Been a few days since we got a decent soaking, and now, here in the "heartland" of America, we're enjoying just that.
It was getting to the point where the soil was pulling away from the concrete borders out back.
So, a little rain is welcome, especially if it means the "locals" will be kept relatively AT BAY.
*** Now, you have to understand a few things about living in the "ghettohood" when it comes to rain...
1) The locals don't like rain...it affects their BOOMCARS (bad for speakers) in that, they CAN'T thump at 140 Db with the windows DOWN to annoy you.
(awww...poor babies - breaks my freaking heart...BWAHAHAHAHHahahaha)
2) They can't hang out at YOUR corner, because they will get their new pair of bling-assed, baggy-saggy SOUTHPOLE jeans wet.
3) All drug deals will be "car-to-car" with some sprinting involved.
4) Litter will be kept IN the POS-mobile until it stops raining, and then will be deposited upon whatever lawn the vehicle is next to as it drives by.
5) People will STILL walk in the middle of the street, making driving in the rain even MORE problematic for "we lucky few...we Band of Normals".
6) The morning paper will NOT arrive, because the person delivering it either overslept, didn't get his Smirnoff yet, or can't find a trashbag "poncho" to wear to keep himself dry (oh yeah, ghettohood newspaper carriers are NOT the typical sort)
But, aside from all this, the garden gets a much-needed drink, and YOU get some much-needed solace...for a while.
As do my REAL friends of the four-footed or winged variety that frequent our daily "buffet".

I got one such cookie the other day...left over from my b'day dinner the other week.
I crack it open and it says (ahem):
"You will always be surrounded by true friends."
So, I stopped and looked around me...
I saw our two cats, a hummingbird at the feeder, a rabbit, a squirrel, and assorted other birds...that's IT.
(To borrow from Momma Fargo)
Okay, TRUE friends, huh?
Yeah, I'm good with that.
The NEXT fortune cookie was a bit more "interesting"...
"You will be called for a position of high honor and responsibility".
You gotta be sh*ttin' me, right?
Cripes, aside from you faithful followers HERE, and my immediate family (what's left of it anyway), hardly ANYONE knows I frigging EXIST.
(that's NOT really a BAD thing...being a "ghost")
I can't even get the police to acknowledge the chronic LOITERING problem at the corner (that only seems to occur when school is in session...), or get them to investigate the DRUG HOUSES in the ghettohood, or all those loud-mobiles, or people driving while intoxicated...yeah, the list gets longer each week, it seems.

I was laboring under the premise that these kids were hanging out, milling about in the street and intersection, playing "slap and tickle" for several HOURS every night due to an overabundance of raging hormones.
And although that "could" be part of it (even *I* was a teenager...once), there may be a more important "reason" this takes place...

I MUST be getting old...I should have caught this straight away.
One of them (the girl) ALWAYS has a cell phone on her, and after calling the FWPD to move them from the corner one day last week, I noticed that right AFTER the call went out...they moved on...such CLAIRVOYANCE these days, hmm?
Or...is it something ELSE?
(a networking of these people watching the area)
It came to me last night in one of those "moments of clarity" things.

(I firmly believe that's WHY these people would LOVE to see us move out...so THEY could have this place and it's field of vision)
And these kids hang right AT the intersection, and the boy watches constantly up and down the streets, as well at every single car that passes, sometimes signing (their version of "waving") at a specific vehicle.
All this just makes so damn much sense now.
I mean, I KNOW that people AT that house down the block DO USE drugs...seen a male toking on blunts several times, and a female there staggered down our damn street the other week, with a toddler walking aimlessly in the street as well. (helluva role model parent, don'cha think?)
Well, it might have taken me longer to realize, but I think I have a much better grasp of the entire situation...NOW.

I would prefer to be a lot more PROACTIVE, than winding up becoming more REACTIVE.
I also like to hit what I aim at, so these people are "on notice". They've been "served", as it were.
And as long as I am on MY property, gonna be real hard to argue the point against ME, should things ever escalate.
(which, by all standards, they SHOULD NOT)

(well, spank me rosy)
Maybe it's because the vast majority of them have ALREADY made it into America...'ya think?
Back during the year I was born (1952) there were approximately 300,000 illegals that came into America.
Do the math....if we ONLY had the same amount cross over in the past 58 years...that's a FEW MORE than this 12 million number we keep hearing about, right? Someone in the government needs a remedial MATH class....(big surprise THERE, huh?)
Guess that should make Mexico a lot more empty now...not really.
That nation is full of it's OWN number of "illegals" from even farther south.
Trickle UP illegality, I guess.
*** Finally today...since we have all the crap out of the way, I'll bet you're wondering about this "model-building gig" I've been getting back into.
(Not really, Bob, but we have the feeling you're gonna tell us anyway)

Right you are...
I finished that RAF Mosquito night fighter...finally.
Airfix sent along a brand new set of decals and it is finished.
They are still a fantastic company to do business with and didn't even charge me for the new decal sheet. Astounding!
I can't say enough about them, and I've been building their kits since I was in grade school!

This was a kit I had since the 1980s, and decided to build. It comes with a mini-diorama as a base, so I went a little further and added some "houses" from our porcelain/resin micro-collection (Yeah, I love architecture, especially castles, even though we only have 4 buildings).
Didn't turn out too bad, but I know NOW why I never really went in for making THESE particular scale kits...

Geezus, had to use a tweezers to hold the parts.
And God help you if you lose something...you ain't gonna find it.
People often wonder why others (like me) even bother to build these kits...
I think there's a very good reason.
-We want to be reminded of ALL the people that BUILT the real things.
-We want to acknowledge those that manned them and fought in them...and even died in them.
-We want to remember the sacrifice of those willing to climb into these machines, and take on the enemy...all to preserve something we like to call FREEDOM.

And I think they're ALL good ones, don't you?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
Dear Bob,
Wow, I admire the patience and workmanship on these models! You left out the model-making as an exercise in precision, working with hands, and Patience. Heavens!
I'm glad they sent the decals to you. That was so annoying but you're set w/ just a little customer service. Makes all the difference.
About the social v. business corner, I think one of the attractions of this business is that it does seem to blend so seamlessly. At an official job, there's no time to stand around and wait. On this job, availability is all that's required. So, it serves a double function.
Good luck with the broken windows policing, you know I wish you all the luck in the world.
I guess more patience/persistence.
Take care today! Wonderful work on ALL counts!
Nice work with the plane kits. I cringe at the thought of tweezers and dropping tiny parts on the ground though.
Yes, rain has many blessings. Here at our university town, the police pray for rain every large block party weekend.
Didn't know when I took up this "mantle" that it would be SUCH a hard job (that I would never get paid for)...!
But in that, I think we both KNOW from experience, eh?
I really appreciate the kudos.
Thanks for taking time to drop by.
Always a pleasure.
Thanks for the props on the models.
It helps to center me..except when a part shootws out of my hand...then it becomes a study in EXASPERATION...LOL!
Yeas, rain DOES have good aspects that many often overlook.
Thankfully, our POLICE do not, right?
Thanks a lot for dropping by today.
Sorry to hear about the layoff, buddy.
Been there, had that happen a few times.
All I can offer is some advice:
(and it's NOT going to cost you anything)
--First, Keep trying to find work...THAT is often as taxing a process AS working, because it does mean having to WORK AT IT to get the next job.
--Next, Never let your spirit become diminished. THAT is difficult, but it IS all UP TO YOU.
YOU have control over what will happen, if you want it to happen.
-- Last, Think of this NOT as a defeat, BUT...as an OPPORTUNITY.
This might be THE chance to CHANGE direction in life...to do something you WANT to do, instead of HAVE to do.
It might take you into "unknown waters", so be a bit wary, but also be open to things that COULD very well enrich your life as well as bring that positive cash-flow we ALL seek.
Good luck, and may you succeed beyond your wildest expectations.
Do keep in touch.
And stay cool!
The models are fun, aren't they? My dad did ship models.. although he did get rather upset when I took his large Cutty Sark and painted all the sailors blue, and glued them below decks (punishment) He was not happy.
Maybe the position of responsibility is sitting at your house calling in stuff.. from your fortune cookie. I'm still waiting for a "the chef spit in your food" cookie message.
Check ebay for model kits too - in the 90s I picked up 2 plane model kits at a yard sale and resold them on ebay for around $3 each. They were still wrapped in plastic.
The only downfall of rain, is that the mosquitoes come out!
I enjoy the models...AFTER THEY"RE DONE!
I need larger parts!
And the RAF Mosquito airplane model IS from eBay..in case you're wondering.
Nice find for cheap.
I WAS hoping that Beck would email me for an "assistant"...LOL!
(hell, Bill O'Reilly or even Neil Cavuto will work at this point!)
I'll take Joe Arpaio, too!
Show of hands?
Need help?
Oh, yeah..so VERY "responsible"...that's me.
And JUST before the rain, the city sprayed for skeeters last evening...dunno HOW well that worked out...seemed like a useless gesture.
Thanks for dropping by...appreciate the take you have on my newly-found "responsibility".
Have yourselves a great evening.
i missed the similarites to phil marx. i like the new pics of the kids. puts a whole new spin on things. keep your guard up.
Phil's got a very interesting (and sometime shocking) story...all of it TRUE.
Let's say he's had HIS share of drug dealers on HIS corner for YEARS.
As to the kids...have an update on Friday's post.
Thanks for stopping by today.
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