Some years you never catch a break.
Now, I haven't seen any blacks CATS, but there WAS a black Lab running loose earlier this morning.
(wonder who is going to call Animal Control THIS time?)
There is ONE story that really made me smile today (and believe me, in this ghettohood, there sure ain't much TO smile about, aside from my patio critters and the garden).
*** A U of Minn. police officer has been pretty busy lately.
He's been writing tickets.
Okay, so you think it's not a big deal, right?
Well, how's about HALF A MILLION tickets?
Got you attention NOW, don't we?
(( U of M Police Officer Targets Illegal Handicap Parkers
Nearly half a million dollars in tickets in just five years all go back to one officer with the University of Minnesota Police.

Only the permit holder, or someone driving the permit holder are legally allowed to use them.
The fine is more than $500 -- that's a half million dollars.
St. Cyr says it's not just illegal, it's just not right. That's what keeps him going. )) Here's the story link:
Now here is a PERFECT case of ONE MAN making a damn difference!
Of course, if YOU ever had the misfortune to NOT be able to find a HANDICAPPED spot, thanks to some lazy-ass that just HAD to park closer to the store and deny those truly handicapped the chance to make their lives a tad better...you know what I mean.
I see that all the time around here, and at our former grocery store we would have an officer patrol the lot checking validity of handicapped tags and seeing IF the car there was falsely using those spots.
But then again, THIS is called being PROACTIVE with your policing.
And it's a damn fine way to solve a growing problem with society today.
Which brings me to another issue in Fort Wayne.
Last evening, around 2215 hours, the radio had a "shots fired" call (signal 113) in the 4400 block of Weisser Park Ave.

Given the size of most of these welfare queens around here, that would be considered "center body mass" anyway, so no biggie.
The shooter was described as driving a white 4 door Impala with darkened windows and a SPOTLIGHT...!
Now what the hell have I been harping about with these "people" driving EX-POLICE CARS, anyway?

Just so happens I have one car on my list that fits the description (God plate - QZ 929), in case any FWPD people are reading...and you know who you are.

The thing is, with Officer St. Cyr in Minnesota, he has the AUTHORITY to make that difference, whereas, I have to rely on others to whom I provide good information to ACT upon what I give them. THEY, in turn, are charged with (actually) MAKING THAT DIFFERENCE...(or not).
Now, in some manner, I suppose I can exonerate myself, because it's up to THEM, and no longer my problem, but I do feel SOME level of responsibility.
Go figure...some habits are hard to break.
Something else I've discovered in our area...we seem to have a bumper crop of SHOPPING CARTS this year...imagine that.

I emailed our Captain, Waste management, AND Code Enforcement in the "hope" the carts can get rounded up and returned to their rightful stores.

Yeah, nothing like watching KIDS playing in shopping carts...in the middle of a street. Sure smacks of ghetto-esque behavior from the progeny of the generationally-welfared in the area. Guess no one wants to steal a toy from Wal-Mart for the little buggers...oh, well.
Sorry, but shopping carts are called what they are for a REASON, and it's not a PLAY cart...
I'm also waiting on a broken (and open) garage door of a nearby house to get fixed (or cited by NCE). Either way will work for me.

All I can do is pick and choose my "battles", and then "advise & report", because I have no authority to "act" upon what I see and hear (real lucky for some perps around here).
Like those boomcars that get a free pass for YEARS...when all it would take is ONE (or maybe several) officer with the EXACT SAME level of pride and honor to "make the right call" as Dave St. Cyr, and start TICKETING offenders that honestly DESERVE IT, instead of warning the hell out of them, in the name of "diversity" or to keep from being sued for "picking on minorities" (who do tend to break the law, sometimes more often in their own areas than anywhere else, and yet NEVER seem to get caught).
My neighborhood has a very few of us that will give a damn...for as long as is necessary (or until some Publisher's Clearing House van pulls up with that multi-million dollar check - then I am SO gone from here, you'll see flames under the tires, ust like Doc Brown's DeLorean...LOL)
I (we) will leave under MY (our) terms...no one else's.
But you live by certain principles, and were brought up with a value system a lot more in tune with normalcy than what passes for it today, you do the difficult.

You do what's correct, what's right and just...because to NOT do so, makes you as guilty as those who never even did anything in the first place.
And THAT..you can take to the bank...in ANY economy.
Have yourselves a great weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and, as always...
Stay safe out there, America.
Black Cats crossing your path on Friday the 13th is bonafide bad luck. Guess what! I was driving on Reed Road just south of Vance and Snider HS this morning, when a cute little black kitty darted across the road in front of me.
I suppose I should go to bed and cover my head and stay there for the weekend or something. Funny how these superstitions don't come with a chant or something to to drive off the bad karma, thus curing the problem.
And for all you cat-haters out there, running over the kitty was not an option.
I was beginning to think everyone went on holiday yesterday, being the 13th and all...LOL.
Glad to see you made it through unscathed.
As for the black KITTY...I don't think ANY bad luck can come from that.
I believe it only works with ADULT cats...at least that's what I'm hoping!
No cat haters HERE!
Hey, thanks for taking time to drop on by today.
Have a great weekend.
my boss loss his mind on the 13th. lol he tried to take away my first break. lol. that did not go over well for him.
Wow...that ranks right UP there with someone taking your freshly dug FOXHOLE!
...or the neighborhood drunk wanting to borrow your car for a liquor run.
Some people just HAVE to learn the HARD way...don't they?
Thanks for stopping by.
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