So let's jump right into the deep end of the pool, and get our feet wet, shall we?
*** When it comes to all this tolerance we're seeing these days, it's enough to make me wanna upchuck in my about you?
America has ALWAYS been a tolerant a point.
We've turned enough "other cheeks" whenever we were slighted throughout our history, it's no longer amusing.
But there DOES come a point where we say ENOUGH...
To borrow a line from Captain Picard (Star Trek: First Contact):
"The line MUST be drawn here...THIS far, no farther"
Actually, that line is taken from antiquity...the BIBLE to be exact.
Look up the Book of JOB - 38:11

Perhaps that time is now.
We've been bullied by nations with no interest in us except to see our extinction. We've been called to task for pursuing causes such as FREEDOM and LIBERTY for the oppressed around the globe.
And maybe it's time to "run out of cheeks to turn".

We cave into an Imam, because we "might" be the recipients of terrorist activities should we NOT allow it to be built near the site of the WTC.
Granted, this pastor wanting to burn copies of the Koran isn't helping matters any, but I can plainly see where he's coming from.
How many times have our BIBLES been banned...or burned, hmm?
How many times has our FLAG been burned (both there AND abroad)?
I'm sort of feeling like ISRAEL these days...being picked on for existing.
You feeling that way as well?
And the PRIMARY aspect TO the AMERICAN WAY.
American CULTURE...American LANGUAGE...American VALUES.
And if that's all rooted in Judeo-Christian beliefs...FINE BY ME!
If anyone else has a problem with it...they can live somewhere else...simple as that.
This is AMERICA FIRST...everyone else and THEIR beliefs can be TIED FOR SECOND, kapeesh?
That's just MY story, and I'm sticking to it...
In other happenings...

Here's a link to the story:

You could smell the Oreos and Nilla wafers being baked EVERY day.
Dad used to fly his model airplanes in an empty parking lot almost adjacent to the facility every weekend.
Lotsa good memories of Nabisco...can't say the same today.
I know I've been let go from jobs in the past, and NOT ONCE did I figure the best way to "voice my opinion" would be at the business end of a firearm.
And I've had my share of bosses that deserved it.
Conversely, there were ALSO bosses I would jump through flaming hoops and trudge through hell for.
Like I take people ONE at a time...good, bad, or indifferent.
Everything (and everyone) has to be placed into it's PROPER perspective.
But, we've also got nasty stuff going on in Fort Wayne:
*** A man is in critical condition after a fight near downtown.

Officers with the Fort Wayne Police Department found a man on the ground at the Subway parking lot on Clinton Street at 7:13 p.m. Thursday.
The man was bleeding from his head. Crews transported him to the hospital in serious condition and was later downgraded to critical condition.
A witness told officers that the man and another man had been involved in a verbal altercation. Police found the other man at the library and detained him. The incident remains under investigation by the Fort Wayne Police Department and the Allen County Prosecutor's Office. ))
*** And then there's THIS little gem...

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WANE) - Fort Wayne police are investigating a shooting early Friday morning.
Investigators said just after midnight, a person was shot near the intersection of East Lewis and Division Streets.
Medics said the victim was hit in the leg and the bullet severed an artery causing massive bleeding.
The victim was taken to a local hospital in serious condition.
Right now police aren’t releasing any information about any possible suspects or if they have made any arrests. ))
This location is in the near SE quadrant south of Jefferson, so it's safe to assume it's in the ghettohood.
Every night this week on either Nat Geo, Discovery or History channel, they've been showing various related programs about that day.
"Giuliani's 9/11" was the best show so far, and he was physically very close to the twin towers when they were struck by those aircraft.

And I couldn't help but think where are those people who were UNITED on 9/12?
Did our collective ADHD kick in, and we forgot about what occurred on that day?
Have we decided to relegate this horrific event to a footnote in our history?
I say we should never do so.
There IS progress being made on the WTC Memorial Park, and the conceptual video is spectacular.
Here's a link to the skinny on what's planned for the area:
This is a FANTASTIC website, showing a poignant reminder to everyone that will visit that America IS a strong nation...a strong people, and that our resolve has NEVER been in question...or in doubt.

The post will be short on words, but long on pictures...just so you know.
In the meantime...
Have yourselves a great weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
Great post, Bob G. I'm beginning to worry about all the homicides in your city. Do you need a armored vest? Yikes. Of course in the wake of 9/11, it's chilling to see Americans are still killing each other instead of focusing on what is important around them. Have a great weekend and stay safe!
"we must let this mosque be built due to the 1st amendment"
"we can't let him burn the koran never mind the 1st amendment"
see the disconnect?
Because someone does violence because of your action (its their own fault for doing that for reaction) you cannot do X.
Never mind that X is guaranteed first amendent speech,
Momma Fargo:
Tell 'ya...I'm always looking for deals for ANY kind of body armor.
You can NEVER be TOO safe, eh?
Problem is, many outfits don't sell to "civvies", and the one that DO...they ain't cheap.
In the meantime, if it ever comes down to it, I'll have to rely on POINT SHOOTING and my "cat-like" reflexes.
OR...Maybe I'll just make like a hole in the lawn.
Thanks for rolling up and stopping by.
Have yourself a great weekend.
I've so often said we have this wonderful (?) DOUBLE-STANDARD across this nation...and it has filtered down to damn near EVERY level of our humanity.
A DISCONNECT is probably the BEST way to describe this.
I'm a bit more CRASS, and would say someone needs to unf*ck themselves and get their head out of their ass.
You don't go do violence because someone else does something YOU don't like...that's nonsense.
Like blaming your sister's crying which caused YOU to steal the cookies from the jar.
Thanks a lot for stopping by...excellent point made.
Have a great weekend.
this weekend i was thinking about the mosque being built in nyc. and i was thinking about the book burning and i thought hard about it. it all added up in my mind that the media was playing on all these things a little bit too much. like a distraction. all i can say is something just dont smell right about all this media attention. what are they distracting us from? just my 2 cents bob.
fort wayne seems to me like the old wild west. you really need to becareful up there bob. sometimes i think the whole world is getting crazier by the year.
They are distracting us from fundamentally changing this nation from what it's SUPPOSED to be, namely that land of the FREE...and the home of the BRAVE.
I dissect all the news I read today, and always look "between the lines' for the REAL meaning of what's being said.
If something doesn't smell right...find out WHAT that something is!
When presented with the FACTS, and discovering the TRUTH, you aren't going to be disappointed.
Amd you might even become astonished.
Thank you for stopping on by today.
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