This Wednesday, Autumn arrives, and we know that that means...
FALL FOLIAGE....(a GOOD thing) and eventually, naturally having to RAKE UP all those future fallen leaves (a NOT-so-good thing).
Can't really have ONE without the OTHER now, can you?
Think of it as nature's way of BALANCE in the cosmos.
But balance is something in short supply in the HUMAN realm these days.
Shouldn't happen this way, yet it does...
Case in point:
*** The "president" of Iran (the toady little camel-jockey that doesn't know what a razor

Well, Iran is about AS humanitarian as my neighborhood is crime-free and full of productive citizens ALL doing the right things in life...!
I have a humanitarian gesture for Mahmoud...it's called the middle-finger salute!
THAT humanitarian enough for 'ya, Bub?
Ahmadinejad went on to say that Iran MUST be accepted by the USA as a "major power".
Here's that story:
I will admit that Iran IS a major SOMETHING, but a "power" wouldn't be MY first choice...
More like a major RPIA for the rest of the free world.
Or a MAJOR boil on the world's ass...
He goes on to say that his nation has a major role to play in the world. (nice "gang signs" MISTER president)

Hillary Clinton even feels that Iran is developing into a military dictatorship, to which Ahmedinejad replied that "she needs to gather more CORRECT information to base her statements on ACCURATE information".
I don't know...she seems (in this case) to be pretty much on the mark here (for a change).
And if that doesn't make you feel pissed off, try this:
*** Tucker Carlson had a really good show on FOX last night about EDUCATION.

Here's the link to the CLIFFS NOTES about the special:
And here's a link going back to MAY of this year:
Those of you living in the LONE STAR STATE know exactly what a lot of this is all about already, due to the huge flap about TEXTBOOKS.
The "revisionist history" is being called to task by concerned people and parents who are demanding that their students get the opportunity to study the REAL history of this nation (among other things).
But that's not all...
The program also focused on something called TURNAROUND...the wholesale "laying off" of the entire school staff and allowing them to REAPPLY for the same jobs, while "shaking up" the school admins by transfers and replacements, because the KIDS are not learning.
The FWCS has ALREADY done this to several schools in Fort Wayne, and I can't wait to see how much BETTER those schools will "suddenly" become (not holding my breath on this one for obvious reasons).
We're not done YET, either...

(*blink* - *blink*)
If you thought EBONICS was "fun", people, you ain't seen nothing yet...
Here's their website:
If you LOVE rap and hip-hop, you're gonna cream your jeans over this newest educational tripe.
Funny thing, it all "sounds" productive as all get out.
Tell that to all those charter and private schools that DON'T use it, but score consistently HIGHER than our public schools.
Thanks to all the boomcar-driving morons, I've come to DETEST rap music with a passion.
But NOW, people would put it IN our classrooms (like dancing in the damn middle of the street AFTER school isn't enough?).
This all sounds like a lame attempt to "reach" a SPECIFIC portion of the student population...and even a more specific ETHNICITY.
All of a sudden, the REGULAR WAY of teaching isn't GOOD ENOUGH for them? Or is it just too "white" for them?
Seems a bit BIASED, doesn't it?
It would appear to be more divisive than unifying a method for teaching ANYTHING.
I can imagine teachers coming home with MIGRAINES after teaching FLOCABULARY all damn day.
Kinda like the headache you get (as a parent) when your toddler HAS to watch the annoying BARNEY VIDEO about 20 times a day for the past few weeks!
You get the idea.
People say kids can remember LYRICS better than schoolwork.
Maybe, but that never stopped MY generation from remembering our STUDIES while we ALSO learned song lyrics.

We did it...and without our teachers turning the fall of Rome into some Simon & Garfunkel ode to history!
Kids need STRUCTURE, and RAP doesn't promote structure, but rather rails AGAINST it.
Sorry, but if you're home(y)-schooling your inner city urchins, this COULD work...perhaps...maybe...some day.
When schools fully realize that they have a more insurmountable task TODAY than they did 30-40 years ago, because of the decline of the family unit and the changes in the mores of our society, THEN they can figure out better ways to teach the kids.
But as long as they all but ignore the fact that what happens AT HOME grossly affects what transpires within those ivy-covered walls, not much will change, except to dump more money into systems designed to fail.
It's certainly NOT all the educators' fault...the fault lies squarely upon the shoulders of parents too absorbed in THEMSELVES to worry about their kids.
Yet, it IS always easier to blame the schools...and we should not become to used to doing that, lest we travel a path that takes us further into scholastic limbo.
*** Finally today...
This week is the beginning of much of the NEW season for television shows.
New shows popping up where once familiar shows aired, and new time slots for familiar shows.

As for me?

The new Tom Selleck show, Blue Bloods (a multi-generational law-enforcement family) looks good, with Donnie Wahlberg (Band of Brothers) in a supporting role, as does this remake of the classic series Hawaii 5-0 (always loved the theme song).

Now THIS parents WILL bitch about, but RAP in the classroom?
Not hearing much about THAT.
And here I thought that kids weren't "supposed" to watch anything that MIGHT be considered the least bit "objectionable"...silly me. Let 'em all stay out all night and up all night...let the TEACHERS worry about WHY they can't learn or are falling ASLEEP in class (hard night playing Grand Theft Auto III)...s'ok, right?

YOU watch...YOU learn...and YOU decide. Simple enough, eh?
In the meantime...
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
I missed the Carlson special; looks interesting. I may have to study that Flocabulary so I can get a job with the FBI/DEA/ATF in Atlanta.
Our older boy goes to a private school. The class sizes are small, the teachers aren't bound to as many rules, and he enjoys his time there. Still, his classmates won't study for tests or do homework assignments.
At his age, I blame the parents. Kids that have slumbering blackberry addicted parents who don't instill discipline into children are responsible for kids getting low test scores.
I;m glad to hear you speak the truth as well...
Private schools are a belssing for those able to afford them, and I've never found issue with any of them.
Public school though SURE isn't what it USED to be.
MANY parents today cave into the kids, when they SHOULD be wanting better by demanding more from their children.
And that's NOT to say rule with an iron fist...that's hardly correct either.
But you hold those children ACCOUNTABLE for what they learn, or do NOT learn, just as you hold YOURSELF to certain standards of accountability.
The BIG issue arises when the PARENT never had to hold themselves accountable by THEIR parents...
Another multi-generational SNAFU for sure.
And it will cause an ever-increasing waste of resources, when all that's needed is some common sense.
Thanks a lot for stopping on by today.
Have a great week.
I'm all for the hippin' and hoppin' in school. Egads. Unlike you, I like to listen to rap in my g-ride and cruise the hood. However, what happened to good old fashioned math and English in school? Afterall, it worked for us, right?
if i ever have grandkids and if there is any flocabulary in their class i will freak out. no fu....way. the way to teach kids to talk correctly is to demand it in the classroom. lead by example. i didnt even watch the whole flocabulary video. it got me all riled up. hell to the no.
Momma Fargo:
Yeah, I'm one of those old-school farts that does NOT like rap in ANY form (even "Christina rap")...I guess it's due to being constantly bombarded by it at 130+ DECIBELS by morons driving donks w/ "24s" and painted in gag-a-maggot colors...!
AT THAT level, it's not music..it's NOISE.
I mean, I never hung out on the tarmac behind an F-16 while it cycled up it's engine to "get my kicks".
Too loud is still TOO loud.
And yeah...regular math & English worked for the rest of us JUST FINE, didn't it?
(ANd I can STILL remember the lyrics for American Pie...lol)
Hey, thanks for rolling up today.
Stay safe.
I Watched about a minute of the video...and said out loud "You have GOT to be freaking kidding me, right?"
Unless these kids plan to become rap "artists" or record producers, this isn't going to help them all that much...
They don;t play rap in ACCOUNTING firms...or even in AUTO MANUFACTURING PLANTS, do they?
Keep this stuff OUTSIDE school.
(where it belongs)
School can still be fun...as long as you pay attention, do what's expected of you...and challenge YOURSELF.
But it was NEVER meant to be a SIX FLAGS over EDUCATION.
Back to BASICS will get the job done.
Thanks a lot for stopping by today.
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