It was FORTY ONE years ago THIS DAY that man FIRST set foot on the MOON.
Many viewed this as a "race" to the moon.
And SO many more of us stayed up very late to watch the event on TV (another first).
Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, aboard Apollo 11 lifted off from Cape Kennedy to traverse the distance to our closest stellar "neighbor".

It was an amazing feat, performed by an amazing people.

So, here's to the crew and support staff, engineers and workers that made this mission possible.

No problem too big that we cannot overcome together.
"...The Eagle has landed."
(forty one years ago today)
Stay safe out there, America.
OMGosh that got past me.. thanks for the reminding me.
Nearly got past me, too...
But, it IS worth thinking about.
Thanks so much for stopping on by.
dont feel bad you two. it got past me and its the day after my birthday. i still remember being a toddler and watching it on tv. trust me i didnt want to watch my dad made me becouse "history was in the making". that was the start to my good memory skills.
Well, I hope you had a wonderful birthday.
I spent the "night" over a girlfriend's house staying up with her father to watch it.
(I was still in high school)
And even as sleepy as I was, it was still a "wow" moment.
Again...belated wishes for YOUR day...and thanks for stopping by.
Carry on!
Dear Bob,
My memories of this watershed event are crystal clear! My dad made us kids watch it, including hours of the simulated Apollo capsule in the fake sky with the 'beep beep' noise. I think that was why movies turned to generating special effects--an entire generation had to watch bad ones!
But seriously, it was, and remains, an amazing accomplishment. We opened up a new world and a new set of dreams. The possibilities seemed endless.
What greatness is,
Ann T.
I'll tell 'ya...if it wasn't for ABC's Jules Bergman (the voice of NASA), I'd know a lot LESS about space exploration.
It was one iof those UNIFYING EVENTS in our history.
Hardly anything else mattered...
EVERYONE was pretty much transfixed by it all.
Be nice to have such a wonderful event as this happen again.
We could sure use it now.
Thanks for stopping by to comment.
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