It doesn't pertain to ME, but rather this here blog...as well as every one of you that take time from YOUR day to swing on by and spend a few minutes reading what this old (former) city boy has to say, be it good, bad, or indifferent.
But first, a few items of note, here in the Summit City.
*** Our very own City Council passed a BAN on the sale and use of K2 (also known as "spice") last evening.

Then, we'll see how the actual ENFORCEMENT issues are handled.
The story link is here:
*** The novelty store that was robbed this past Friday has implemented a NO CASH (credit card or check only) policy.
Here's the story link for the update:

I feel Mr. Stoner sums it up perfectly when he says:
"I thought this was a friendly city."
It USED to be....I can attest to that, and I've only lived here 14 years.
It HAS changed, and not for the better.
The REALLY sad part about this, is that a customer came into the store after it was robbed, and the clerk had been tied up, and upon seeing the clerk, LEFT the store, "not wishing to get involved"...
That ONE action speaks VOLUMES (to me).
And the word that comes to mind is...APATHY.
*** It has come to my attention that there are some classes in certain schools in the FWCS system that are operating with FIFTY students in a class.

Kids are sitting on the FLOOR, attempting to learn American History.
That simply is not right...and was totally unthinkable in MY day.
Then again, we had more neighborhood schools with smaller student populations, ergo, smaller class sizes.
But, I thought we had mandates for class SIZES already in place? It would appear we have not, at least not in THIS particular case.

Yep...your "tax dollars" at work here...no doubt.
Wonder if FWCS Superintendent Wendy Robinson KNOWS about this...and if not, WHY not?
And if she DOES know...what is being done to alleviate this OBVIOUS overcrowding situation?
Why, that's almost as bad as having the TEACHERS bring their OWN toilet paper for their washrooms, because the recently hired (new) maintenance staff is lax regarding such things...so much for "effective" budget cuts, hmm?
(Oh..did I say that OUT LOUD? Sorry.)
We shall see...and be on this like flies on...well, you get the idea.
*** Lastly today...as promised. Let the pigeons loose!

And so far, it's been a fantastic ride...
It was Tim Zank and Andy Kaduk that "nudged" me into action that spawned this gnarly beast called my blog.
And it's to them I owe much.
Or can I just "blame" them for this and be done with it? LMAO!
But I also have to pass along all my thanks to every one of YOU...the readers, who have made this journey through the blogosphere worth travelling.

Everything from politics (which I still have a marvelous disdain for), history, world events, technologies, famous people, along with the infamous at times...we've taken them all in stride.
We've discussed the human condition to no small end.

We've thought deeply about things we're concerned about; we've laughed, and we even got misty-eyed on occasion.
We've talked about his NATION...what it means to be a PATRIOT, and often about those who serve willingly to protect ALL of us, be they overseas or riding along our very streets.

We've shown that people from various parts of this great nation STILL hold true to common sense.
The values WE were taught STILL reign in our lives.

I look forward to bringing you my thoughts, news, commentary, and observations JUST AS MUCH as I look forward to reading about YOURS.
In that, there is TRUE parity.
And I have found a kinship with many of you.
In many ways, it's like moving into that "perfect" neighborhood...that one (like the show Cheers) where everybody knows your name.
You feel "at home", and not wary, nor evasive.
With a seemingly ever-changing world, that is willing to chew you up and spit you out at the drop of a hat, it's refreshing to KNOW that there IS still a place of solace...a place where you CAN kick back and take it easy for a spell.

This is my refuge....but it as JUST AS MUCH yours as well.
(now, we're not going to cue up the song "Wind beneath My Wings", but thanks for asking...LOL)
I feel we ALL need places such as this, be they in the real world, or right here in the blogosphere.
We need that place that allows us to be...US, and views everyone by the quality of their character.
It's been my honor to bring you this blog for the last four years...
And, with God's help, I hope to follow suit for at least ANOTHER four years, if not longer.
We're ALL in the same boat here...just at different oars.
(We have to hope is that the emperor doesn't like to go water-skiing regularly...lol.)

So, thank you all so very much for the time you have shared, as well as every word you have spoken here.
And we've barely scratched the surface.
DO have yourselves a great rest of the week.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and as always...
Stay safe out there, America.
...For the human advanture continues...
Congrats on the anniversary. I really enjoy your blog. I learn a lot from it. It's always cool to see your perspective on the issues.
...And it's people JUST like yourself that keep this all going.
If nothing else, this blog will get you thinking...and it's STILL FREE...LOL!
Thanks for your readership.
And thanks for stopping on by.
Stay cool!
Dear Bob,
Oh, my Gosh!! Four years is a good long time. Never let it be said your commitment is lacking!
I've been on-line for about a year. It took me awhile to find you. But every day I find something provocative, something funny, something inspirational. Bob, there's REASONS I stop by! Thank you so much for providing them.
Anyway, big Hurrah! To you and it is such a pleasure.
I'm going to stay safe and try to make that difference!
Very truly yours,
Ann T.
There are some people that would say that I SHOULD have been committed...YEARS ago...LOL.
Seriously thought, I look at this blog as something that should speak to a LOT of us.
Every day needs to be one of THOUGHT, HUMOR, INSPIRATION, DEVOTION, and SO much more.
You nailed it on the head there!
I merely attempt to demonstrate (in some miniscule way) that YOU (and I) are NOT alone.
That goes for everyone else that reads here.
Thank you VERY much for all that you have shown me in such a short time (and continue to reveal about life).
It helps me to see myself more clearly.
And thanks for making GOOD use of that "soapbox" here...!
Have a great week!
Congratulations on your 4th Blogaversary. Your blog is always a big part of my morning. I enjoy your point of view and little insights into your life. Thanks for sharing.
Sounds like something I;d say...LOL!
If someone told me 4 years ago that I would encounter such great people like yourself...
I probably would have laughed in their face.
But I am VERY honored to have come to know you.
People often say that OPPOSITES attract.
Well, I could call those people wrong...
We go "against the grain" in that regard, and I am a better person for the experience.
Thank you SO much for this chance to share our slices of life.
And thank you for stopping by today.
Always a pleasure.
Congrats, Bob! I was just thinking of you in doing my morning prayer list. I know you need prayers for your safety, even if most of your neighbors are too educationally challenged to read your blog. I don't know that I would last living in that area for 4 years, much less blog about it.
As a former Sunday school teacher (for real...in another lifetime), a church elder, and former member of several church singing groups, I am NEVER too proud to accept prayer from wherever I can get it...
(gives my Guardian Angel a day off once in a while...LOL)
That works BOTH ways as well. I WILL offer a prayer wherever it's needed as OFTEN as it's needed.
Educationally-challenged is being TOO kind referring to my neighbors.
I never worry about them reading this blog...and if they did..fine by me.
They might LEARN something about THEMSELVES.
Nothing all that "neighborly" about them...at least not in the manner I was raised to believe.
And I've been here for FOURTEEN years total...seen a LOT of things change (read decline), and it sure is a great study in anthropology and psychology.
Makes me wish I studied those subjects...I could write a few papers on the subject.
I value your thoughts, prayers and readership. It's a blessing to know we STILL have people of such caliber in our midst.
Thank you for spending some time here at the "fence"...
50 kids in a class is outragous. there is noway one teach can control 50 darn kids. why the heck did they close down elmhurst then. so wrong.
and i personally think the relious education probley helped cut down some stuff. people didnt act out like they might had. we had a halloween party a few times in that trailor. good times bob. good times.
Yeah, 50 teens is WAY too many to handle (without a whip and a chair).
They ARE going to ALLOW the religious program again...(they musta read the blog here) but it will be an AFTER school venue.
Halloween party, you say?
Don't even hear about them doing that these days...
How we all DO miss those good times.
Nice to see you today...and hope to see you again REAL soon here.
Have yourself a great day.
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