(hey, it's what Obama called us, so it MUST be correct...LMAO!)
We've got a crapload of things to get to on this last Friday on July, so I'm going to hit the high points, and let you decide for yourselves about HOW ridiculous most of this stuff is...or could be...fair enough?
Alright then...let's saddle on up and get ready to ride.
*** Yeah, Obama was on The View the other day (avoided it like the plague), and he DID mention that we are "mongrels".

I suppose that's better then being called MONGOLS, but think about it for a moment.
We actually all ARE a culmination of our past mixes with other nationalities. We're not "pure-bred" like an AKC Collie, are we?
Jews married gentiles, Italians marred Irish, blacks married whites, and so on.
Even the first colonists

(who knew?)

Yeah, this is a real "WTF?" moment to be sure, trust me.

Quick, someone get SEIU a THREE-YEAR OLD!
And the analogy to internment camps is just plain asinine.
We wrongly took Americans of Japanese decent and placed them far from the general public. The "tent cities" are in AZ to house illegals and the CRIMINAL ELEMENT of that area.
No comparison at all.
End of subject.
*** If you're going to run a warrant for a drug search (in Fort Wayne, anyway), and

Yepper, the law is sure STACKED in favor of the criminals these days, isn't it?
Here's the link to the story in our local paper:
Yeah, let's forget that this guy has a "history", and that his attitude towards law-enforcement precluded the need for NOT knocking.
But the entry team DID use a battering ram, which to ME constitutes a "knock" on the damn door.
And I'm sure they announced WHO they were, because even the AVON LADY doesn't use such strong-arm tactics to make a sale!
Talk about your F'ed up laws these days...just plain STOOPID!
*** This story goes to show the degree that some vandals will stoop to, in order to "feed their habit"...

Well, in impoverished nations in AFRICA, food IS a weapon. Actually, it's more like leverage against starving people.
Wow, the government could do that HERE to control us better.
Oh, wait...isn't that ETHANOL (is better than gasoline) SCAM doing just that already?
*** And speaking of gasoline...

Here's the full story:
They "say" they're not planning to change things in America...but as always you NEVER know what will happen from day to day with such people.

Lohan will be out of jail soon (yawn)...and on American Idol, J-Lo might be the NEXT judge, since Elllen Degeneres left (double yawn).
*** Obama is in Michigan (in campaign mode AGAIN, I might add) to day to sell the car bailout (scam).

Let's NOT forget that many of the CHRYSLER dealerships that were CLOSED, ousting about 100,000 employees (talk about job gains in that private ssector, hmm?), most ALL of the dealerships that were closed were run by REPUBLICAN supporters...wow, imagine that!
Yo, Mr Prez...gonna tell the TRUTH for once?
*** Here's a situation where Charlie might find a way to WRANGLE out of...

Here's the story:
Now, think if this were either YOU or I that did this (I know...we don't do things like that anyway, but let's "pretend")
We'd be hung out to dry with the rest of the laundry...if not fined AND (probably) imprisoned.
Now, I think...just to "make a statement", that Charlie SHOULD be made an example of...as a message to all the OTHERS that are ethically unfit for office.
It's just a suggestion, but one that would have far-reaching effects...IF we could manage to do it.
Personally, some effigy-burning of Charlie might be in order...
(hey, people have done it to many other political officials...even PRESIDENTS)
*** I don't know WHY this story is JUST breaking...I related to everyone here a few DAYS ago. Maybe the news agencies want to make sure MY "sources" are correct? This is about that army private arrested for handing over 92,000+ sensitive documents to a journalist/hacker who dumped them onto WikiLeaks.
Makes me proud to be in the "intel" business (again)...heh, heh, heh.
And I didn't even KNOW I was in it.
(I'm definitely not getting all my memos)
Lastly today...
Went and saw our neighbor Bill Usher yesterday, and although not a lot of people were coming and going, it seemed intimate enough.
He did look good (for passing due to pancreatic cancer).
I admit that I was trying my best to not get as heavy-hearted on the outside as I was feeling on the inside.

The way it SHOULD be.
They were also playing a DVD loop of Billy's "life" in pictures...very well done.
Told the missus I need to get some more recent pictures of myself...just in case.
(hey, 'ya never know when your work might be finished)
I suppose the most difficult aspect to losing ANYONE you've ever cared anything about is missing them.
And the CLOSER they were to you...the MORE you miss them.
You do long for a few minutes just to talk with them one more time.
I recall spending time at the cemetery my Dad was buried in (as well as my mom 20 years later), and just sitting, and silently speaking with them...letting them know things were OK, but I still missed them.
It's rough some days...on those "special" days...days you ALL held dear. Holidays are on that list, as are birthdays and anniversaries.
You never REALLY get over it...but you DO learn to LIVE WITH IT.

And that IS a part of the human condition.
Have a great weekend, make a difference to someone, and, as always...
Stay safe out there, America.
Hey Bobby G. Sorry about the loss of your friend and neighbor. Loss is a hard thing to deal with. I sort of felt like you were sitting here across the picnic table talking to me about it. I enjoy your blog.
Your Friend,
YOu sentiments are well-received and are also so very true.
Im don;t deal with loss all that well...I'll come right out and say it.
I've lost pets all throughout my life, parents, relatives, dear friends, neighbors, co-workers...you name it.
While I ACCEPT it, that doesn't mean I have to "like" it, right?
And I think as long as I rememeber ALL of them, they're never going to be totally GONE, either.
Thanks you so much for taking time to stop by the "picnic bench"...!
ALways a place saved for you.
Have a great weekend.
Dear Bob,
Yes, I also am glad you wrote a little more about your friend and former neighbor.
The personal counts most. I really hope you get a nice quiet couple of mornings with your wife, the flowers, a good cup of joe, Mr. Bunny Rabbit and the birds. It's time for the world to cut some slack.
Best wishes and I'll see you in the 'hood!
Ann T.
Sorry to say ONE of the "Mr. Bunny Rabbits" was hit by one of our (too) many local speed-freaks 2 mornings ago.
(didnpt see it, thankfully)
Went to that great carrot patch in-the-sky.
The GOOD news(?) is I've seen at least FOUR rabbits around (busy little buggers), our "hutch" is still occupied by ONE of them, and I'll be relating that "tale" (no pun intended) on Monday...among other "fun" things.
Agreed that the world needs to back off a bit...I gotta catch MY breath.
(and hear myself think...even through the tinnitus...LOL)
Hey, thanks SO much for stopping by "the hood".
Have a great weekend and, God willing, we'll catch 'ya on the flip side.
i think the bunny is keeping company with your old neighbor. it was a shame that he died. been feeling under the weather lately so i havent really visited your blog. but..........let me give you a web link for the biggest bull shixxxx thing i've heard lately.
its something that could cause race riots.
Yeah, I was thinking along the lines of the RAINBOW BRIDGE thing with that rabbit...
As to that story...WOW
( the NEXT Civil War?)
Let's hope not, eh?
Hope you're feeling better.
ANd thanks for stopping by today.
Have a great weekend.
Bob G:
I was listening to Rush on Thursday and listened to this exchange with a caller about "mongrel".
RUSH: To the phones we go to Walter in Burrillville, Rhode Island. Nice to have you on the EIB Network. Hello, sir.
CALLER: Hi, Rush. It's really an honor to speak to you.
RUSH: Thank you, sir.
CALLER: Hey, The View this morning, President Obama called himself a "mongrel."
RUSH: Not just himself. He called all African-Americans, and even some white people, "mongrels."
CALLER: Well, is it safe now to say, "The son of a bitch has to go"?
RUSH: (laughing)
CALLER: Hey, campaign slogan!
RUSH: (laughing) You know... (laughing) I think we got Walter Williams on the phone here, ladies and gentlemen. A campaign slogan. He has to go. The best campaign slogan that's out there is "We're Not Democrats." What bothered you about him using the term "mongrel," Walter?
CALLER: It's not made for humans. The term "mongrel," you gave the definition. It's for animals.
RUSH: Right.
CALLER: And he's calling himself, he's calling everybody of mixed dissent "mongrels."
RUSH: Right.
CALLER: Well, it's safe to say now, "The son-of-a-bitch has to go"?
RUSH: No, you can't say that! You can't. You can't.
CALLER: Well, I did.
RUSH: His mother was white. You can't say that.
CALLER: (sigh) Well, I did.
RUSH: You said it. You said it twice. But don't say it again.
CALLER: Okay, promise.
RUSH: I mean... Whew. We probably have 20 seconds to decide whether or not to bleep this. Do we want to bleep it or not? We've got about 15 seconds to decide whether we want to bleep this. We've got about ten seconds to decide... I'm told now it's actually 20 seconds we've got to decide whether we want to bleep it, 'cause he said it twice. (interruption) I'm not talking about "mongrel." I'm not talking about bleeping "mongrel." He said... (interruption) I know "context" is important! Well, it's too late now. We have to live with it.
Hey, I really appreciate the transcript snippet...LMAO!
Thanks for stopping on by and providing some "context"...!
Have a great weekend.
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