September is finally here, and there's lots to ponder this fine morning.
*** Well, according to last night's address from our fearless leader, the war in Iraq is now officially OVER...sorta-kinda.
I did enjoy the rather stilted and quaint "We are the Borg" delivery OF the address last night.
Between yawns, that is.
And I don't recall hearing the word HONOR once when he referred to our TROOPS.
The president forgot to mention that 50,000 troops WILL remain in country (...in, as well all know, purely an "advisory" capacity)

Oh, and we'll ALSO have SPEC OPS teams in theater as well to KILL the bad guys, should any of them rear their towel-covered, sand-flea infested heads.
Would have been nice if the prez would have said THAT.
So, now we turn our attention to Afghanistan (another boil on the globe's ass), where fighting will continue (until NEXT year, when we're supposed to pull out of THAT country). In the meantime, the corrupt government THERE will do it's best to prepare for the "handover" of government at that time...JUST like Iraq.
What I find incredible about Afghanistan, is that the USSR was there for about a decade, and THEY couldn't "win" their war there (because WE were HELPING the opposition), and after a similar decade of fighting with OUR troops in that country, WE will be leaving as well (probably because someone is again HELPING the opposition).
I have never seen such a remarkable and near-perfect example of a STALEMATE in all my life.
You have TWO aspects to modern warfare these days.
1) Strategic
2) Political
Problem is, the POLITICAL always seems to outweigh the STRATEGIC part.
And you can't win any war running it on politics alone.

An OBJECTIVE is a means TO an end...and NOT the end result in warfare. Never has been and never should be.
The objective was to "take that pillbox", or that airfield...
The END result was that the enemy was vanquished and/or surrendered and we had a decisive VICTORY.
That's what it USED to be, anyway.
I can see a future where "war" is waged by computers and that tallies of "deaths" on either side will require people to report to a "death chamber" for elimination, because the thought of a REAL WAR, with REAL casualties is repugnant (and scary).
Wait a minute, that sounds EXACTLY like an old STAR TREK episode ( A Taste of Armageddon)...amazing. Life imitating art.
Bet'cha if we watched a few more episodes, we'd see some interesting things happening today that were alluded to way back in those late 1960s.
Nah...that's just a science-fiction show...no relevance THERE, right?
Moving along...
You'll have to look REALLY hard to find this little "news nugget", because someone must NOT want all of you to KNOW about it:
*** Federal spending surge sets record.
Federal domestic spending increased a record 16 percent to $3.2 trillion in 2009, the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, largely because of the huge economic stimulus package enacted to rescue the sinking economy.

(Now, I didn't get MY check for that amount...how about YOU?)
The biggest chunk of money went to support Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, entitlement programs that are projected to consume ever larger portions of the federal budget as the U.S. population ages.
Now who would have EVER guessed that the FEDS were SPENDING...and at RECORD RATES?
A whopping SIXTEEN PERCENT you say?
And then we hear Obama whine about "We spent a TRILLION dollars on the war in iraq".
Did you have to get the cronies platoon out and go spend TRILLIONS (as in a sh*tload more than ONE trillion) more on useless programs that aren't doing a damn thing to HELP this nation (except to help it drop farther in debt)?
And how EXACTLY are YOU, Mr. President, planning on having THIS bill paid for, when we've got a stagnant economy, unemployment that damn near refuses to DROP, but rather increases, a TRADE DEFICIT that seems to grow exponentially, and a GDP in the crapper?

So please, clue us in as to HOW this can be accomplished (like our overwhelming "victory" in Iraq), OK?
Inquiring minds wish to know.
Still moving on...
*** Glenn Beck is still taking heat for his "event".
The leftards will NOT let this beautiful and patriotic event this past Saturday alone.
Claims of everything from "crazy" to Elmer Gantry from all those liberal news sources.
Funny, don't see ANY left-wing events in the offing, and IF there are, they certainly could NEVER have the numbers in attendance that Beck had.
Seems like everyone on the left is M.I.A. when it comes to GOOD solutions to America's problems.

Who knew?
Trouble with all this name-calling, bashing, flaming, and sundry other knocks at Beck is that it shows the REST of us ONE, very important thing:
It shows us the TRUE COLORS of those who want something other than America...AS "America".

That cause was to RECLAIM this nation AS America for ALL Americans.
Not a damn thing wrong with that...and it's been long overdue.
But these misinformed "outworlders" don't have any idea (themselves) how to chart a better course for this nation.
They're just pissing in the wind, and shooting in the dark (with an empty pistol).
--And I've got Bob's "Eight Simple Rules" for proper governance to back me up:
1) You don't spend your way out of debt. That's like drilling another hole in the bottom of the boat to let the water out.
2) You don't weaken America by apologizing your ass off to every other country.
3) You don't bailout every asshat that can't manage a business because of corrupt practices.
4) You don't punish those trying to offer jobs and grow a company. That denies incentive...and progress.
5) You don't take from the rich to distribute to the poor.
(Robin Hood took BACK from the "rich" the money that was ORIGINALLY taken FROM THE POOR in the first place...get the story RIGHT)
6) You don't ENSLAVE a nation through entitlements and control.
7) You don't mortgage the future on the backs of subsequent generations that won't be able to pay for it.
8) You don't treat the populace as a bunch of dumbasses or children, especially when THEY wield the REAL power in this country.
I'm sure I missed a few, and you readers can feel free to amend where needed.
So there you have it...plenty of food for thought, laced with some rather pungent social commentary.

And the truth. No more...no less.
Welcome to September, gang!
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
Dear Bob,
oh, my word!! Drilling the bottom of the Boat! I think I will be ROFLMAO on this one all day.
And no one, but no one could have said it better.
Thank you!
I very much appreciate your candor and compliments.
And if nominated, I WILL NOT run...if elected, I WILL NOT serve...LOL.
Thanks for taking time to stop by "the fence".
Have yourself a great Wednesday.
well anyone who stands up and puts God first always has critisim. I'll be the first one to say i'm not a fan of beck. but, if he is putting God first then so be it. he is doing the right thing then. its only the devil working threw the media (one of the weekest links) to put that man down. as i have told my managment at work. i work for the higher power. trust me you can tell what type of people they are when you say that.
I've been witness to the same thing time and again over the years.
Be nice to call down those pillars of flame on these nay-sayers...
Just once in a while.
And if it wasn't Beck, it would be whoever else was called to serve in a public venue and tell the truth.
Amazing how BLIND the media is, and how DEAF they mostly are,
unless it's something "sensational".
Then they're ALL over it...forever.
Thanks for dropping by and commenting today.
Carry On.
interesting message i love to read full story
I'm glad you liked it.
Welcome and thank you for taking time to stop by and comment.
Glenn and the leftards ...
I often find myself over at Belmont Club to read some fine commentary from Richard Rodriquez on current events and responses from some very intelligent readers who love the blog.
I was reading comments on your very subject and on the effects of the Beck rally when I happened upon this description from a poster named Tony:
"Just before the Pledge, a V of geese flew low and fast over the Pool, toward Lincoln, like the jets over the Super Bowl, eliciting a roar of loud applause from the crowd. Two old guys near me smiled to each other, one said “who arranged that?” and the other guy wordlessly answered, pointing to the sky.
God bless America."
To gauge the reactions of the left, I went over to Little Green Footballs (LGF) to read some nutty ramblings from Charles (don't call me Chuck or your banned)Johnson. He did not disappoint. He featured a Media Matters video of Glenn Back commenting that the skein of geese. was the work of God and that the formation represented "God's fly-over."
Chucky the Clown showed "duh" pictures of geese on the edge of the reflecting pool, inferring "of course there are geese there."
No sir, they will never understand.
I was going to mention that, but totally forgot.
I saw the video of the "fly-over", and I have to admit those geese timed it PERFECTLY.
Beck had said they couldn't get permission to have ANY official flyover, nor am honor guard gun salute or a cannon salute...
If one is to believe that a higher authority elicits some sort of "watchful eye" over us ALL, then I also have to submit those geese as "proof positive".
Yes...some folks WILL NEVER get it.
And it will sure suck to be THEM, if it doesn't already.
Thanks very much for stopping by and taking some time to post your thoughts and observations.
Much appreciated.
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