But, perhaps the school corporation will indeed see the errors of it's ways, and get back to NORMAL time.
And since it's the WEEKEND, what better way to kick it off with a little ditty from Dave Edmunds (who?) from way back in 1976:
If I can't embed the video, (which it looks like I cannot) I'll just post the link...We old curmudgeons don't cotton all that well to this here new-fangled techonology - especially when it doesn't DO what we WANT it to do.
Either way, the song is PERFECT for a Friday!
If you wanna sing along...here 'ya go...
Here Come The Weekend - Nick Lowe & Dave Edmunds
Monday ain't a fun day
Tuesday's a goof day
Wednesdays are frenzy
Thursday's the worst day
Friday is great
'Cause I can hardly wait until the weekend
I should be clockin' in at eight
But I'm a little late
Can't blame my baby 'cause I took her on a date
Two 'till ten, and then it's Friday again
Here come the weekend
Here come the weekend
Here come the weekend
My working week's so tough
I think I've had enough until the weekend
Tuesday's a goof day
Wednesdays are frenzy
Thursday's the worst day
Friday is great
'Cause I can hardly wait until the weekend
I should be clockin' in at eight
But I'm a little late
Can't blame my baby 'cause I took her on a date
Two 'till ten, and then it's Friday again
Here come the weekend
Here come the weekend
Here come the weekend
My working week's so tough
I think I've had enough until the weekend
I've had an overdose of doctor's notes
But it just don't ease the pain
Goin' on the sick, don't do the trick
'Cause sooner or later I'll be clockin' in again
Working like a dog on a ten hour day
Never see enough of my take home pay
They pay me for the shift like they was givin' a gift
Here come the weekend
I've had an overdose of doctor's notes
But it just don't ease the pain
Goin' on the sick, don't do the trick
'Cause sooner or later I'll be clockin' in again
Someday I'll be able to forget my working days
Life will be a grin 'cause my ship is comin' in
Everything will go my way and I won't have to say
Here come the weekend
Here come the weekend
Here come the weekend
My working week's so tough
I think I've had enough until the weekend
Here come the weekend
Here come the weekend
Here come the weekend
Here come the weekend
Elsewhere in "Sodom City"...But it just don't ease the pain
Goin' on the sick, don't do the trick
'Cause sooner or later I'll be clockin' in again
Working like a dog on a ten hour day
Never see enough of my take home pay
They pay me for the shift like they was givin' a gift
Here come the weekend
I've had an overdose of doctor's notes
But it just don't ease the pain
Goin' on the sick, don't do the trick
'Cause sooner or later I'll be clockin' in again
Someday I'll be able to forget my working days
Life will be a grin 'cause my ship is comin' in
Everything will go my way and I won't have to say
Here come the weekend
Here come the weekend
Here come the weekend
My working week's so tough
I think I've had enough until the weekend
Here come the weekend
Here come the weekend
Here come the weekend
Here come the weekend
*** (( Gunman robs novelty store - Journal Gazette
ort Wayne police investigated an armed robbery Thursday at a north-side novelty shop.
he robbery was reported about 10:30 a.m. at Stoner’s Funstore, 5511 Coldwater Road. An off-duty police officer arrived first and found a female employee had been tied up. She told police a man entered the store, brandished a black handgun and took an undisclosed amount of money.
The bandit was described as about 5-foot-5, 25 to 35 years old, black, and wearing a black billed cap, black sweatshirt, black baggy pants and black shoes. He also wore white work gloves with gripping material on the palms, police said. Police used a dog to try to track the man, who left through a back door, but they could not find him. ))
Well THAT perp fits the description of about damn near EVERYONE in MY part of town...should be a piece of cake rounding up "suspects", right?
Guess the robbers are getting a tad desperate when they start knocking over NOVELTY stores.
Stoners is noted for gag gifts...kinda like a Spencers, only WEIRDER!
Here's the website:

One commenter on the news site had THIS to say about the story:
(( Fact-is-Fact wrote:
I think the reason that so more people are becoming prejudice is because they have pulled their heads out of the sand and have finally seen who is committing the most violent crime not only in the city but the entire country (FBI stats) and also which culture is victimised more by the other culture. You seen what happened to
Detroit it only took about 50 years for that entire city to be destroyed. Well Fort Wayne is on its way. Look at the "people" move away to other small cities such as Columbia City/Dekalb County etc etc. and you have seen your ghetto just like in Detroit expand from the central part of the city to the entire south side of Fort Wayne slowly destroying it like cancer in a body. Remember how South Town Mall was such a nice place to shop until the problems destroyed it? Well now the cancer is traveling north and it can be seen by the condition of the neighborhoods as far north as State St. I know some will disagree with me but if you just open your eyes
and look around and do some research you will see it was not the Auto Industry that destroyed the city it was a certain culture just like every other larger city in this Country. ))
In case you're wondering... NO, that wasn't ME that posted this to the WANE site...(I wish - sounds JUST like what I've been saying for YEARS)
And if that isn't bad enough....
*** Driver's Ed might not be all it's CRACKED UP to be (no pun intended).

Now, I can honestly proclaim that *I* have never taken Driver's Ed (and it was given at MY high school, and NO, it wasn't for BUGGY-DRIVING...sheesh).
I learned the "old-fashioned" way...
I was working with a good buddy (Walt Verbitski) who had a NEW 1972 pale yellow Olds Cutlass Supreme (damn fast car), and he offered to teach me.
(My father worked 3rd shift, and he couldn't take me driving, but he thought it was OK for Walt to teach me, providing I didn't do anything "stoopid". Fair enough, then)

Thing is, I wound up learning to drive down in SOUTH PHILLY, rather than up in MY neighborhood!
Those of you that aren't familiar with South Philly, let me say this:
You've never known fear until you've had the number 5 bus RIGHT up your ass, in the rain, on a narrow street you've never driven on before.
Like Walt told me: "Hey, you learn to drive HERE...you can drive ANYWHERE".
And by God, he was right!

Walt even taught me how to parallel park WITHOUT using the whitewalls as "curb-feelers"...never forgot that, either.
But learn I did, and he let me take HIS car for my driver's test (the PA "Stateys" administered the driver test at "the barracks" ), and I passed with flying colors on the FIRST TRY. That must account for something.
So you might want to think long and hard when it comes to teaching that son or daughter to drive.
It might be in everyone's best interest to teach them yourself.
Sure, they might not get that D/E insurance "discount", but they might become BETTER drivers with YOUR tutelage, and that will lower THEIR (or your) premiums in the long run. Besides, it's a good BONDING experience (and a boon for VALIUM sales...LOL).

(Oh, yeah, the WOW factor was certainly there.)
So she sprung for THIS:

That's right...the DeLorean time machine from Back To The Future...
AND...in 1/24th scale!
(helluva cool diecast)
WHAT? You thought I was talking about a REAL car?
Give up the beloved FIREBIRD? After TWENTY-SIX YEARS?
Surely you jest!
Getting rid of my "Black Beauty" would be like cutting off a foot...(or some other part of nature that will remain unmentionable).
That would be like the Lone Ranger WITHOUT Silver...AND Tonto!
Like I say, I don't need all that fancy-ass sh*t in OR on a car to make it work for me (unless it's "Mr Fusion" and a flux-capacitor).
Keep that MP3 "dock", and that LCD screen TV/DVR/DVD player...not my style. Hell, I don't even have a CD or cassette player...don't need all the distractions. I like to make driving as enjoyable an experience as I can, despite the numerous idiots who (unfortunately) share the roads.

A man of simple pleasures...yep, that's me.
(some would say I'm just plain SIMPLE)
'Ya think?
But simple IS...as simple DOES, right?
In any event, this will be a "landmark birthday" for me in some ways, and perhaps I'll disclose why soon enough.
I just hope the fire department doesn't have to roll on our house when Wifey lights ALL those candles...!
Have yourselves a fantastic weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and, as always...
Stay safe out there, America.
A big Happy Birthday to one of my favorite blogging friends!
I plan to eat one piece of cake for every one of you, since you can't be there...lol.
(even one for Joe)
You can NEVER have enough cake.
Thanks for the wishes, and for taking time to drop on by today.
Dear Bob,
I would have held out for that truck-o-fifties! Ha ha!
Seriously, though, I wish Mrs. G the best in her new school year. Perhaps this new crop of faces will have some students that she knows she can make a difference for.
And of course, happy birthday! I am very glad you were born to this earth. Have a wonderful day! The Guinness and cake sounds like a great start, although, not together . . .
I will be working on condo board stuff (and my pernicious but almost done closet) this weekend.
Here comes the weekend, yeah, yeah!
HAve a great one!
Ann T.
OH, I ALWAYS hold out for that truckload of "Grants"...LOL.
(been doin' so for almost 35 years now)
One must NEVER give up hope like that.
Wifey's a good teacher, and I'm NOT biased, I just remember what MY "good teachers" were like...and she fills the bill in that regard.
Yeah, cake and Guinness...not gonna partake of them at the SAME time...don't wanna spoil EITHER one of them...HA!
Good luck w/ the Condo stuff (and zombies).
BTW, you DO toss a fantastic party....
Have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks for stopping by the fence.
Congratulations on the birthday this weekend.
Whoa...for a minute,I thought I sent MYSELF a warm wish...?!?
Was figuring I wasn't quite THAT old yet...
Thanks a lot for keeping me "on my toes"...AND for taking time to drop on by.
Have yourself a great weekend!
Thanks for the funny photo and the link on driver's ed classes. The study conducted seems to have limitations, but it is good they are trying to evaluate these things after so many years.
I remember my driver's ed teacher being a very heavy set man who would fall sound asleep on our drives (maybe it was his stress relief technique). We students always joked that if a student driver did something to wake him up, that would result in a less than satisfactory grade.
I remember those white 1967 Dodge Coronets they used for Driver's Ed...and that's about it.
But I'd wager being a teacher THEN was more preferred than being one TODAY.
At least back then we had cars made of a lot more STEEL than today (safety precaution?)
Any class in school that offers as little as SIX hours "street time" is never going to come close to having those drivers savvy enough to anticipate trouble when it arrives.
A permit in my day lasted THREE MONTHS (and was renewable for another 3), and I used almost the ENTIRE 3 months while being taught...and THAT paid off.
It was ALL street driving and self-study of the driver manual we were given.
And THAT worked (for me, anyway).
Glad to see you back again...nice to know those GET OUT OF WORK FREE cards do their job...lol.
Thanks fof stopping by, and have yourself a great weekend.
Bob G:
Unlike the others, I had an excellent driver's ed experience, that made me the driver I am today (a pretty good one!). It was taught by a guy named Gerry, who was old enough to remember when they rolled the roads in Vermont instead of plowing them. He was wise, patient, interesting, and kind. My parents had no ability to deal with teaching me how to drive--our relationship could not handle it.
One more note: Our driver's ed car was a Chrysler, and broken all the time. I never thought I'd drive a Chrysler as a grown up and now I am on my third! Things do change!
Thanks for sending me down memory lane!
You NEVER forget the car you learned to drive in, do you?
Driving was always one of those privileges that you HAD to admire.
It was never a "right" to drive.
You EARNED the PRIVILEGE...by demonstrating you had the ABILITY to successfully navigate the roads of wherever you lived.
Today, it's more a "rite of passage"...and it's lost the luster of what a TRUE PRIVILEGE really is.
Yeah, I do miss those days when rights and privileges were never so blurred so as to not know one from the other, too.
Thanks for stopping on by...always a parking spot open for you here.
my father taught me how to drive. i beleive it was spy run that has 4 or 5 lanes on it in fort wayne heading to glenbrook mall from downtown. well the traffic on there has always been a little fast. sooooo he made me learn while driving the middle lanes. i about peed on myself. but, i was all ready when drivers ed came around. back in the day it only cost 50.00 dollars.
so i taught my kid how to drive too. did the same thing with the book part too. went to the dmv one day got a book brought it home and said if you want to learn how to drive you have to read this entire manual and know it from one end to another. so she took drivers ed this summer. it was 355.00 yes folks 355.00 that i could have turned to one dollar bills and whiped my ass with it for one a day for almost a year. she wanted to argue with the instructor. she was upsit when one of the girls in the car pulled out in front of a piggy back tractor trailor. she couldnt keep her mouth shut. she fail the driving. but, passed the written. 355.00 down the drain.
i was pissed.
Geezus...$355 bucks?
Hell, that is a lot of money to drop for a no-pass on the driving test.
Dang, back in our day, that $50 was a lot, but not as much as those Franklins.
It's got to be one-on-one...especially these days.
God knows kids have WAY too many distractions as it is, and more kids in the car w/ the instructor doesn't seem like that good a thing when trying to LEARN something..
Hey, thanks for catching up on all the posts...I really appreciate your taking time to drop by.
Have a great week.
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