How in God's name did we manage THAT, eh?
Well, there's plenty of stuff to sift through today, and I've dusted off another box of the recently "declassified" files in my basement to allow you the opportunity to get those brain cells moving around and firing in their proper order.
So, let's get started...
*** From the "You're next...They're Here - Run For Your Lives" files:
Well-known actor, Kevin McCarthy has passed away at age 96.

He is best remembered as the kindly Dr. Bennell, who accidentally comes across an alien plot to take over the earth in the science-fiction classic INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS (with Dana Wynter, Caroline Jones, and King Donovan).
Here's a link with the movie trailer:
Now this was a masterpiece of writing for it's time, was received as pretty much a "flop" when it came to theaters, yet this is STILL the best of the bunch, as subsequent remakes of the movie fail to capture the sheer terror found by McCarthy's character.

Perhaps this was a tad prophetic in some ways, and hits closer to home than we can comprehend.
Here's the WIKI on the movie itself:
I'm quite sure that the NEXT time you see this movie, you'll know what I mean...and you'll tell everyone to "run for their lives".
(or at least buy a LOT of matches and kerosene...AND caffeine products)

One of our FWCS (school corporation) board members was arrested for DUI the other night (actually early morning).
(( Published: September 15, 2010 3:00 a.m. Holly Abrams / The Journal Gazette
Fort Wayne Community Schools Board member Kevin Brown was arrested on a drunken-driving charge early Tuesday.
Brown, 53, was driving on Indiana 930 near Estella Avenue when he was stopped by a New Haven police officer about 2:30 a.m. He failed to signal a turn, and the officer noticed his vehicle had an expired paper tag, a police report said.
When questioned by the officer, Brown said he drank two beers, beginning about 9:30 p.m. Monday, at Champions Sports Bar & Restaurant, 1150 S. Harrison St. – about 30 minutes after the conclusion of Monday’s school board meeting a few blocks away, which he attended.

Brown is charged with two misdemeanor counts of operating while intoxicated and faces traffic citations for operating without proper vehicle registration, driving with a suspended license, failure to signal and operating a vehicle without financial responsibility.
A blood-alcohol test on Brown registered at 0.10 percent, court records said. The legal limit for intoxication is 0.08 percent.
Brown, who represents District 4, was elected in 2006 and has announced he is seeking a second term.
FWCS officials declined to comment on Brown’s arrest because of his position as an elected official, according to spokeswoman Krista Stockman.
Board President Mark GiaQuinta said every board member has to decide when a matter of a personal nature rises to a level where he or she can no longer effectively serve."He should reflect on whether or not that would warrant resignation," he said. "The decision, though, has to be his."
GiaQuinta also questioned whether board members should remain in their position for offenses that would result in suspensions or terminations of the district’s administrative staff.

"Should we not hold the board to the same standard?"
"It will be hard to hold the district’s administration to such a standard in the future if the board does not adhere to it as well", GiaQuinta said.
At Monday evening’s school board meeting, Brown proposed an ethics policy for board members. That was ironic timing, GiaQuinta said, wondering whether the proposed policy would cover drunken-driving arrests.
Brown, who lives in the 3800 block of Reynolds Street, was released from the Allen County Lockup on Tuesday after posting $750 bail.
An attorney conference is scheduled for this month and Brown’s license was ordered suspended Tuesday. It was unclear from court records why his license was suspended before his arrest.
Brown previously pleaded guilty to a drunken-driving charge in 2001. In 1997 he was arrested on a misdemeanor charge of battery after he was accused of throwing a piece of chicken at his wife, hitting her on the side of the face, and choking her.
Brown entered a diversion program in that case and the charge was dismissed a year later, court records said.
Four other candidates are running against Brown for the District 4 seat.
Brown previously ran for the board’s at-large seat in 2002 and lost.
In 2004, he ran for the at-large City Council position and lost.
He also lost in the 2005 county commissioner 1st District race.
And in 2008 he ran for state education superintendent. ))
Well, how about THAT bombshell?
A person that commands a certain level of respect BY OTHERS drives WITHOUT REGISTRATION...on EXPIRED tags, and cannot produce PROOF OF INSURANCE.
Sorry, but in MY book, that's the old "three strikes...you're out" factor in play.
While an elected official cannot be removed from office (a dumbass law), he SHOULD think seriously about resignation...
That would be the HONORABLE thing to do, in this person's opinion.
*** From the "What the Hell Are They Thinking?" files:

I suppose you CAN pull the wool over a LOT of peoples' eyes these days...even AFTER you're consistently poked a stick IN those eyes.
Here's the link to the story:
I mean he's up to a BAKER'S DOZEN as far as the number of ETHICS violations against him.
Looks like we found us a brand NEW "TEFLON-DON", hmm?
*** From the "And THIS Is Why I Don't Watch Sports Today" files:
(( Published: September 15, 2010 3:00 a.m.
Reggie Bush relinquishes his Heisman - RALPH D. RUSSO Associated Press

The New Orleans Saints star won the Heisman – symbol of the best player in college football – in 2005.
Returning the trophy has no practical effect on Bush since he’s already in the pros and a member of a Super Bowl championship team. But it is the first time in the award’s 75-year history that a player has forfeited it.
USC was hit with heavy sanctions by the NCAA this summer after it determined Bush and his family had received hundreds of thousands of dollars in gifts from two fledgling California-based marketing agents. The NCAA ruled that Bush was ineligible for the 2005 season, which opened the possibility that the Heisman Trophy Trust would take back the award.
One of the few guidelines given to Heisman Trophy voters is that a player must be in compliance with NCAA rules to be eligible for the award.
"For the rest of my days, I will continue to strive to demonstrate through my actions and words that I was deserving of the confidence placed in me by the Heisman Trophy Trust."
Shortly after USC was sanctioned, the eight-member trust, based in New York, said it was considering what to do about Bush, who won in a landslide vote over Texas quarterback Vince Young.
The trust met Tuesday; it had no comment. Whether the 2005 Heisman will be vacated or given to Young remains to be seen.
"Reg will continue to be the 2005 Award recipient, and I will continue to be honored to have been in the 2005 Heisman campaign with such a talented athlete," Young posted on his Twitter account.
Allegations of improper benefits to Bush and his family were first reported by Yahoo Sports in September 2006, months after Bush had already been drafted No. 2 overall by the Saints.
The NCAA and Pac-10 began investigating him and the USC football program soon afterward, and Bush immediately denied any wrongdoing. One of the marketing agents, Lloyd Lake, sued Bush in trying to recoup nearly $300,000 in cash and gifts. Eventually, the case was settled, and Bush never had to publicly tell his side of the story.
In handing out its penalties, the NCAA cited USC for a lack of institutional control. The penalties included the loss of 30 football scholarships over three years and vacating 14 victories in which Bush played from December 2004 through the 2005 season.
USC won two national titles during Bush’s career. ))

Seems like some perverted form of "affirmative action" to me. A person's ABILITIES and CHARACTER should suffice in the NCAA.
But, like I'm keen to always point out...
"It's ALL about MARKETING", folks!
Whether Reggie will continue to embrace the PRINCIPLES of what truly makes a HEISMAN WINNER or not will be the litmus test.
*** Lastly today, from the "If You Can't Fix, Just Replace It" files:
I recently had the joy of turning on one of our under-cabinet kitchen lights, ONLY to find the rotating switch had taken the big dirt-nap. And since I couldn't find an adequate replacement SWITCH, I did the NEXT best thing (No, I didn't reach for the DUCT TAPE, although it was well within my grasp...LOL)

I had seen a sale at MENARDS (the handyman's SECOND-BEST secret weapon) for complete FIXTURES...and at decent prices.
So, I trucked off w/ the missus in tow and got us TWO new ones. (why wait for that second light to dummy up and croak?)
The best part was BOTH lights were ON SALE. One was $5, and the other was $3 (70% off - astounding)!
The worst part (and all you fixer-uppers out there KNOW this) was that the FLUORESCENT BULBS cost more than the damn LIGHT FIXTURES!
At $5.98 APIECE, I made sure they made it home in pristine condition.
And, after more than a few well-chosen cuss words, and dust off my old "contortionist" act (bending over BACKWARDS...LITERALLY to access the one fixture), they are now marvelously illuminating our kitchen counter tops.

"I love it when a plan comes together"... (Hannibal Smith - the A-Team)
It's like Red Green (Steve Smith) always says:
"If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy".
Therein should lie the lesson for today, right GUYS?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay Safe out there, America.
"Charlie Rangel has WON his primary election...can you believe this sh*t?
I suppose you CAN pull the wool over a LOT of peoples' eyes these days...even AFTER you're consistently poked a stick IN those eyes."
I can believe it. New York, Like Massachusetts with Dead Ted, will keep on voting for their favorite crook long after he "has no clothes", simply because he's THEIR crook. They are in it for what's best for them, not what's right for the country.
More "business as usual", right?
It's absolutely NO wonder that Rangel's had THRITEEN ethics violations (that we currently KNOW of)...amazing.
Guess there ARE some folks that DO like bending over a lot!
(keeps Vaseline sales brisk, no doubt)
A modern day Mobster...make NO mistake about that.
The "new" Mafia, but without the familial honor.
(or another seed pod)
Hey, thanks from taking time and stopping by today.
Always good to hear from you.
(you truly "GET IT")
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