Well, the FIRST 4 years of this blog kinda took care of that, right?
I placed that title there to get you to THINK.
Things are not always what they appear to be...or are often meant to shroud the meaning so that you dig for the TRUTH.
Other times,such as can be found in our government, it's ALL about misdirection...smoke & mirrors.
If you're busy being pulled like Stretch-Armstrong, you won't have time nor the ability to think CLEARLY.

But we're not all about that HERE, thank God.
You know that THIS is a bastion of TRUTH. It may not be pretty, but it's sure not deception.
With that said, let's lighten up the tone a bit and EASE into this "new year", shall we?
After all, the world with all it's nastiness will STILL be there tomorrow...and the day after.
This is a little (abbreviated) something I dug out of the classified archives going back to YEAR ONE:
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
--Your pistol is always next to the salad fork at the dinner table.
--Your neighborhood block is referred to as "Cracker Hill".
--Almost everyone (but you) walks in the street when there are sidewalks.
--You have NOWHERE to shop...BUT everywhere else.
--You weigh your words carefully when using "crack" and "house" in the same sentence.
--The area kids can describe the new "juvenile facility" to you ONE week after it opens.
--You have the fire department on "speed-dial".
--You have animal control on "speed-dial".
--You have code enforcement on "speed-dial".
--Memorial Day doesn't honor the dead...it WAKES them UP due to the loud music.
--The LOUDEST idiot is always the LAST to go to bed & the FIRST to wake up.
--You can piss off people in the area JUST by being WHITE ...and BREATHING.
--Your neighborhood has become an IDIOT magnet.
--Even the police robot refuses to go into your area for a bomb threat.
--Ethnic "manhood" is defined by how LOUD your car stereo is.
--Even DECENT BLACK folks shy away from your neighborhood.
--You take down the BEWARE OF DOG sign & put up a BEWARE OF OWNER sign.
--The police refer to your area as "The Badlands".
--There are more barred doors & windows than at the county jail.
--In YOUR neighborhood....tactical IS practical.
--Almost everyone living around you is on probation or house arrest.
--Almost everyone ELSE living around you has an active warrant (or two).

--You need a translator to understand the locals, because YOU don't speak "ghettoese".
--You recall a "cap" as something ON your head, not something IN your head.
--A sale for ELECTRIFIED fencing peaks your interest.
--You refer to neighboring streets as "Cocaine Court", "Pot Park Plaza", and "Do-Rag Drive".
--You "Shop with a cop" because it's safer than doing it any other way.
--Chicago, Detroit & Cincy don't even want your neighbors back.
--"Neighbors" stop over to borrow a cup of CRACK.
--The rich parts of town have the "gold mine", while your area got the "shaft".
--House arrest means the CAT is wearing the ankle bracelet as a collar.

--You ask the police department if they have any "ex" K-9 dogs available to a good home.
--Having "redneck" neighbors would actually be a step UP.
--Your area is a "high-crime" area only because there are NO donut shops.
--The garden scarecrow is wearing level 2 body armor.
--Someone stole your GAZING BALL, and then tried to DRIBBLE it down the street.
--Ghetto-opoly is your favorite board game.
--An episode of COPS is being filmed ON YOUR LAWN...at 2 AM.
--Your "lawn-jockey" has been to the Allen County lockup.
--Your GARDEN GNOME is packing!
* * * * * * * * * * *
And now, for a few "Bob-Isms"...
--Police are only in the right place at the right time by accident.
--Being a fatalist is OK, but only if you're cynical about it.
--Owning a gun around here is a rider on my life insurance policy.
--Measure personal wealth by what YOU ARE..not by what others may have.
--If a man's home is his castle, is having a catapult out front considered a lawn ornament?
--Never hate a person, just hate their stupidity.
--In a war of words with an idiot, it IS perfectly normal to shoot an unarmed person.
--Leaders are never born, they are created by opportunity.
--Any adult that denies their inner child grows old too fast and too soon.

--If hands are "handy", what would you call your feet?
--The only sad, rich people are those that never knew what it was like to have very little.
--Old computers are like old dogs...they don't die, they just lose their "byte".
--There are two types of test pilots...the good ones and the dead ones.
--Show me a fish that can't swim, and I'll show you dinner for two.
--Earth is the "Ripley's Believe it or Not" of the universe.
--We don't need more jails...we need FEWER criminals.

--Being schizophrenic just means that I'm fine...and so am I. --The only good deli is a Jewish deli.
--With all the jobs gone to Mexico, you'd think that nation would be doing well by now.
--People that talk to themselves have at least ONE friend they depend on.
--Lethal injection for felons makes as much sense as giving a dog the electric chair.
--Your closest friend is as near as your mirror.
So there you have it...the beginning of the NEXT 4 years...
I hope you got a few laughs, had time to ponder, and learn a little more about who I am, as well as who YOU ARE.
Our willingness to want to learn is but the first step into a much larger universe.

And the wisdom we glean FROM the proper application OF that knowledge is what allows us all to have a pretty good idea as to our destination.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
Oh, goodness. You always make my morning cup of coffee grand. Is your heater next to your salad? Or strapped on your boot? Or do you carry it around with the morning paper? Be safe.
Momma Fargo:
Around the homestead, usually, its on my waist, a bit over the wallet (right hip pocket) with a slight cant forward.
I call it my "4 o'clock" carry.
(Gee, sounds like I belong in TEXAS?)
It ends to get a little more "interesting" when in the shower or on "the throne", though...LOL!
(Time spent hanging w/ those Philly LEOs was worth it.)
Now...all I need is a CCW to go OFF property w/ it. I keep putting it off (smacks head).
Thanks so much for stopping by today...hope you liked the funnies, and feel free to pass 'em along to "Wheels" & the rest of your LEOs.
Roll safe out there.
Dear Bob,
ROFL!!! You had me at the salad fork.
But I think if you're good on your feet, you're a scam artist. (!)
My personal favorites are the fatalist and the jobs in Mexico!
Thanks for a fun read. And yeah,
Friday at last!! Take care and I'll see you in the a.m. Momma Fargo and I need the morning glug of coffee and the morning 'bracer' from Bob G. !!
Great post!!
Ann T.
Once in a while, I manage to do what Geoffrey (the giraffe) from the old Toys R Us commercials used to do...
Namely, turn that FROWN...UPSIDE DOWN.
Through the muck and the mire and the vicissitudes all of us have to endure on a daily basis, there is a "universal constant" I like to employ...
If you can't smile once in while and even laugh on occasion...you're taking life WAAAAY too seriously.
Have a great day, and thanks for stopping by.
“Tactical is Practical” - I like that!
“Having "redneck" neighbors would actually be a step UP.” - You know, in my neighborhood even the people who run the drug houses are good neighbors because they are at least keeping the problems out of my front yard.
I don't know if THAT is really a "good" thing or not?
Bullets are still stupid, and don't have a good track record when it comes to respecting people's property lines...
Who's to say something wicked that way could NEVER come?
Then again, "IF" (BIG if) the drug houses were CLOSED DOWN, boarded up, or downright RAZED altogether, you would have had a LOT fewer issues in that area, right?
ANd that's what I trying to prevent down here...all by my lonesome.
Glad you could spend some time and grab a smile or two...Lord KNOWS in our parts of town, that's a RARE commodity these days, right?
Stay safe up there.
yes, tatical is practical was my favorite. expecially when you teaching it too your underage daughter!!!!!!!
the lawn jockeys on the street i came from were white in complexion. hummmmmmmm a reverse joke?
perhaps thats why it was so exciting a few years ago when dunkin donuts moved to 38th and shadeland...........whoo whooo
Teaching your daughter...I love it!
Now you take her on "nature walks" with a 60 lb ruck, do you?
Yeah, I could sure use a donut shop around here. Or THREE!
As for the lawn jockey...was it THAT obvious?
And no, he was never REALLY arrested...but he WAS stopped a few times and told to pull up his riding pants...LOL.
Thanks for stopping on by.
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