy Easter.
Thanks, Indy...and a Blessed Easter to ALL of you.
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