And you do know that with the advent of warmer weather, the "frivolity" NEVER seems to stop.
-- First up, the city is doing some sewer work in an alley close by, and I've been watching the progress for almost two weeks. Lots of dump trucks have been rumbling through taking dirt away, and the guys working there are at it from damn near sun up.
And of course, they DO have to go home.
They make sure that signs are posted that it's a construction site, and that the road is closed ahead. They secure their equipment for the evening, and call it a day.

Enter some neighborhood youths of the minority persuasion, who, with ALL the toys on the market, and ALL the other things that should be keeping them otherwise entertained, find it fitting that this construction site will become their new PLAY AREA. (2 of the kids are numbered in the photo...the other two were hiding among the equpiment)
That's right, the X-BOX and the old playground aren't good ENOUGH any longer, and since whatever older person (they don't have parents in the usual sense) is SUPPOSED to be watching them is probably "getting their high on", they're NOT around to see that these kids are getting into something they're not supposed to.

There...did MY good deed for the day.
But, unfortunately, the story doesn't end there.
Later towards evening, a group of about 7-8 black girls come down the street...and you can HEAR them yelping like a pack of rabid hyenas a damn block away, so they're advertising their presence. Reminds me of the older women who pour on SO much perfume, that the scent gets to you minutes before the person arrives.
So these girls walk past the ROAD CLOSED sign, and proceed to knock it the hell over, and then kick over a couple of the orange barrels the guys placed along the street.
Idle minds are STILL the devil's playground, aren't they?
That was just in MY immediate area...
Hang in there, 'cause we're not finished...

Two people were cuffed and stuffed but have not been formally charged. I guess that's what happens when you have a DOZEN people in a small basement...with a gun...and NO idea WTF gun safety is all about, right?

The Green Dog store along State was targeted by a black robber yesterday. The store owner was handing over the money when HER dog jumped the thief. A struggle ensued, the dog was kicked, the owner cut (obviously by the robber), and the robber sustained dog bites (good doggie).
Makes me wish that K-9 unit that wrongly went after the black women the other day was at the damn store. That robber would be easy to spot with that German Shepard hanging off of his thigh, wouldn't he?
That's why I really should get a dog (when the cats depart). In my area, all you have to do is HAVE a dog, and these people will cross to the OTHER side of the THAT'S entertainment (for me).
One former neighbor has two dachshunds, and whenever a black person came near his house, they'd stand there and bark. Man, that person didn't know whether to shit or go blind! It was kind of funny, as the dogs were too friendly to begin with.

Yesterday,Holland pleaded guilty to numerous charges stemming from that home invasion in exchange fora prison sentence of between 40-60 years. I for me. Keep this savage off the damn streets.
When Holland left the house, the credit cards had been used at THREE gas stations, Wal-Mart and J.C. Penney (one busy-ass shopper stimulating his economy, no doubt). Interestingly enough, ALL of this was caught on VIDEO. The CLARK station, GLENBROOK MALL and WAL-MART all had Deangelo right in THEIR sights.
Holland also pleaded guilty to an unrelated robbery from February. As part of the (here we go with this shit again) PLEA AGREEMENT, Holland will serve the both robbery sentences CONCURRENTLY...and NOT CONSECUTIVELY (damn judicial system screws up again).
-- Another molester is charged (hurray for the good guys).
Jermarcus Jones (who the f$ck NAMES these people???), 26, of the 5000 block of Holton Avenue (yes, deep on the south side of town...where I personally have close to FIFTY sex offenders within a 1 mile radius of MY house) is being charged with two counts of child molestation. He has NOT been arrested (what the f$ck are you waiting for????).
Back in November, Jones molested a 13 year old girl during a sleepover at the home of the victim's friend.
Lastly, I saw an interesting show on the History Channel about the 7 deadly sins.
If there is ONE commonality among all the Aborigines in MY area, it's ENVY!
I've said here many times they have the mindset of "What's yours is MINE, and what's MINE is MY OWN".
it's not about keeping up with the Joneses...or the Smiths...or even the Cohens. It's about BESTING THEM ALL...and by any means possible.
It never occurs to any of them that *if* they went out and EARNED a damn living from a REAL job, they could GET whatever it is they feel they "need". Trouble is with is NEVER satisfied...welcome to MY neighborhood.
They want what YOU have, simple as that.
Doesn't matter if they NEED it...they just WANT it.
(because YOU have it...whatever *it* is)

They want the ease of access, as well as the views offered from most any direction. Let's face it, they'd make damn good DRUG HOUSES. It would certainly be on MY list, were I like these thugs.
Those that want what you have will stop at nothing to make your life as miserable as possible for you. They will encroach on YOUR property, make YOUR lawn the repository of whatever trash falls from their primate paws, urinate in public against a house or garage, and will gladly take to vandalism to get their "point" across.
The sad thing is that too many people caved into the ENVY emanating from these people and left the area, when they SHOULD have took a stand and made THEIR point known.
And then, after a time, a city wonders WHY their tax base has eroded away like a levy in New Orleans during a CAT-5 storm.
It's sure NOT the economy, because people like my "neighbors" do the same damn thing even if the economy is BOOMING. It's just in their nature. Must be the lack of frontal lobe development we hear about.
In any event, much of the problems found in an area like mine (or Phil's) can be attributed to ENVY, plain and simple.

It's not a pipe dream, but is certainly is common sense.
Stay safe out there, America.
58 to the head, transported A- wowwwwwww
you dont hear that very often.
Yeah, it IS a rarity, considering ALL the illegal gunplay that goes on down here.
MY gut tells me it must have been a small caliber glancing wound, otherwise we've have a turnip in some hospital ward...or a body in the morgue.
If some of these perps LIVED long enough, they'd probably all be BETTER shots...not that that's a GOOD thing.
Like much in their lives, they usually go for QUANTITY instead fo QUALITY.
I just like to hit what I aim center body mass for starters.
But to each his own.
Thanks for stopping by.
i hear ya about cleaning up. the empty house next door got the gang symbols on it the other day. and i went out and spray painted white again. f them. they arent paying my freaking property taxes. and i let the little punks know who the hell i am too. trust me they leave this woman alone.
Good for you for taking a stand!
Now..if we had about a few HUNDRED more JUST LIKE YOU...
We could chase these thugs outta town, and make the cities nice to live in and raise a family.
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