Some of these you might have heard of in passing, while others you're probably not aware of, but that's okay...that's what I'm here for.
The truth WILL be known here, because YOU deserve to know about it.
After all, how the hell can ANY of us ever hope to make a decision WITHOUT as many of the facts as possible, right?
So, buckle up (it's the LAW), and get ready for another "wild ride"...
*** Hazelton, Pennsylvania is one of those small towns that goes relatively unnoticed by most people, even those living IN Pennsy.

I've been through there when up in the Poconos. It's a really nice drive east from the Poconos to Hazelton, and it's one of those towns that cries out AMERICANA. Here's the WIKI for the "4-1-1" about this place: You tell me if it doesn't seem like a nice place.
This town is about 1/10th the size of Fort Wayne (my current residence), but is reaping more than it's share of "issues", such as ILLEGAL ALIENS.

I suppose they're tried to retain THEIR small-town values while attempting to stem the rising tide of illegals, and it's certainly NOT be an easy battle to wage.
Quite recently, they've been dealt yet another blow to their efforts, as can be read here:
This all goes to show that if this can happen in such a small city (population approx 25k), you KNOW how much more it's been happening in our LARGER cities. So much for that "small-town charm", estoy en lo correcto?
And yes, Virginia, there IS more...
*** Just when you thought it was SAFE to re-enter the classroom...
(( Published: September 14, 2010 3:00 a.m.
Deep cuts at FWCS not likely until 2011 / Devon Haynie / The Journal Gazette
FORT WAYNE – Fort Wayne Community Schools is unlikely to see any sharp budget reductions until the fall of 2011, according to the district’s chief financial officer.
During Monday’s school board meeting, FWCS chief financial officer Kathy Friend proposed a $274 million 2011 budget – a 6 percent decrease from the previous year. Friend said the budget reflects the $15 million in cuts the board made last spring, as well as "conservative budgeting" for the next school year.
She called the district’s funding future uncertain, and said the district may have to cut as much as $8 million next fall depending on what happens with state and federal education funding.
The board will have a public hearing on the entire budget Sept. 27. The board could approve the budget Oct. 11.

Friend said the circuit-breaker property tax caps approved by state legislators would cost the district $4 million next year, and she urged the public to think twice about approving a measure in November that would put the circuit-breaker language in the state constitution.
If the governor’s education cuts enacted last year are permanent and the district doesn’t receive any additional support from the federal government, Friend said the district could be forced to make $8 million worth of cuts next fall.
However, if the state cuts are permanent, but the district receives the $6.2 million in one-time federal funding it’s eligible to receive, Friend estimated the district would be able to at postpone millions of dollars in cuts for at least another year.
The only way fall budget cuts could be avoided, she said, was if the state restored funding to previous levels and the district also received the additional federal funding.
At the end Monday’s meeting, school board president Mark GiaQuinta and district spokeswoman Krista Stockman rebutted allegations from some in the community that Wayne High School was over crowded.
Stockman pointed out that Wayne – at 1,700 – was the smallest high school in the district. GiaQuinta read a letter from Fire Chief Peter Kelly which said the department had determined the school was "well under permitted occupancy." ))
Looks like that slope our Fort Wayne School "corporation" has started down just got a WHOLE lot more slippery.
There has ALREADY been class sizes IN EXCESS of 50 students (at certain schools), with some students sitting on the FLOORS of those classrooms.
I'm very glad that the $500 million school building project was voted DOWN, given the scope of the current situation.
Can't imagine WHERE the blood from THAT turnip would be gotten from, right?
This is becoming a yearly crap-shoot, with the house once again having the better "odds".
If you're an educator (or are married to one as I am) you're going to be wondering EVERY frigging year if the job will still be there, or if you'll become the newest "casualty" of his war on politics vs. education, because we ALL know that politics has had it's hand in THIS pie (up past their wrists) for way too long.

Could this be part of some "master plan" to eventually have ALL school systems run by our FEDERAL government, and it's "revisionist" history pundits?
(sounds like Pink Floyd's Another Brick in the Wall video a'coming our way)
Let's hope it doesn't come down to THAT. Our future is at stake, after all.
And yes, we still have more stuff....
*** Now THIS rates the "Believe it or else" tag, if nothing more...

Here's the related article from he AP:
Now, perhaps in YOUR part of the universe, it doesn't seem like it, and I KNOW that in parts of this nation, it DEFINITELY is not.
But someone thinks it is...
There IS a caveat attached to this, however.
NO ONE seems to know WHY violent crime has dropped (for the third straight year).

Now I have to agree with him there...it DOES (play a role, that is), but this is only ONE piece of a larger puzzle, isn't it?
Have people just decided to quit the crime business?
Not if you look at the police briefs or listen to the scanners.
Perhaps criminals are just taking the "easy" way out with petty larcenies and burglaries then.
No, because in many cities we're STILL seeing more weapons-related crimes, and the last time I checked, THOSE crimes were considered VIOLENT in nature.

Nah...too easy, and he's already got the economy gig covered, according to the liberals.
Hey, here's an suggestion...how about you "re-label" certain crimes so they are no longer listed among the VIOLENT crimes?
Well, THAT could certainly DROP the figures, and on a more consistent basis.
I know crimes are often "reassigned" to other "departments", as it were, to make the NUMBERS look good.
What was once a felony might become reclassified to a misdemeanor..until someone changes their mind (again).
It's called "creative accounting".
It very often skews the ACTUAL figures...hell, just ask the VICTIMS of those crimes...those that are STILL ALIVE, that is.
And lastly today...
Two items go on sale this day...

Now, I still own a PlayStation ONE (and STILL can't make it to the end of QUAKE ), so you KNOW I don't play HALO, and at the prices for these games ($50 for the regular version - $149 for the "collector's edition"), I've got bigger and better fish to fry.
This makes Bill's book an easier "catch" at the stores, and something I KNOW I can make it to the end of a lot more easily...LOL.

You are now well-armed to take on whatever the world decides to toss at you today.
We'll worry about tomorrow...TOMORROW, fair enough?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and be sure to...
Stay safe out there, America.
yea, electronics are something else. currently i have one tv. i used to have 2. but, one killed over and i dont want to fund another tv that will die quickly for over 180.00. i mean i dont poop gold. then i have lost all the dvd players. seems once the eye goes out then opps they are dead. dvd players die pretty quick. right now i am using our portable dvd player that we never used. getting some of that money back that i invested in it. my daughters alarm clock broke again and she went in my room and got my electric alarm clock, cd player am/fm. i found out she really likes that alarm clock alot for the cd/am/fm on it. well i did too. but i have my 5.00 portable alarm clock that i like more. so, i will be buying me some kind of cheep cd/am/fm bookshelf unit to enjoy in the living room. saw one at walmart for around 40.00. i know. i'm such the big spender. lol
and i've noticed for the last few years that being a teacher is just not where it is anymore. it seems like everyone all over the usa in the teaching business dont know if they will have a job year to year. i have been thinking almost in the same lines that you did bob. are they just trying to take away retirement or what? something just dont smell right. and violant crime is down. whatever. they said we werent having a dry summer down here and now we are having field fires everywhere. bunch of disinformation is being put out everywhere now days. even on above top secret boards. who knows who is telling the truth or lying anymore. it used to be easy to spot a lie.
Yeah, no one seems to make ANYTHING that lasts these days...do they?
But I still have my old Kenwood receiver and tape deck w/ my Sanyo turntable (about 20 years ols now). My car is 26+ years old, the living room TV is close to the same age, and our major appliances need to go into the Smithsonian...LOL.
But at least THEY still work!
(unlike all my neighbors)
I borrowed that picture from Jerry Doyle's website..."question EVERYTHING"...you're bound to right close to 50% of the time, and you ain't getting odds THAT good in Vegas anytime soon.
As to all these fires...guess ARSON isn't considered a "violent" crime these days.
Yeah, I think someone wants to dispose of all our seniors/retirees...God help them when they find out HOW MANY of them still have firearms (and can shoot straight)...LOL.
Thanks for dropping by today.
Carry On.
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