And goodness knows there are plenty of things to choose from.
So, let's have at it, okay?
*** First up...a personal "peeve", if you will.
Monday WAS a holiday, and that means that ALL trash pickups will be a DAY LATE, right?
Well, instead of placing one's trash bin out on Wednesday for a Thursday pickup, we place it out on THURSDAY for the FRIDAY pickup.

You would THINK as much...but NOT down here in the ghettohood.
See, people, for the most part are NOT concerned with things like this, and will, once conditioned (like the animals they are), keep sticking to the USUAL day, instead of looking at a calendar, reading a newspaper, OR watching the news (all of which will remind you that trash pickup WILL be a day later because of a MONDAY HOLIDAY).
They have absolutely NO idea what to do when a day like this comes along...except to toss another party.
THAT they can remember to do...and with SUCH gusto (and noise,...and trash. Gee, 'ya think they'd make a "connection" with the trash thing).
So yesterday, I tell the Missus to WATCH for the bins being placed outside ONE DAY EARLY...and sure enough, there they were.
I mean you could make BOOK on these people most any day...they are THAT predictable, especially when it comes to doing something WRONG.
I tell Wifey that "if" there is ANY wrong way to do something, THESE folks WILL find it.
I suppose that's why whenever you crank up the police radio, you hear all those early morning "domestics".
Nothing like greeting a brand new day with a beatdown on that (in) significant "other".
And people wonder WHY kids screw their asses on backwards as they grow the hell up?

I would not really call the AREA blighted, but rather those infesting it as being the BLIGHT.
After all, these neighborhoods WERE once nice...until these cretins moved in and brought ALL that emotional baggage with them.
They obviously have NEVER been taught things like respect, civility, know, those things that "WE" take for granted, because those older people in our families called PARENTS took the time to give a frigging damn about themselves...AND us.
But mankind moves forward, and I guess we have to look at this as "progress"???
Not hardly.
*** Next, we now OFFICIALLY have our 19th HOMICIDE in Fort Wayne

FORT WAYNE – A man charged last week in the shooting death of a woman bought bullets the night before she was found, and police found a gun and ammunition on a rooftop before arresting him, court records said.
Patrick Rashad Fluker, 19, of the 4000 block of Smith Street, remained in the Allen County Jail on Wednesday on charges of murder and possession of stolen auto parts.

He was being held without bail.
Fluker was found urinating near the site of the slaying. When Fort Wayne police questioned Fluker and searched him, they found a Walmart receipt, according to court records filed Tuesday and made public Wednesday.
The receipt indicated ammunition for a 9 mm handgun had been purchased just after 9:30 p.m. Sept. 2. By 5 a.m. Friday, the next day, Tiffany Mendez, 29, was dead.

Someone who heard six gunshots in the area called 911. The caller also told dispatchers that a car sped away from a parking lot near the rail tracks only to stop at the gate to the General Electric building, police said.
A man then got out of the car and ran west.
Shortly after arriving at the scene, police detained Fluker, who matched the description given by the caller, court records said
Police said in court records Fluker was sweating "profusely" when they started to talk to him. The car he was driving, a 2000 Cadillac Seville, was reported stolen in New Haven on Aug. 21. The car does not belong to Mendez, police said.
Police checked the roof of the building Fluker was urinating on and found a 9 mm handgun and the recently purchased ammunition. Five 9 mm shell casings were found near Mendez, court records said.
Police spoke to a Walmart manager and watched surveillance videotape that showed Fluker leaving the store with another woman after making his purchase, court records said.
Police have not released a motive in the killing.
Mendez’s slaying is Allen County’s 19th homicide this year.
She is survived by a son and daughter, her parents and two brothers. A funeral service for Mendez will be at 10 a.m. today at D.O. McComb & Sons Lakeside Park Funeral Home, 1140 Lake Ave. ))

I love the fact that he was charged with "possession of stolen auto PARTS" the WHOLE DAMN CAR that he stole...LOL!
(that's a lot of parts, folks...somewhere in the ghettohood of 300,000, give or take.)
And it was a black-on-Hispanic, who knew that black thugs EVER targeted people OTHER than their own race?
(DoJ stats have spoken OTHERWISE...for DECADES)
I mean...isn't that being a bit "racial"? (see how YOU can play that card when it might really NEED to be played?)
And, it IS nice to know that Wal-Mart has 9mm ammo in stock...might have to go there and get me some MORE.
Now HOW many times have I seen that in MY part of the ghettohood?
Sounds like some typical behavior to me.
And I wonder HOW that gun and ammo got on that roof?
(Bet it didn't CLIMB up there, dimbulb)
That was some DAMN fine police work, checking out ALL possibilities.
Lemme clue you all in on something that this useless piece of human crap forgot.

If you want to make it even more difficult to be "found", use a damn REVOLVER.
In certain clandestine OPS, there are things called "brass-catchers" that attach to your weapon, so the enemy won't know you were nearby when you took out their guys.
You don't leave something the enemy can use against you later.
Soldiers were even instructed in 'Nam not to drop their ciggie butts along a trail during patrol...the VC could find you much easier when you did. You pinched it out, and stuck it in your pocket. Ditto for the rations.
Police your area - leave NO trace you were ever there.
But, luckily for our LEOs today, criminals for the most part, ARE still dumber than a bag of freaking rocks!
Sadly, there are two children who will grow up WITHOUT their mother.
Sadder still, is the fact that most likely, this vermin who perpetrated the crime will serve at worst, life imprisonment...aka the death sentence (by OLD AGE).
Personally, I'd like to be the one smiling as I "pull the lever" when the time comes to off this piece of filth.
Yeah...I DO have a "tender" side, but all of you KNEW that already.
*** Lastly today, have you read about ALL those fires in DETROIT?

(musta been a sh*tload of power lines)
Here's links to the story:
(the LAST link is a really good read)
Police HAVE arrested someone in connection with some fires believed to be acts of ARSON...
Yeah, they can't have THAT many power line fires...that sounds way too "hinky".
So, we take an already slummed-out city and slum it out FURTHER...sounds like a plan (for anarchy).
Kinda makes that "Delta City" gig from the ROBOCOP movies look pretty damn appealing...AND prophetic, doesn't it?
But THIS is exactly what you come to expect from ALL those "poor people"...
Too poor to do anything with their pitiful lives.
Too poor to just have a car stereo that puts out ONLY 150 Db.
Too poor to ONLY be able to afford 24 inch rims INSTEAD of those "30s".
Too poor to know how to behave in a CIVIL manner and act HUMAN for a change.
Hey, maybe the local ZOO can help these animals out...or perhaps PETA.
No, wait...they already ARE getting help from another form of PETA...called the "gub-ment".
Just another form of slavery...with people too blind to notice the socio-economic shackles about their hands, feet, and necks.
All by design. All by progressives.
Still, this nation has MUCH more to offer other than "free cheese", right?

We can choose to allow this ground to lie fallow, as we decide which crop WILL better provide for all of us.
But, we will have to also decide to sow a much more productive crop for that "next season".
And we must be prepared to reap BOUNTY instead of CHAFF.
I used this farming analogy as an example to demonstrate that even this "city boy" knows what this nation needs to do to get back on track.
It's not impossible, but it might very well be difficult.

We'd best get used to getting OUR America back...
Because, it's the ONLY one we shall ever have.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America
That is a bit confusing here as well for the natives.
Our trash pick-up is privatized so everyone in the neighborhood uses different companies and they come on different days--I do like the competition though as our service takes anything and everything without complaint.
Ditto here w/ Serv-All.
The city recently negotiated a new contract that will DECREASE costs...amazing.
And we get some new RECYCLE bins out of the deal (that the locals will naturally forget to sort into)...
Now, if someone would ONLY figure out a "trash to steam" gig for the city...we'd have a LOT cheaper power.
And...(dare I say it?)...JOBS!
(now that Navistar is bugging out and inceasing the unemployment rate)
Gotta love all this "change"...
Hey, thanks a lot for swinging on by today.
Always a pleasure.
Ok. So inquiring minds want to know how Rosie ODonnell was in your city and gunned down. Is it just me? Or does she look like a skinny Rosie?LOL
Momma Fargo:
Now that you mention it, she DOES look like Betty Rubble...
(good eye - must be all that having to watch your "Lunch Money"...LOL)
Thanks a lot for rolling up to my part of the ghettohood today.
Much appreciated.
Stay safe.
police your i hadnt heard that for awhile. i remember reading this blog posting. i guess i never did answer. i used to be one of those folks that would start placing my trash out early. my theory was better early then late. :) and no, i didnt read the paper and i bearly watch the news.
I figured is ANYONE appreciated that saying...YOU would be the one!
Wish I had a dollar for every time I heard it!
(I'd be a LOT more "socially-secure)
I watch the news ONLY when I want to see how bad those other stations spin something FOX talks about.
As for the paper?
We get it every day, but I use it as a GUIDE and chase down corroborating facts and stories...just to make sure someone's not turning those facts on their ass.
Thanks a lot for taking time to comment.
Much appreciated.
Carry On.
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