I finally have some of my larger tomatoes changing color. The cherry tomatoes are producing fruit as well, so I've got me some salad fixins...
Might even make myself some bacon & tomato sandwiches on toast this weekend. Dad got me started on those and I love 'em!
Kinda like a BLT minus the *T*.
But never fear, as there's plenty to ponder today.
We've got some GOOD, some BAD...and some UGLY to take a look at, and I will leave it up to YOU, my faithful readers to decide what goes where, fair enough? So, without any further ado...let the pigeons loose!
*** First, a breaking story...
(( Body found near McCulloch Park - Suspect in custody

Published : Friday, 03 Sep 2010, 6:11 AM EDT
FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WANE) - Fort Wayne police are investigating a fatal shooting. Investigators said just after 5:05 Friday morning, they received a call that several shots had been fired in McCulloch Park near the intersection of Lindley and Parkview Avenues. Police searched the park and discovered the body of a female victim near the railroad tracks toward the back end of the park. Officers also stopped a male suspect who was trying to get into a vehicle to leave the park. That individual is now in custody and is being questioned. ))
And now, to the rest of the news...
*** (( Two arrested for dealing cocaine -
Police arrested suspects after traffic stop
Updated: Thursday, 02 Sep 2010, 10:16 AM EDT
Published : Thursday, 02 Sep 2010, 10:06 AM EDT
Over the past month, undercover officers purchased cocaine from John Bridges, 56, and Kim Wattley, 52.
Police had pending charges for the two suspects, and pulled Bridges vehicle over and arrested Bridges and Wattley.
After the traffic stop police found $1200 and eight grams of crack cocaine in the car.
Officers then obtained a search warrant for Bridges apartment, and found another eight grams of crack cocaine and $1600.
Bridges is on Federal Parole for prior dealing and firearms charges and Wattley is on State Parole for possession of cocaine. ))
Little OLD to be screwing your life up (more), aren't you?Already on PAROLE, hmm? Weapons charges, you say? Prior drug charges too?
Seems some lessons weren't learned all too well, were they?
Well, BOTH of them are gonna have some MORE time to "think things over" and how they can turn their (up to this point) flawed lives the hell around, right?
WHY do you think they call it DOPE???
God, how I love a happy ending.
*** But wait...there's more.
(( Two shot at Fort Wayne apartment complex
Updated: Thursday, 02 Sep 2010, 9:45 PM EDT
Published : Thursday, 02 Sep 2010, 9:05 PM EDT

Police were called to 1604 Reed Road just after four o'clock. They found a man, who has not been identified, near the leasing office. He was suffering from a gunshot wound.
The victim told officers the shooting took place at 5010 Madiera, which is also part of the apartment complex.

While investigating, police located a second shooting victim. The woman was in good condition. Officers say she was grazed by the bullet.
Witnesses told police that the male victim had been visiting family when several other men arrived and they all started arguing.
Soon after, shots were fired. The man left the apartment and ended up near the leasing office. A man walking by called 911.
The investigation continues. ))
This complex is almost within spitting distance from a high school, and 1600 hrs is a time when after school program students ARE in the area.
nice to know some people can't control their animalistic URGES, doesn't it?
Thank GOD some "passerby" happened to call 911. Lord knows those involved in the shooting were too BUSY to do that.
Hold on...we've got still more...
*** This was a letter to the editor published yesterday morning:

I recently was a victim of a theft. I called the FWPD sergeant’s desk to report it.
I was given a different number to call to create a police report over the phone.
After being transferred to the correct department, I was told by the female who picked up that all operators were busy and that I needed to wait on hold. I waited on hold for about 10 minutes before the same female came back on and said that they were very busy – too busy to take my call – and that it was close to shift change. I was told to call back in 15 minutes.
This type of policy is unacceptable.
I am the victim, and I needed my law enforcement agency to handle the situation. These actions by FWPD tell me that, even though I have been through a very unpleasant experience, I am not worthy enough to have law enforcement on my side.
There needs to be a change in how FWPD handles their "customers." Every taxpaying Fort Wayne citizen deserves to have their plea for help heard. Fort Wayne Police Chief Rusty York and Mayor Tom Henry, this needs to happen now. No other Fort Wayne citizen needs to be disrespected like I was.
NICK HOBBIE Fort Wayne ))
I can sympathize w/ Nick. I've been put on hold when calling dispatch, and just yesterday, the phone rang over EIGHT tmes before the line was picked up.
Personally, I deplore the "over the phone" theft reporting, as I feel that a crime scene IS a crime scene, and that evidence that could catch a thief COULD be found on site. Then again, I'm very "traditional" in my approaches.
I had to make such a phone report when items wee taken from our garage years ago. Never heard back and never had anything recovered, so that makes MY point about boots-on-the-ground investigating and dusting for prints, instead of electronic "investigation".
In my opinion...go with WHAT has worked in the past...period.
Many times, the "5-0" is overwhelmed, and it shouldn't have to be that way.
Hang in there. We've still got more stuff coming...
*** We had a MAJOR Meth raid in Fort Wayne the other day.

This is some really good police work, but since the FEDS were involved, THEY will wind up with the majority of the credit (as is usually the case).

One house in Butler, Indiana was also targeted in the raids.
Nice to know that MEXICO still has a decent EXPORT trade going on, though...
Only problem is that those exports are things WE, in America can do WITHOUT...right?
And it's nice to know that CRACK isn't the only "game" going on down here.
Seems we've got plenty to "share".
*** An update to the "Romeo & Juliet" case.

This time, the kids had seen the police cruiser coming up the cross street, and attempted to walk "briskly" away, AS IF nothing was going on.
(Editor's Note: When a police car is approaching YOU, the last thing you want to do is give the officer MORE reason to be suspicious OF you...like suddenly heading the OTHER way...NOT a good thing.)
The officer rounded the corner, pulled up alongside them, stopped them, and gave them a good, solid FIVE minute talking to. The kids arms were flailing about as if to say "we wasn't doin' nuthin". Really?
Then WHY do you NEED to be at MY corner EVERY day for SEVERAL HOURS after school (when you should be home doing your homework, so you don't have to live in a blighted area of town like you currently do), watching EVERY car that passes by.
After that, they went back to THEIR house...and "hung out" some more...until AFTER 2100 hours!!!
Guess they're gonna be sleepy in class this morning. Or at least ill-prepared for classwork.
This mentality of "education is whack" has to end. These kids have NO idea how much they're f*cking themselves over, but I'm sure some gov't program will "take care of those poor unfortunates" when she gets pregnant, and he gets incarcerated for drug dealing or weapons charges.
Multi-generational entitlements...the WORST thing that can be foisted upon ANY society...and we see it practiced daily. Very sad.
*** Lastly today, my nephew, Erik, who attended the Beck event last Saturday sent along some pictures, and I promised to share them with all of you.
He DID manage to get the V-formation of the "geese-fly-over" too...astounding!
And they were pretty darn low, too.
I have a much better sense of the crowds that were there, as well.
It's times like this that make me wish I still lived on the East coast.
Yeah, you miss a lot, but I have to say living HERE has TAUGHT me a lot more about human behavior...or at least the depravities of it.
And sometimes, we need to not only learn from the GOOD in life, but also the BAD, and often the UGLY as well.
Good things will teach us much, but bad things can teach us even more, as long as we choose NOT to ignore them, shy away from them, because they are bad. Like anything in life, we press on, into whatever maelstrom that comes our way, and we learn from the experience.
For any decent , God-fearing, law-abiding person, doing the easy and good things in life are just that...EASY.
It often becomes SECOND-NATURE.
Tackling the difficult and the bad, though not often looked forward to, will teach us more about others...and especially...about ourselves.

Have yourselves a fantastic weekend, and I'll be seeing you all on the flip side for Labor Day...the Good Lord willing.
Be well, do make a difference to someone, and as always...
Stay safe out there, America.
you know if you call the police and its not 911 just be prepared to be put on hold. and the lady cop gave the other lady good advise to call back in 15 min. good grief. you want someone to give a rats behind not someone that is in a hurry to put on that other hat they carry called parent, wife, girlfriend. she (the victim) should be very happy she wasnt in indianapolis and getting ran over by a drunk cop. thats been the big news down hill how this drunk ran down some dfas employees out for a ride on their bikes at lunch. we had a weed bust down here. but, i think they only went after the mexican weed becouse some 18 year old mexican was rolling a joint and accedently shot his 5 year old cousin. its a hot summer down here. and pretty hot under the collar one too. many communities are up in arms about these folks getting hit.
I agree with the time lag when calling dispatch,
Most departments are walking a thin line when ti coems to providing immediate service.
That's why I love that saying (regarding owning a firearm):
"When SECONDS count, the police are only MINUTES away."
It's been a weird-ass summer, that's for sure, and I'll be glad to see it leave "Dodge".
It reminds me of a covered pot on a stove...boiling away, just waiting to blow the lid off.
A LOT of people are getting VERY fed up with things and want action.
We;re up to NINETEEN homicides this year (I predicetd 25 or more)...looks like we;re still "on track"...
(and I donlt like being right in this instance).
Have YOURSELF a safe AND happy Labor Day weekend.
If you find yourself up here, I can put another hot dog or burger on...no problem.
See 'ya on Monday
lol thanks......perhaps one day....
Remember the saying:
Never give up. Never give in.
It works on some of my worst days (and beleive me, I do have some...still)
Thanks for dropping by today.
Do have a great weekend.
(and I mean that, trooper)
right now i am facing some of my own personal demons. i went to the dav. and i am going to have to start up a paper trail to get disablity from the time in saudi/iraq 90/91. i have alot of ongoing emotional and physical problem. i dont admit to anything most of the time. but, for me to get disablity, the free college for my daughter stuff well i have to stand up and admit to stuff and trust in my personal doc and the dav to help me out. i have taken a long road this year and its not one for the weak. oh yes, bob i was one of the few that got that letter in the mail saying opps our bad we exposed you to chemicals from the dod. these last few weeks i've talked more about desert storm then i have ever talked about it. take care my friend.
I know what you mean...I lost a good buddy from the 101st from Agent Orange exposure in 'Nam.
Didn't reveal itself until the early 1990s, and he fought it 'till the end.
It was rough on his wife, I know that.
The military didn't even give an "oops" letter to him. And they KNEW what this crap did to our boys.
You keep EVERY single iota of that paper trail, because you might need it. Get names and keep really good notes. I can't stress that enough.
Comes a time in everyone's life when no matter how much INNER strength they might have,...it's not enough to overcome the failing OUTER strength.
Hang in there.
There used to be a saying that PAIN was weakness leaving the body.
I must have accumulated a TON of weakness over the years, then...lol.
There are some mornings that I swear I've got someone else's body by mistake overnight.
But I work through it...and it ain't easy.
I look at it as God's way of saying "Cripes, Bob...take it easy, will 'ya?"
You do whatever it takes to maintain YOUR quality-of-life for yourself AND your daughter.
Don't try to be a Superman or Wonder Woman...just be the best YOU that you can be...for BOTH of you.
Stay Strong, trooper!
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