On the one hand, I saw smiles, crowds of people cheering, weeping, and yes, even praying together.
Some have likened this to Elmer Gantry (which is a good Burt Lancaster movie, btw), but I would stop short of using that analogy.
I did NOT view Glenn Back's event as a charlatan "show", nor did I see it as a flim-flam.
I've seen enough of THOSE shows in D.C. over the years with politicians who have raped this nation time and again.
It was NOT at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial this past Saturday.

On the other hand, the "march" at Dunbar High School was peppered with shouting and calls to admonish those inciting discord.
Well, Sharpton DID have a member of SEIU there speaking, and we ALL know their piece in this political jigsaw puzzle well enough.
I did listen to Beck's radio program as well as his FOX program at 5PM, and I have to say that the humility and sincere thanks was there.
I even sent along an email to Beck, with my thoughts and hopes.
Here is the content of that email:

Although I was invited to attend, but could not, I DID watch ALL 3 hours of this nation's RESTORATION Of HONOR event at the Lincoln Memorial...
All I can say is...WOW!
That was a very moving experience.
I've been around a dozen more years that you and have seen the headlines and the news regarding Dr. King's speeches and the Civil Rights movement.
And after viewing the event, I can come away satisfied in the knowledge that America HAS a REAL future, through God's people...OUR nation's people.
Dr. King was not a perfect man...NONE of us really are, or could ever hope to be.
We can, however...TRY.
Dr. King knew that men were not perfect, and emboldened with that knowledge pressed forward for ALL people...of ALL races, eventually making the ultimate sacrifice so that WE who remain in his stead can LEARN.
Saturday was that time OF learning...or rather RE-learning what we, as a nation have oft forgotten. Our Founding Fathers also were not perfect, but realized that they, just as we, DO answer to that "higher authority", and therefore founded this nation upon that reasoning.
Now, you and I know that those attending or viewing HAVE learned something from the speeches, the awards, the recognition offered to us ALL.
What we have to all do NOW, is pursue this knowledge, these Universal Truths, pledging OUR devotion to acquiring the WISDOM to properly apply the knowledge.
You're Mormon...I'm Methodist, and there are many others of various faiths, but when it comes to where the rubber meets the road, we are ALL God's children.
We ALL pray to the EXACT SAME GOD.
We are ALL brothers and sisters in Christ.
The destination is ALWAYS the same for us...by whatever means we choose to GET there, is the PERSONAL aspect TO that journey.
It's what makes this journey awesome beyond belief, as well as frightening beyond all reason.
But the result IS worth believing in...worth living for.
God bless you ALL for providing a wake-up call to AMERICA, and taking our hands from that "snooze" button. Lord knows we've need it.
We've all been too complacent for too long.
And thanks for being WHO you are, saying what you know to be true, and asking that which needs to be asked.
You ARE a PATRIOT, and the content of YOUR character is never in question.
Stay strong in God.
Best Wishes,
Bob G. - Ft. Wayne, IN ))
Now I don't expect a reply...I just wanted to send along my feelings about what I saw.
Too often, when someone does something good or noteworthy, we just let it pass, when all we tend to focus on is all the BAD things.
And the "lame-stream media" was no exception to focusing on the "BAD".
They came out in droves to blast Beck for his event...nary a word about Sharpton.
Al Sharpton had no defense for what HE had said, and was doing a great job of back-pedaling when Bill asked him the tough questions.
Maybe Al is getting a bit long-in-the-tooth, and forgets easily. I mean he IS two years YOUNGER than I am (he was born in 1954).
Here's the WIKI:

But, I'm sure you'll be asking yourself questions after reading.
--It makes one wonder about the future in America,when it comes to those who are in school today and will fast become the "movers & shakers" in the decades to come. Who will rise to the top of the heap, and will their motives be driven by VALUES or driven by monetary gain and power?
Perhaps we do indeed stand at a crossroads in this nation.
What I do believe is that the course this nation is headed on cannot be charted much longer.

We need not find ourselves beached upon that deserted island, with little hope of rescue, when it can be much easier to steer clear of the breakwater and the reefs.
Then again, we do need a functional RUDDER or an unfurled sail to accomplish that, do we not?
This nation cannot long continue to drift about aimlessly, for that chance of landfall into a "new world" (or even a safe return to the OLD world).

We honestly need to have our government halt it's wasteful spending ways.
We also need to ensure that OUR nation is the one being as innovative and productive as we have in years past.
And that doesn't mean send all the jobs to other nations.
Many can well fend for themselves nicely, thank you.
We need jobs for AMERICANS...in AMERICA. And we need them YESTERDAY.
Dare we, as a people, attempt to do the difficult things because they are the right things to do?

You have to admit, that if our current government were a private sector corporation, it would have collapsed like a house of cards several times over.
We'd be broke, busted, and bent beyond belief. The "company" would have failed.
Certainly that is NO way to run a business, and believe it or not, AMERICA is a business.

-We are in the business to making sure THIS nation can be profitable, by the quality of life it's citizens enjoy, and by those wishing to come here legally to enjoy all this nation has to offer.
-We are in business to promote peace, and we do that by being STRONG...not weak or subservient.
But we can do none of this when our nation is beset with those who would collapse what this nation stands for in upon itself.
We, as a people need to remain as strong as this nation can possibly be.
We need to act in a most appropriate manner when addressing these issues.
And we need to do so in as civil a manner as is possible.
It all comes down to convictions...and common sense.

And to do so again, as we have done in the past would continue to be our greatest legacy to our children and to our future.
(we now return control of the soapbox to YOU, the readers...)
Be well, make a difference to someone, and as always...
Stay safe out there, America.
Dear Bob,
Oh, you have my vote, starting with, "other nations look to America". If we started showing that initiative with ourselves, there is no telling what industries we would make and what new information we would have to share with the world.
We DO have such difficult decisions. Thank you for the inspiration, though. I truly believe that we have it in us to SOLVE these things and be stronger than ever. More sophisticated and integrated and productive.
Sincerely, and
I believe it!
Ann T.
We can do ALL of that...and so much more.
When I read history books replete with success, innovation, and invention over the time we existed as a nation...it really makes me PROUD to be an American.
SO why lose that "edge" now?
And I think we do have it within ourselves to recapture that...more now than ever.
Thank you so much for stopping to listen to this old city boy for a few minutes.
I honestly appreciate it.
Have yourself a marvelous day.
The Mrs. had on the interview with Al and though I only saw a portion, I agree he was back-pedaling and dancing. He is smart enough to know his audience so it may have been a play for who was watching as he will be back to irrational when surrounded by his usual followers.
I wanted to say "he was hoppin' like a frog on a hotplate"...and now I did...LOL.
I agree he's got TWO sides...the "with my people" side and the "with anyone else" side.
Amazes me HOW he maintains ANY credibiility these days, but I guess you STILL can fool MOST of SOME people ALL of the time.
Hey, thanks for stopping on by. Like your take on it.
Have a great day.
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