To The Victors Belongs The Spoils...
This phrase is attributed to Senator William Marcy (D-NY) referring to the Jackson Democrats victory in the 1828 election.
And I suppose it's just as apropos today as back then.
We are at WAR.
There, I said it.
I'm not referring to the "boots on the ground" conflicts our military is involved with overseas, or even upon our streets as law-enforcement fights drug infestation in our neighborhoods.
We have a war being waged in our very homes.
The fact that many of us HAVE homes is a direct result of this war.
The fact that many others of us DO NOT have homes is a result of this war.
We are not engaged in a war fought with guns (although in some neighborhoods across America, that point could be convincingly argued).
This war is being waged with words...ideals...principles...values.
And each of us has been already placed upon this playing field, whether we choose to be...or not.
We had NO say it it whatsoever.
This is a war of CLASS.
It's otherwise referred to AS "class-warfare"...pitting one socio-economic class against another.
Think of it as the HAVES versus the HAVE NOTS.
These used to be a time when we always seemed to have THREE distinct classes.
They were the RICH...the POOR, and the MIDDLE CLASS.
And it was often said (and in many cases proven) that the MIDDLE CLASS shouldered the burden for the other TWO classes.
The "rich" were provided ways to dodge taxation, the poor never made enough TO pay taxes, so that left ONLY the middle class to carry on this "good fight".
What many have failed to realize, is that many OF those rich people were mainly responsible for entrepreneurial and philanthropic endeavors, which led to more people becoming more educated, grant programs, and foundations created for research and development in the private sector.
That meant JOBS.
As to the poor...the Bible says we shall ALWAYS have them with us, but that doesn't mean we either have to do nothing about it, OR (worse yet) reward being poor by having the government GIVE them something for nothing.
And what about this middle class?
Well, after all this struggle between the classes, we're finding that the middle class is a lot closer to becoming part of the POOR, instead of gravitating towards the rich. Think about it.
If you are part of this middle class (and about 80% of us have been, even on a generational level), you're finding, with the passage of time, that your dollar buys less, your bills keep rising, and you're becoming more akin to the HAVE NOTS than the HAVES in life.
Many are but a few paychecks or less from financial insolvency...and that's NOT a good thing.
But still, we (they) soldier on...doing what we expect ourselves to do...we do the right things for the the right reasons.
And, like ANY war, there comes a time of ESCALATION in the conflict.
We're seeing that being unveiled under our very noses.
Our current administration would just LOVE to see everyone become more "equal", and that means a redistribution of the "wealth".
Well, to those WITHOUT wealth (the have nots), that's a bloody GODSEND, isn't it?
To those WITH any amount of wealth (the haves) it's their worst nightmare.
SO, what about this here "middle class"?
They just get "reclassified" into the POOR category, because being able to sustain oneself in a financially elevated class is unattainable.

And I suppose it's just as apropos today as back then.
We are at WAR.
There, I said it.
I'm not referring to the "boots on the ground" conflicts our military is involved with overseas, or even upon our streets as law-enforcement fights drug infestation in our neighborhoods.
We have a war being waged in our very homes.
The fact that many of us HAVE homes is a direct result of this war.
The fact that many others of us DO NOT have homes is a result of this war.
We are not engaged in a war fought with guns (although in some neighborhoods across America, that point could be convincingly argued).
This war is being waged with words...ideals...principles...values.
And each of us has been already placed upon this playing field, whether we choose to be...or not.
We had NO say it it whatsoever.
It's otherwise referred to AS "class-warfare"...pitting one socio-economic class against another.
Think of it as the HAVES versus the HAVE NOTS.
These used to be a time when we always seemed to have THREE distinct classes.
They were the RICH...the POOR, and the MIDDLE CLASS.
And it was often said (and in many cases proven) that the MIDDLE CLASS shouldered the burden for the other TWO classes.
The "rich" were provided ways to dodge taxation, the poor never made enough TO pay taxes, so that left ONLY the middle class to carry on this "good fight".
What many have failed to realize, is that many OF those rich people were mainly responsible for entrepreneurial and philanthropic endeavors, which led to more people becoming more educated, grant programs, and foundations created for research and development in the private sector.
That meant JOBS.
As to the poor...the Bible says we shall ALWAYS have them with us, but that doesn't mean we either have to do nothing about it, OR (worse yet) reward being poor by having the government GIVE them something for nothing.

Well, after all this struggle between the classes, we're finding that the middle class is a lot closer to becoming part of the POOR, instead of gravitating towards the rich. Think about it.
If you are part of this middle class (and about 80% of us have been, even on a generational level), you're finding, with the passage of time, that your dollar buys less, your bills keep rising, and you're becoming more akin to the HAVE NOTS than the HAVES in life.
Many are but a few paychecks or less from financial insolvency...and that's NOT a good thing.

And, like ANY war, there comes a time of ESCALATION in the conflict.
We're seeing that being unveiled under our very noses.
Our current administration would just LOVE to see everyone become more "equal", and that means a redistribution of the "wealth".
Well, to those WITHOUT wealth (the have nots), that's a bloody GODSEND, isn't it?

SO, what about this here "middle class"?
They just get "reclassified" into the POOR category, because being able to sustain oneself in a financially elevated class is unattainable.
(they tell you you're not smart enough to be there)
Now, I'm not for taxing the rich into poverty...that dog just won't hunt for me.
Having my government pursuing unconstitutional mandates just to "level the playing field" is certainly NOT the answer.
It's like disarming a combatant on the battlefield.
Having my government try to "persuade" me that spending like there's NO tomorrow will get ANYONE out of debt is simply ridiculous.
That is NOT how one wages war, and yet, we are being forced to do so.
Our government is pitting the classes against one another, and like the saying at the top of the post goes...To the victor belongs the spoils.
Only in THIS particular case, there will BE no "victor", save the government "nanny-state", taking care of our every need, as long as we bow down and acknowledge it.
Sorry, but that doesn't sound like anything close to a democratic republic to me.
You simply cannot create ANY form equality when your tear down ONE class to build up the others.
And doing away with our middle class by relegating them into the poor class doesn't make ANY of the problems disappear.
But, should such things be accomplished, in the manner they are being portrayed to us, then we will, in fact have but ONE class in this nation...
We will have in place a group of elitists who will have dominion over the rest of us, through education, health care, name it.
This will be the outcome of the war that's being fought today.
I can't imagine having America a nation where everyone is so equal, simply because someone else made it so.
People will have NO status, and whatever they work for will become part and parcel to everyone the name of "equality". We can't one person or persons (the commoners) having MORE than someone else now, can we?
The mere concept of such a society is insidious at best.
That will be the result of such a war that pits the classes against one another.
If we go to the other end of this socio-economic spectrum, it would be nice if EVERYONE were rich out the butt...but that can never happen. We, as a nation could never hope to become THAT powerful that we would control ALL the finances and resources of the globe. To think as much would be folly.
Face it, in ANY society, there WILL always be people who succeed, and people who do not.
Those that DO succeed, will often mange to do so by diligence, hard work, personal application, and a sense of discipline.
(we are talking LEGAL riches through such success here, in case you were wondering)
Those that do NOT succeed, will achieve their loss by doing nothing at all....think about the Aesop fable of the Ant and the Grasshopper.
The best weapon any of us can hope to have in a class warfare such as this is...(all together gang)...KNOWLEDGE!
We arm ourselves with knowledge...and we carry with us the proper "ammo"...which would be EDUCATION.
After all, you can't just bop out to the 7-11 and grab yourself a bag of Doritos (knowledge) without having some money (education), can you?
Knowledge IS power, and you can't fight a foe effectively, if you don't have the means to drop him dead on his ass, right?
The larger the bullet, the better the chance of stopping the aggressor.
That means the greater YOUR knowledge is through EDUCATION, the better chance you have of stopping your slide from the middle class, as many of these politicians would like to see you wind up.
One other weapon you need to have to succeed in this class struggle is OPPORTUNITY.
When you see a weak spot, or a opening in the opposition's defenses...exploit it to YOUR advantage.
There truly is so much to consider here when it comes to your "status" in life.
You have to ask yourselves some hard questions when it comes to governmental control of your lives.
- Is it what you want?
- Why does our government wish to be doing this?
- Does this help our nation become a BETTER nation?
- Is this what the Founding fathers envisioned for this country?
...And that's just the short list...I'm sure you can come up with a LOT more.
You and I all need to be prepared for socio-economic battle...and we need to have the right equipment for whatever OPS come our way.
None of us really wanted to be embroiled in such things...we all wanted to live our lives, free from the fetters of concern.
But the enemy is at our gates, and our a a people is at stake.
This is a winnable long as we are willing to do what may be required of us in order to achieve victory.
We need not be rich in the process, and we certainly would not wish to become poor along the way, but we can do what we need to so we can HELP those who are poor and desire our help. We can teach them, educate them, allow them the opportunity to become more than what they thought they could be.
And who knows...maybe some of the poor we have among us TODAY...will step up and manage to succeed to become the rich of tomorrow;
the philanthropists and entrepreneurs, and even the capitalists that will allow their next generation to crawl farther out of the trenches of poverty.
We cant legislate it all in one fell swoop, but THE PEOPLE, can make it happen, given time, patience, and persistence.
Therein lies the REAL hope for REAL change.
Be well, make a difference today, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
Now, I'm not for taxing the rich into poverty...that dog just won't hunt for me.
Having my government pursuing unconstitutional mandates just to "level the playing field" is certainly NOT the answer.
It's like disarming a combatant on the battlefield.
Having my government try to "persuade" me that spending like there's NO tomorrow will get ANYONE out of debt is simply ridiculous.
That is NOT how one wages war, and yet, we are being forced to do so.
Our government is pitting the classes against one another, and like the saying at the top of the post goes...To the victor belongs the spoils.

Sorry, but that doesn't sound like anything close to a democratic republic to me.
You simply cannot create ANY form equality when your tear down ONE class to build up the others.
And doing away with our middle class by relegating them into the poor class doesn't make ANY of the problems disappear.
But, should such things be accomplished, in the manner they are being portrayed to us, then we will, in fact have but ONE class in this nation...
We will have in place a group of elitists who will have dominion over the rest of us, through education, health care, name it.
This will be the outcome of the war that's being fought today.

People will have NO status, and whatever they work for will become part and parcel to everyone the name of "equality". We can't one person or persons (the commoners) having MORE than someone else now, can we?
The mere concept of such a society is insidious at best.
That will be the result of such a war that pits the classes against one another.
If we go to the other end of this socio-economic spectrum, it would be nice if EVERYONE were rich out the butt...but that can never happen. We, as a nation could never hope to become THAT powerful that we would control ALL the finances and resources of the globe. To think as much would be folly.
Face it, in ANY society, there WILL always be people who succeed, and people who do not.

(we are talking LEGAL riches through such success here, in case you were wondering)
Those that do NOT succeed, will achieve their loss by doing nothing at all....think about the Aesop fable of the Ant and the Grasshopper.
The best weapon any of us can hope to have in a class warfare such as this is...(all together gang)...KNOWLEDGE!
We arm ourselves with knowledge...and we carry with us the proper "ammo"...which would be EDUCATION.

Knowledge IS power, and you can't fight a foe effectively, if you don't have the means to drop him dead on his ass, right?
The larger the bullet, the better the chance of stopping the aggressor.
That means the greater YOUR knowledge is through EDUCATION, the better chance you have of stopping your slide from the middle class, as many of these politicians would like to see you wind up.
One other weapon you need to have to succeed in this class struggle is OPPORTUNITY.
When you see a weak spot, or a opening in the opposition's defenses...exploit it to YOUR advantage.
There truly is so much to consider here when it comes to your "status" in life.

- Is it what you want?
- Why does our government wish to be doing this?
- Does this help our nation become a BETTER nation?
- Is this what the Founding fathers envisioned for this country?
...And that's just the short list...I'm sure you can come up with a LOT more.
You and I all need to be prepared for socio-economic battle...and we need to have the right equipment for whatever OPS come our way.
None of us really wanted to be embroiled in such things...we all wanted to live our lives, free from the fetters of concern.
But the enemy is at our gates, and our a a people is at stake.
This is a winnable long as we are willing to do what may be required of us in order to achieve victory.
We need not be rich in the process, and we certainly would not wish to become poor along the way, but we can do what we need to so we can HELP those who are poor and desire our help. We can teach them, educate them, allow them the opportunity to become more than what they thought they could be.
And who knows...maybe some of the poor we have among us TODAY...will step up and manage to succeed to become the rich of tomorrow;

We cant legislate it all in one fell swoop, but THE PEOPLE, can make it happen, given time, patience, and persistence.
Therein lies the REAL hope for REAL change.
Be well, make a difference today, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
I'll be honest. I was raised in a family that was middle class part of the time and working class the rest. We've struggled most of our lives. But I've never resented those with wealth. If anything I admired those who with hard work, etc. made a fortune.
I also have a similar background, and we never had the resetnment that is being created today against ANY other class.
I considered those fortunate enough to "catch the big wave" and make it in life a good thing, especially for those (of us) wanting to work.
THOSE ("rich") were many of the people that started small companies, created jobs and helped with our economy.
Our only contention (back then) was with people who:
a) didn't want to contribute anything to society.
b) those who became wealthy through underhanded or illegal means.
Everyone else was pretty much okie-dokie with the rest of us, be they rich, poor, or middle-class.
Hey, thanks for swinging on by.
Stay cool!
Dear Bob,
Making entrepreneurship happen is the best way up for all of us.
The second way-important thing we need to do is get on this deficit. The spending we're doing is mostly interest payments. Somebody needs to cut up a few credit cards in the halls of government.
Furthermore, education--reading and math first! There isn't a kid alive who can't figure out a computer, but they can do a hell of a lot more with it when they can read and add.
As we scale up some things, we have to scale back others in federal land. So far it just all seems additive, and it scares me to death.
Thanks for a great post.
My Dad once said (referring to his car payments and our mortgage back in Philly):
"I'ts not the PAYMENTS, but that damn INTEREST that's killing me".
If that wasn't SO true.
Whenever the missus and I make ANY long-term purchase that does require extended payments, we always "check the small print" ('cause that's where they WILL nail you on interest).
It's almost like buying something THRICE!
Be nice if the gub'ment thought as efficiently.
Being married to an ENGLISH teacher, I fully echo your sentiments...get back to educational BASICS.
This government NEEDS to scale BACK on spending...God, is that EVER a "given".
What they NEED to scale UP is FRUGALITY...and a sense of what AMERICA should be standing for.
Thanks so much for your insight and comments.
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