--If it's not a bank, it's a car company...or mortgage lenders...or some other entity that is crying the blues when they SHOULD have been paying the hell attention and making a lot more, BETTER decisions.
But that's OK...we can ALWAYS print more money...not that it'll be worth much in years to come, unless some DRASTIC changes occur in the government.

Nor a Jewish nation...
Nor a Muslim nation...
As the Prez said:
"We consider ourselves a nation of CITIZENS...(who are bound by a set of ideals and values) "
Allllllrighty, then..,sounds a tad like 1984 or Brave New World to me.

Cripes, they were ONLY going to make less than EIGHTY to begin with. So what if they DO cost $140 million a piece, I think OUR nation's security IS worth it, don't you?
But all is NOT lost, people. The DoD will pick up the slack and fill the hole left by the LACK of Raptors with the F-35 (Lightning) fighter.
It's not as fast, or as stealthy, or as "cutting edge", but it IS a damn good fighter, and comes in 3 "flavors" (for the USAF, the USN, and the USMC) including a VTOL version.
Yeah, thank God for small favors, right?
That's right, instead of clogging up those cells with minor offenders, get 'em outside in the fresh air and sunshine (or rain, doesn't matter to me) filling potholes, picking up litter, and other sundry jobs that would save that county a nice "chunk o' change".
Be nice to see my "neighbors" out doing such meaningful work. Hell,to see them do ANY kind of real work would be something I'd actually PAY to see (instead of paying for them to do NOTHING).
Maybe we could make it a venue in the new Parkview Field. Charge admission to see former lazy-asses become quasi-productive citizens in the off season.
Gotta think OUTSIDE the box sometimes, when it come to new revenues for our city.

(We're NOT a Judeo-Christian nation???)
Sorry...thinking out loud again.
I was just thinking about that statement...
This nation WAS FOUNDED by men of CHRISTIAN persuasion. The concepts and principles that were placed in our most revered documents pertained to values of CHRISTIAN men. Men who KNEW what REAL morality was. They knew that without such things, this nation would never have been born. And it's to these men we OWE our livelihoods.
If we can add to this initial founding of what we call AMERICA, then it was born on the backs of every single immigrant that came to this nation legally, wanting to become a part OF this country as an AMERICAN.
The nation was built by the sweat of the Irish, the Italians, the Germans, the Chinese, the Jews, and many others that flocked to our shores.
Sure, we've gotten pretty far away from what this nation USED to be, but it's not because of an influx of people from other countries. It's because we lost our way when it came to the founding VALUES that America was built upon.
And our government, which, in it's inception was designed to be a "representative" government of all it's people, became a "nanny" that sought to "take care" of all of us, by robbing the rich to pay the poor.
Now those who ARE rich don't bother me all that much, unless their riches were gotten in a wrongful manner, or the riches are squandered on hedonistic pursuits instead of philanthropic outlets.
Most rich people got that way by busting their asses and taking leaps of faith.

I don't want to see MY government hovering over my shoulder, making sure I wear my mittens, buckle up, and stop smoking while I decide (by their persuasive tactics and nonsensical rhetoric) to NOT get that red meat at to local eatery.
I think I, like most every other American can make their own (informed) decision about a LOT of things in my life. I don't need the government in every aspect OF that life...and neither do you.
Besides, isn't that what caused the colonies to break away FROM England in the FIRST place?
Have we finally come FULL CIRCLE in that regard?
I'd like my government to run my COUNTRY (and not into the ground)...NOT me.
If I make a mistake, I will own up to it.
If I break the law, I expect to reap the consequences of my actions.
But if I follow the laws, and behave myself, I do not expect to be lumped in with everyone else that does not.
I didn't mean to turn this into a rant over politics, as I detest anything (or anyone) that never learns from it's OWN mistakes.

If we don't LEARN from history, we are bound to REPEAT it.
Yep, sounds all too familiar, doesn't it?
Well, there is ALWAYS hope that America can get this runaway train back on track before we run off the mountain.
Stay safe out there, America.
1 comment:
You DO have a good point, although many of those same Christan men DID free a number of their slaves, educated them, and brought them up with the sense of values that many seem to lack today.
And if we want to talk about GREAT men...Abraham Lincoln once said prior to writing the Emancipation Proclamation (13th amendment):
"If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union."
Sadly, today, many people STILL are in some sort of slavery...perhaps not in the literal, leg-ironed term, but by the lack of morality, for instance; that which makes everyone unique seems to be missing. They could care less about this country, as long as they get what they want.
We've become slaves to work, to debt, to marketing, to more debt, to entertainment...even to government (intervention)...and to what end?
We need to get back that spirit of self that says "CAN DO", instead of "CAN'T BE BOTHERED".
Thanks for your comments. Quite intuitive.
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