I like to have mine on MONDAYS...that way, I've got that crap out of the way.
We do have a rather full plate of stories today, so let's get rolling...
(( Published: October 5, 2010 3:00 a.m.
Police probing 2 retail robberies - Lone bandits in both holdups
-Journal Gazette-
Fort Wayne police investigated two separate business robberies Saturday.
*** The first robbery was reported downtown just after 8 p.m. Saturday at adult novelty store Boudoir Noir, 512 W. Superior St.
A man entered the store and approached a female employee who was behind the cash registers.

(note: stock robbery photo used)
The robber was described as a skinny black man in his 20s, with a bony face. He stood less than 6-foot-1 and wore blue jeans and a navy blue sweatshirt with the hood up. He had a bandanna around his neck and wore latex gloves, according to a police report.
*** The second robbery was reported about 11:30 p.m. Saturday at Belmont Beverage, 5992 W. Jefferson Blvd., on the city’s west side. A man armed with a black revolver robbed the store, according to police dispatch logs.
Officers used a police dog in an effort to track the robber, who fled through a back door of the business.
A complete description of the gunman or further information about the robbery was not available.
No arrests have been made in either case. ))
Gee, a black guy hitting an adult novelty store...how disturbingly "quaint".
This store was also robbed back in December 2009, so SOMEONE knows this place is ripe (no pun intended).

Take away the liquor and the drugs, and these thugs are nothing more than cowards with big mouths and more attitude than brains.
Just ask any LEO running "The Badlands".
Then there's this story:
(( Published: October 5, 2010 3:00 a.m.
City police veteran disciplined 1 day for lapse in handling evidence
Holly Abrams The Journal Gazette

Fort Wayne police Assistant Chief Ron Partridge announced the discipline Monday at the monthly Board of Public Safety meeting.
Officer Andrew Noll, a 15-year veteran of the force, was suspended after he took packaged evidence from a crime scene but failed to put it in an evidence locker – instead leaving the item on a table in the police department, Partridge said.
"He must have been distracted," Partridge told the board, adding that the evidence is not part of any case resulting in an arrest – nor are any arrests expected related to the case.
Noll, a southwest patrol officer, has been previously suspended for three separate police vehicle accidents and one allegation of excessive force. He has received two commendations during his tenure. ))
OOPS...well, sh* t DOES happen. At least the evidence was NOT connected with an arrest, but THIS is where a LEO really NEEDS to have his/her head screwed on nice and straight. The "brass" loves to look for stuff like this, because with every disciplinary action, they (the chief) get a bit of a "kickback"...think of it as a bonus of sorts. I can't go into the details, but let's say it pads the head honcho's salary nicely when officers mess up, no matter HOW trivially it may seem.
I can understand when an officer totals a squad car, or discharges a weapon -mountains of paperwork, plus the headhunters of Internal Affairs get to justify their salaries, but when the brass starts nit-picking all the small sh*t, that doesn't help an already lower than normal MORALE to rise any higher, does it?
We also have this story:
(( Published: October 6, 2010 3:00 a.m.
2 meth labs in lot on Lima; police arrest 7 / Journal Gazette-

Fort Wayne police were conducting surveillance just before 9 p.m. Monday when they spotted suspicious activity in the parking lot outside Meijer at 6309 Lima Road. Four people were in a vehicle with a mobile methamphetamine lab and meth-making materials, police said.
They were all arrested on preliminary felony charges and released on their own recognizance.
Kevin Harris, 34, of Pierceton, Sara Longacre, 33, of North Webster, and Marisa Hanlon, 38, who is homeless, are all charged with possession of meth-making materials. Trevor Hanlon, 34, of Fortville, near Indianapolis, is charged with possession of meth-making materials, resisting law enforcement and criminal conversion.

That vehicle also had a mobile meth lab inside and meth-making materials.
All three were arrested on preliminary felony charges.
Thomas Lung, 18, of Cromwell, is charged with meth possession. Kelsy Finkenbiner, 23, of North Webster, is charged with possession of a controlled substance and possession of paraphernalia. Both were booked at Allen County Lockup and released on their own recognizance.
Darrell Hatcher II, 25, of Pierceton, is charged with possession of meth-making materials, possession of meth, carrying a handgun without a permit and possession of paraphernalia. He was being held in lieu of $750 bail.
It was unclear from police reports whether the first set of arrests was related to the second. ))

This makes a good case for NOT having such late store hours for one thing, AND being able to CLOSE the parking lots after the store closes.
Be interesting to see what goes on in the very few parking lots for the very few stores we have DOWN HERE...
I can say that the our streets are not "regularly" patrolled, otherwise, we would NOT have those pull-over drug buys, or the frequency of loud vehicles (which in many cases are used to "announce" to the ghettohood that the "store" is now open).
I will say that there ARE enough "signal 30s" in our area (traffic stops), so that the thugs have to divert to more of the side streets (and alleys, which I never see patrolled). Many alleys are SO damn overgrown, and NCE (code enforcement) isn't really busting ass to get the people cited or have the foliage cut the hell down.
You can definitely lose oneself REAL easy in some of the alleys.
Hell, the trash trucks don't even navigate some of them...they're that bad. That SAYS something, doesn't it?
But THIS story takes the cake....or perhaps the "honey"...
(( BEECHER, Ill., Oct. 5 (UPI) --
Police in Illinois and Indiana Tuesday sought a gunman who shot three people, killing one, after asking them about honey bees.

One person died, one was hospitalized in critical condition and a third man escaped into a cornfield, said Pat Barry, a spokesman for Will County.
"And as soon as the guys started walking away, he shot him," Barry said. "Nobody seems to know who this guy is … It looks like the suspect is probably very, very unstable."
Just over the state line in Lake County, Ind., sheriff's police said a farmer was shot in Lowell by someone matching the Illinois' suspect's description.
The suspect was wearing a light-green windbreaker, light shirt, light jeans and brown shoes. He was described as in his 40s, about 5-foot-8.
Julie Reichers told WLS-TV, Chicago, the shooting was at her grandmother's house, which was being rebuilt following a fire.
"I called to make sure everyone was OK," said Reichers, a Beecher code enforcement officer. "This is scary." ))

So, if anyone walks up and asks YOU about honey bees (in the northern Indiana area), don't think twice...just shoot the S.O.B. (especially if he fits the description of the shooter)!

Better to "err" on the side of caution here, right?
Note to self: Don't shoot the missus if she asks about Postequivalent of HONEYsmacks cereal this week (which would be SUGAR CRISP...that ALSO is HONEY-coated) at the grocery.
Got it!
Lastly today, been a bit busy with some more modeling.
And here are he results of the past couple weeks:

The P-40 is one of the FLYING TIGERS (with the menacing shark-mouth), and the P-39 "Airacobra" has yet to be embellished with decals, but I'm leaning towards a factory-fresh version destined for perhaps the South Pacific, circa 1942...
(Luther Billis, take note...LOL)

Geez, now I've got the song "There Is Nothing Like A Dame" going through my head.
Here's the YouTube:
Now, everyone sing along....and ladies, there IS some "eye-candy" for you, pectorally-speaking.

Real nice...
We're halfway home, folks...I can hear the weekend calling already.
So, be well, make a difference to someone today, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
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