There is lotsa stuff out there to knock about, so we're going to be keeping this joint jumpin' for a spell.
Pour another cup of your favorite early day beverage, ease back and spend a few minutes here.
I promise you will wake up your neurons in no time!
*** Since I ALMOST forgot about yesterday's anniversary of the first MOON LANDING, it was only fitting that I DID in fact forget something almost as noteworthy - Yesterday marked the 37th anniversary of the DEATH OF

Personally, I always admired him, and since we were about the same height, I admit to being envious of his physique AND his discipline.
He was born twelve years before me, and according to the Chinese calendar, that makes BOTH of us "Year of the Dragon" children.
Sadly, his son Brandon also died while filming a movie (The Crow), but the all-too-short legacy that BOTH of them have provided us, still speaks to us decades after they have gone.
*** In (our) local news...
Two men were found dead inside a S. Anthony Blvd. house on the SE side (where else?), and while the police do not suspect foul play, we are still awaiting the coroner's autopsy report.
And here's the story link:
One of the neighbors stated (in typical battered urban English): "It ain't no bad neighborhood. It musta been somethin' that went wrong there, It can happen anywhere". Really? NOT a "bad" neighborhood?
Where have you lived? DETROIT?
Well, compared to Camden , Newark, Detroit and much of Chicago, that neighborhood IS NOT a "bad" neighborhood...but any NORMAL, law-abiding person would tell you it's certainly NOT a GOOD neighborhood either. It's all part of "The badlands" down here.
Seems Kirstin Cook might have picked the wrong occupation, and is now going to become part of the NON-working class in the Summit city.
Here's the link to the story:
And to think this happened at the Canterbury Green Apartments. My wife stated that this USED to be a top-shelf complex, and that was why we couldn't afford it when we first moved here.Apparently we know ONE of the reasons you need a fair amount of MONEY to live there.
Neighbors of course were shocked to hear of this. They just thought the resident liked to "party".
(yeah right...that's what it's ALWAYS about)

Well, there is someone you might want to keep and eye on, and even consider voting for if you live in his NY congressional district of Westchester.

We could use a few more men of character like him.
He seems to speak his mind, and not afraid to cite the TRUTH.
I admire that.
You might also want to read THIS (related) article from a 2008 issue of The Atlantic that speaks to the problems encountered in Memphis with such housing:
I cited this article quite some time ago, when I posted about living in an area where the houses once OWNED by regular citizens were turned into HUD hovels, replete with all the crime one comes to expect.
This story is a good read, trust me...and is a warning to many.

Big surprise here, hmm?
I STILL maintain there is definitely a KEVIN JAMES "connection" with her..."she's funny" as Lindsey Graham noted when HE, a republican voted FOR her appointment.
that what we need...more FUN AND GAMES (or is that Bread and Circuses?) on the Supreme Court, right?
Let's get AS MANY people into some position of power, who have little if ANY real EXPERIENCE concerning that position, shall we?
And then sit back and watch our nation fall farther down this rabbit hole-to-hell. Sounds like a plan...and a very PROGRESSIVE plan (imho), if you ask me.

And everyone wants to hang BP out to dry on this.
I've said from the onset, that this type of drilling does not come without risks, as does ANY sort of drilling. History has shown the deaths and disaster than can happen in coal mines, oil rigs, precious metal mines, strip mining, and so on.
For once, I'd love to see this administration NOT jerk their knee at every little thing, and act like some spoiled brat, wanting things to always go THEIR way.
Things will get fixed, ecological balance will be restored, and we'll all be back to our entertainment-driven existences soon enough.

She'll be in her cell 22 hours a day for however FEW days she stays in.
Maybe this kid will be able to get her emotionally train-wrecked life BACK on track...who can say.
I won't be holding MY breath in the meantime.

Hmm...I guess that $20 million recently sent down there didn't go as far as expected?
This sounds like a Hollywood movie plot, what with this MERIDA INITIATIVE being implemented.
(that means armored cars, helicopters and training for law-enforcement officials in Mexico & Central America)
Here's the story link:

See? It DOES all balance out in the end, right?
Told you we had a full plate this morning, didn't we?
The GOOD news is that we're all not "expected" to be involved with any or all of this.
The BAD news is that...we probably will, at least as far as our "Hip-national-Bank" is concerned.
Like the old John Denver song goes:
"Some days are diamonds...some days are stone".

Me? I'm thinking the closest we'll get to a "diamond" day will be CUBIC-ZIRCONIA...!
Still, it's better than river rock, and a lot less slimy.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
bruce lee. my ex husband got me hooked on his movies. pretty awesome man. (bruce lee that is)
fort wayne and bad neighborhoods. lol i hear from the rumor mill down here not to move back for anything. whew. i say sometimes i think about retiring up there and i get these looks and people say no, no indy (they use my real name) you dont want to go there. its FULL of gangs. wow. what a statement from people in indy.
cantaberry green in the news again. i am truely amazed. that used to be the prized jewel up there. heck i even talked my dad out of retiring out of there after my mom died and that was in 98 or so. he passed away in 99. those three rivers apartments downtown used to be where the rich folks lived too back in the day. i heard they are also full of strippers and hookers.
and NO you dont want hud housing to move in where you live. when i moved in my ex neighborhood almost 13 years ago we had hardly any hud. then the powers to be bought up the land with trees on it ( a nice small woods) ripped them out and planted brand new hud apartments on it. we went threw a year of dust from the tearing down and the building up. then we get neighbors from hell shooting their weapons all the time. that was one of the reasons i bought that house it wasnt on the back of apartments. then i get that for my neighbor. within 3 or 5 years everything had changed. our neighbors had white flight and the whole area went down from there.
i heard the sea floor is cracked from this drilling going on. i have nothing good to say about drilling in the ocean. look at florida. their beaches are ruined and they never took handouts from the oil wells becouse they would have rather had clean beaches for people to flock to.
lindsy. what a joke 90 days in jail. i think she needs it to. kinda like a parent spanking her butt. she needed a good butt spanking and she will probley get treated like a queen becouse they have over crowding at that jail and i have heard she will be released early. what a joke. released early from only 90 days.
to me it seems like our country shakes mexicos hand wayyy too much. i'm out on that thought for now.
I told you we had a lot on the plate today...
Yeah, we've got gangs here.
Canterbury Green - ain't what it used to be.
All this and more is what you get WHEN you allow the wrong people to move into nice areas.
And then give them everything.
The area get TRASHED.
They simply cannot APPRECIATE it, because they never earned ONE DAMN BIT of it.
You work for something...you DO appreciate it, and savor that "victory".
Used to be that way in the military...you succeed because you busted your ass to get it (whatever "it" was...usually it was a weekend pass...LOL)
There, you NEVER got something for nothing. You EARNED it, or you did without.
Should be the same in the REAL world.
Maybe someday...eh?
Thanks a lot for swinging on by today.
Carry on.
Dear Bob,
What I know about Lindsey L. would fit in an espresso cup. But that is some seriously messed-up chick. Whatever wake-up call works, great. In the meantime, few others seem to be getting her slack, which fries me sideways.
As to HUD . . . one good thing they did, some long time ago .. . the local authority in one town I lived in was so riddled with corruption in the assisted housing--that HUD DENIED them their Federal Funds until they cleaned house. That was under Clinton. Sometimes the Feds can play a little hardball on the local's behalf.
On the other hand, it's going to take a river of tears and a mountain of paper to fix this broken system.
As always, THANK YOU!
I love dropping by and getting the skinny, the laugh, and the oh, dear, all in once place.
Once in a while, but not all that often, SOMEONE is SOME Federal agency honestly "gets it", and makes a GOOD call.
Trouble is, that should be the NORM, and NOT the exception.
It's like we used to say about life...
You get awarded "ATTA BOYS" and "OH SH*TS".
Curiously enough, it always takes TEN "atta boys" to erase just ONE "oh sh*t".
Doesn't matter if it's the FEDS, the private sector, law-enforcement or the military...always shakes out that way.
And thank YOU for taking time from your "alleged" travels and picture-taking to (allegedly) stop on by today...lol.
Always appreciated.
The blight is spreading, from one place to another. I've been up since before dawn, reading and browsing online.. lots of gov't corruption, misdemeanors and high crimes going on. The apartments we used to live in back in 90, are now mostly funded with HUD, and the retirement/disabilty housing they put up, guess what - drug users and alcoholics are now 'disabled' so guess where they are making a slum of. I spent a good part of the evening reading at overlawyered.com and cato institute blog. Quite a bit of good stuff there :)
speaking of HUD 0- check this out http://www.downsizinggovernment.org/hud
If America truly suffers from anything we could call a "disease"...THIS is it!
It's from THIS housing debacle that all the other problems seem to stem from.
It's not about being POOR, either. It's about being "entitled".
Personally, I call it just another form of slavery.
Only the "chains" are a lot more "subtle".
I will be checking those links out...definitely!
Thanks for the heads up AND for taking a few minutes to stop on by today.
If the Feds want to help with the drug problem, they could spend a few dollars here to properly secure our porous borders.
They could use the billion they're handing to Mexico as well as all the money they are wasting by suing Arizona for enforcing the law.
Bruce Lee movies are fun. There was always that rumor that he died of poison which adds intrigue to is story.
HUD? Don't get me started.
I could not AGREE with you MORE!
But, we both have a "unique" perspective when it comes to crime, drugs, and other "fun" things normal people really don;t get to "enjoy', yes?
Thanks for stopping on by.
And don't be a stranger in my part of "da hood", 'K?
Stay safe up here.
When I hear the phrase "chop-sockie flick", I just have to think of Raymond Chow and Bruce Lee.
Lee was one of a kind...and I remember him in The Green Hornet -(opposite Van Williams). Used to have reruns on some cable channel (American Family Network?)
Look at the genre he spawned.
Simply astounding.
(and yes, always fun, too)
THanks so much for stopping on by.
I got hooked on Bruce Lee's movies when I was a kid. They were always favorites of my dad. I'm still a huge fan as an adult.
I was always SO envious of his physique it wasn't funny.
And no matter HOW much I tried to emulate it...never even got close.
He was a person that bridged cultures, brought people together, and made a wonderful impression...and continues to do to this day.
Thanks for swinging on by.
Stay cool!
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