Gotta love the way that works out, right?
With every ending, there IS a new beginning.
Today would have been my parents' anniversary...61 years.
Amazing how things like that stay with you.
I will have to celebrate in some small manner, even if it's raising a glass to them in honor.
Since their grave site is back in Philly (Magnolia Cemetery), I can't just up and "visit".
Knowing them as I have, I'm sure they would "understand"...
We turn the page, flip the calendar, and press forward.
*** The FWPD have been rather busy of late in the Summit city, and with good reason.
Like this story:
(( Ft. Wayne man busted for dealing heroin - Investigation lasted several months {Myra McCain}

According to the Fort Wayne Police Department, the Vice and Narcotics Bureau and Emergency Services Team served a search warrant around 5:45 p.m. at 2828 Roscommon Drive, on the City’s northeast side, ending the several month long investigation.
Police said John Fyock, 58, was found inside the home and was arrested for two counts of dealing heroin, two counts of dealing in a Schedule II controlled substance, possession of heroin and possession of paraphernalia.
Fyock’s bond has been set at $203,250.00. ))

And the reason for such HIGH bond is that it was HEROIN.
I also had to spell check the published article and amend it, as the word HEROIN incorrectly had a letter *e* on the end of it.
Sorry, Ms College-Grad, Communications major, but HEROINE refers to a WOMAN type of HERO, NOT to be confused with the drug (HEROIN)...LOL.
Any media source want to hire me on, feel free to contact me, but I don't come CHEAP...!
--And then there's THIS story:
(( Repairman bludgeoned in cellar, police say - Holly Abrams / The Journal Gazette
FORT WAYNE – Police suspect foul play after a man was found critically injured with skull fractures in a south-side home.

He was taken to a hospital, where he remained in critical condition Thursday, according to officer Raquel
Foster, police spokeswoman.
The man’s identity was not released, pending notification of his family, Foster said.
Police initially thought the man had fallen down some stairs. He had been hired by the home’s landlord to do repairs, Foster said.
Further investigation determined the man’s injuries were not accidental, police said Thursday.
"The injuries he sustained, he could not have sustained them by a fall," Foster said.
The man suffered multiple skull fractures, she said.
According to police dispatch logs, he was not moving when police arrived and was lying in the corner of the basement.
Foster said there was evidence at the home to indicate foul play but declined to say what the evidence was.
She was not sure whether an object had been used as a weapon.
The victim was found after the landlord came to check on the man.
Investigators believe the injured man lived alone and had been temporarily staying at the home.
Foster said police have no suspects. ))
Geez, ANOTHER suspicious death in MY quadrant?
(who knew?)
That would make NUMBER TWENTY in the "homicide pool", kids!
*** Today is also the day I send along my "report" to the quadrant captain regarding my neighborhood situation.
I like to think of it as a monthly "ghettohood evaluation".

Doesn't bode all that well, does it?
Now don't get me wrong, the FWPD does an exemplary job of RESPONDING to calls placed into dispatch.
I just don't see all that much being done in a PREVENTIVE manner.
Let's face it, don't the police tend to show up AFTER something has long begun (sometimes while it's still going on)?

Otherwise, I wouldn't see as many suspicious people (or vehicles) roaming or loitering about all damn day and night.
And I certainly would not HEAR as many of those damnable boomcars going by, cracking the plaster of my house's walls.

We are, after all, the most "evolved" species on the damn planet, right?
We SHOULD hold ourselves to a loftier standard.
Sadly, many of us simply DO NOT.
More correctly, many WILL NOT.
And it all smacks back to being not an enlightened society in America, but rather an "entitled" society.
As long as something can be done by someone else FOR us, many of us are pretty much okie-dokie with that.
I see the result of that every day, and it's neither something to aspire to, nor be proud of.

Yet such people need to be weaned off the teat of the taxpayers.
There is nothing shameful with having to EARN something...anything in life.
And there is nothing wrong with challenging yourself in the process.
That's how WE, as a society truly EVOLVE.
It's NOT by collecting that "assistance" check every month for doing NOTHING. And it's certainly NOT by hanging out with your cronies all damn day, thumping through neighborhoods in loud-ass ghetto-sleds.

It's not by committing crimes to "break the monotony" of one's pitiful existence and to fuel the need for folding money to score that next hit, or those new Southpole jeans with glitter all over the ass.
It's not by blubbering crocodile tears to every government agency because you "feel" you've been wronged by everyone and you need (read demand) all the stuff everyone who works for a living has acquired over time.
You evolve by doing for YOURSELF, and that means you make tough decisions, do the right things, and conduct yourself in a manner that brings honor and NOT shame to you and your family. THAT is how you become a BETTER person, and NOT some incarcerated thug with a rap sheet longer than your arm.
Sure times are tough, and perhaps may become a bit tougher, but whatever happened to that saying that goes:
What happened to the spirit that drove us to higher goals for ourselves?

Maybe, it's time we "cleaned house" from a personal standpoint.
Never hurts to get rid of all those cobwebs and break out the dustpan and brush. We might rediscover those good aspects of ourselves we have denied for all this time.
You simply cannot function in a useful manner in this life without becoming accountable for what you do and who you are (or wish to become).
You have to take personal responsibility for yourself, if only because you spend more time with you than anyone else.
Have yourselves a fantastic weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone (perhaps yourself), and remember to...
Stay safe out there, America.
Could I get you to spellcheck MY blog? I can't pay nuthin' but entertainment value, though...
Hey, I ONLY spell-check the SOURCE stories that go INTO my blog.
When it comes to doing a S/C for the blog ITSELF, I'm terrible, esp. with punctuation and dyslexia (damn keyboard...lol)
Gotta blame SOMETHING, eh?
Thanks for taking time to drop on by today.
Have yourself a VERY good weekend! (spell-checks not withstanding)
Nice catch with the spell check. You would hope that having an obvious spelling error like that would be an excellent lesson for a journalist: be accurate and offer a professional product.
I also hope the local PD appreciates your report, and I think you should hold out for them to double your current salary when you renegotiate that agreement. Haha.
Integrity is everything. Great post. I think Fort Wayne is a happening place for crime...or are you making all this up..LMAO. Just kidding. Have a great weekend.
Yeah, but as to that salary negotiation... DOUBLE "nothing" is STILL nothing, right?
I say TRIPLE it...ROFL!
Thanks for stopping on by.
Have a great Sunday.
Momma Fargo:
MY imagination could NEVER be THAT active or fertile...LOL.
We are too often a happening place for crime.
But, it's like I always am saying...
As long as you allow all the small sh* t to happen on a regular basis (setting double standards depending on the neighborhood), it WILL eventaully lead to all the BIGGER sh*t!
Trouble is, how to deal with it in a community when the number of those that CARE in that community can be counted on ONE hand...(and everyone else is either apathetic or a criminal, or BOTH)?
THAT is the big-ticket issue in most EVERY city.
There ARE solutions to this, and it WILL honk off the established generation of entitlement-driven citizens.
Too damn bad.
Jobs can still be had, and making the lazy-asses HAVE to work to support their welfare gig is the first step to getting things turned around to the better.
Hell, they might even learn to be PRODUCTIVE people...(whatta concept).
Thanks for rolling up today.
Have a great Sunday.
Stay safe out there
Fyock's bail may have something to do with the fact that this is about his 42nd drug bust since the 70s. If it was Texas, he wouldn't be on the streets at all.
I think the AMOUNT of the bail that was set ($203K+) would have to bear that out for sure!
Like to see HOW he plans to "pay" for that bail and who's been fronting the $$$ for it all these years...that would lead a lot farther up the ladeer of crime.
And I DO agree with you about "if it were TX"...
We could USE some of THAT type of justice up HERE...definitely.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Stay safe.
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