Hey, I didn't say that...this statement came from the NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH.
(who the f*ck are THESE guys?)
Yeah, another group of overpaid and under worked government lackeys.
Here's the source article for the skinny of this:
This is a REALLY good read, too!
It seems like the latest recession ended LAST year, as a matter of "fact".

How many people have lost their JOBS or HOMES since the cessation of recessional economics?
If anything, mortgage foreclosures and job losses have STILL been occurring...with a modicum of regularity.
(couldn't get THAT regular with a diet of figs and prunes)
Job growth has been stagnant at BEST.
New home sales...DITTO.
Existing home sales...DITTO.
Don't see prices going DOWN either.

I'm sorry, but I'm not buying into this manufactured "feel-good" plan, JUST because some government agency says so...
In this case...I'm from MISSOURI...SHOW ME.
When I see cold, hard FACTS that support the end of any recession, THEN (and only then) will I start breathing a bit easier...not before.
And that's the name of THAT tune.
*** Just when you thought it was safe to listen to RAP...THIS comes along (again).

FARMVILLE, Va. – An aspiring rapper who embraced horror-themed lyrics has pleaded guilty to killing four people in central Virginia.
Richard "Sam" McCroskey, who went by Syko Sam, was sentenced to life in prison Monday as part of his plea agreement.
The defendant from Castro Valley, Calif., showed little emotion during the hearing in Prince Edward County Circuit Court.
McCroskey pleaded guilty to killing his girlfriend, 16-year-old Emma Niederbrock; her parents, Presbyterian minister Mark Niederbrock and Longwood University professor Debra Kelley; and Emma’s 18-year-old friend, Melanie Wells of Inwood, W.Va.
A prosecutor revealed that the women were bludgeoned with a wood-splitting tool while they slept on Sept. 18, 2009. Mark Niederbrock was killed with the tool when he came to check on them. ))

Yeah, they used to say the same thing about "rock and roll", but you have to admit, that at least THAT genre had it's share of fantastic musicians AND songs.
Today...not so much. But then again, we didn't need a line of clothing that hung off our asses to embrace THAT music...did we?
And did I mention that the government says the recession is over?
*** This story was nothing short of a job for...CAPTAIN OBVIOUS!
Now who could have possibly KNOWN that those cute button batteries that go into SO many devices these days could be HARMFUL or even FATAL if swallowed by small children, hmm?
They contain LITHIUM for God's sake, and when ingested complete a circuit that can cause internal BURNS to the esophagus.
Now some may say that lithium is used as an anti-depressant...
So...what's your point?

But it may cause the parents to become depressed when little Johnny or Jane takes the dirt nap because they swallowed a few of these buggers.
If it's SHINY and SMALL...there is a saying:
So, take the proper precautions to dispose of, or otherwise keep these batteries from the reach of small children and toddlers, kapeesh?
By the way...the recession is over, according to the government.
*** Lastly today, the new TV season (for network) got off to a (imho) great start last night with the premiere of the new HAWAII 5-0.
Now we all know that PILOT EPISODES are usually great, and that subsequent episodes determine the fate of any series.

The interaction between the leads (Alex O'Loughlin and Scott Caan) do an impressive job of guys with specific issues and the manner each works through them proves there is still good screenwriters out there.
And the fact that Scott Caan (Jimmy's eldest) is 5 feet 5 inches tall works fine for me.
Shows that you really DO have to watch people who aren't TALL, because they can kick as good an ass as those of more stature.
Alex O'Loughlin comes to us from "down under" and was featured in THE SHIELD. I have to say, he does AMERICAN accents REAL well.
I especially like seeing Korean actor Daniel Dae Kim return to TV. He's a fantastic actor with marvelous screen presence.
Rounding out this elite "state task force" is Canadian Grace Park, formerly of Battlestar Galactica.
Truly an INTERNATONAL cast, and if they can keep up the pace the pilot set, this might be a breakout show of 2010.
I can't wait until Friday when Blue Bloods with Tom Selleck debuts.
Nice to know that justice CAN still be served (well), even if it's on TV.

Apparently, the government is having trouble with that...dunno why.
Here's the article:
Yeah, the EPA wants farmers to cut down the amount of DUST produced...
(rolls eyes)

'Ya got DIRT...'ya got DUST, it's that simple.
Oh, this is the SAME EPA that said the CFL bulbs are "better" than incandescent ones...
And we all know HOW TRUTHFUL that is, don't we?
Want proof? Here 'ya go:
Yeah, those nasty environmental, tree-hugging, Gore-loving asshats are at it AGAIN...

Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
What is really interesting about the cfl bulbs is that NONE are made in America. Add the fact that they are made with mercury. Again proving new is not always better. I totally agree about the rap music. I would certainly never use the word artist in the same sentence. Don't get me started on the droopy drawers. Another great blog Bobby G.
Yeah, the CFL bulb got me thinking...."we" (meaning the US of A) don't make ANY of THESE bulbs, so WHERE are ALL those darn GREEN JOBS we heard about?
And the last AMERICAN incandescent bulb maker (GE) closed their plant recently (Edison is rolling in HIS grave), so now if I want to HOARD those "nasty" bad bulbs, I have to buy FOREIGN-MADE ones as well...!!!
I mean...WTF???
Something is definitely WRONG here, don'cha think?
Hey, thanks so much for stopping by and commenting.
Much appreciated.
i heard on talk radio today while going to the doc that the recession was over. i thought at least they tell me the bs while i'm going in for a checkup. whatever. the recession is in full freaking swing as far as i see it.
I didn't think we were still in a RECESSION...
Seems a LOT more like a MILD DEPRESSION, but you'd have to ask ALL those people STILL losing jobs and having their homes FORECLOSED this week to back me up on that.
I don't think THEY think it's over...not by a long shot.
Thanks a lot for trooping on by today.
Hope all went well at the Doc's!
Carry on.
i have been saying depression for a few years now. just lately i have one tv that went out. still have the living room tv. my daughter acually said that it was no big deal that she didnt have a tv. that we needed to be closer. plus, she knew that i just couldnt go and lay out close to 200.00 for a small tv. we are using the portable dvd player in the living room becouse i didnt want to go out and lay out the money for a dvd player right now. and when her alarm clock broke in her room and she took my living room radio (really an alarm clock) i went out to walmart and got the cheepest bookshelf radio/cd players there. and it works very well. its a depression. even the stores didnt want to put summer items on clearance like they used to.
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