Sure, we still had crime...and taxes...and politics, but we also seemed to have a lot more "fun".
And, as we grew up, we took on many of the same responsibilities that our parents used to "enjoy".
It must have been all those nasty VALUES that were instilled in us BY our parents (or others who gave a damn about our upbringing) that made the difference.
So, if in times such as these, you have this nagging feeling that "something" is out of place, or that you appear to be a bit "out of touch" with the world...rest assured, you're NOT alone. You might recall times when your parents struggled to make ends meet.

I suppose being an only child makes one a bit more aware of such things, as they were regularly discussed at our dinner table.
Naturally, we were too young to make a difference then, but as we grew older, more seasoned, and (hopefully) a whole lot WISER, we carried with us those parts of our parents that made us proud to be their child.

Now, I know every family is different, and I can only speak from my experiences, but there was always a sense of pride in what my parents had, what they did, and how they brought me up.
I'd like to think I came away from all this with the best they could offer, tempered with my own life experiences.
And that also includes a lot of my bone-headed mistakes along the way.
Hopefully, I learned something during such times.
I look at everything as part of the learning curve, and the day any of us STOP learning, is the day we all take that long dirt nap!

Some days, those things may appear minuscule in nature, while other days, they seem almost insurmountable.
But face them we do, because it's all part of life...and the human condition.
You can't learn anything if you deny yourself the opportunity, can you?
Life requires active participation...not sitting along the sidelines watching the "game" play itself out.
And part of that participation means we need to attune ourselves to what our senses are telling us.
We keep our eyes open, and we keep our ears open.
Because we are ALSO being observed.
Now, don't think of this as some sort of conspiracy plot, or schizophrenic phobia.
Just as we make observations about others, they are also doing likewise to each of us.
You look at someone...their manner of dress...their speech, they way they "carry" themselves, and you get a pretty good idea about that person.

People are viewing you and making conclusions based on YOUR actions...YOUR manner of speech, and the way YOU carry YOURSELF.
I always viewed this as being an "Ambassador of your family".
Do you represent the values and principles that your parents passed onto you?
Do you give off "good vibes", or do you make people shake their heads in disgust?
Hopefully, you ALL do the FORMER, and NOT the latter.
Which brings me back to my initial thoughts...
A lot more seemed RIGHT with the world...in times past.
Today, not so much.
Much of our society has forgotten it's core beliefs, and that leaves the rest of wondering our asses off what's coming down the pike next.

We've also permitted ourselves the "luxury" of racking up debts many of us can't honestly pay, and that starts at the top (The Feds) and runs all the way down into our households.
Did we REALLY need to buy THAT house in THAT development at THAT price?
With the economy in such flux, many families find they're in WAY over their heads when it comes to the whole "finances IN - finances OUT" gig.
Got more going OUT than coming IN, and that ain't good, no matter which way you shake it.
We can look at the foreclosure market to bear that much out. We're STILL seeing it happen, regardless of how many "bailouts" people receive.
Back in the late 50s, my folks knew HOW to stretch a dollar, mainly because we didn't have all that many of them coming the hell in.
Can we say the same today?
Granted, the dollar IS worth LESS than it's cold war counterpart, but does that mean people just toss up their hands and cave the hell in?

Someone still has to pay for all that EASY going on...and most likely, it will be your children, if it's not YOU already.
(just don't let THEM know...it might damage their self-esteem)
I still believe we sell ourselves a tad short when it comes to being able to

We've got it...we just don't use it all that much today (like we did back in WW2).
Maybe it's high time we took it down from that dusty spot on the shelf, blow away the cobwebs and open it back up again.
Then, maybe we wouldn't be wondering as much when it comes to what we're seeing in the world.
We need purpose...direction...guidance, and as Americans, we have it within ourselves to make those things happen.
And I think that the state of affairs today might just be the impetus we need to get that kick in our complacency. It's like that old saying:
"If people do nothing, then nothing gets done."
We spend the most time with OURSELVES...that's a given.
So who BETTER to motivate us into action, hmm?
Who can do for us MORE than ourselves?
Dad was one of those who often said:
"Want something done? Do it yourself."
It begins with each one of us...the same way it will end.
We ARE better than others portray us...much better.
All we have to do is know it, and believe it ourselves.

Okay, I'm done with the soapbox...it's up to you now.
Be MORE than you were yesterday...be BETTER than you were yesterday.
The future depends upon it.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
I always find a lot of inspiration in your postings.
I'm finding that I can do things I never thought I could or would do.
Thanks for the pep talk Bob. I think we do set our sights low, and should be looking for tall mountains to climb.
This sounds like a conversation I have with a friend yesterday. Were you eavesdropping? You are spot on. I agree 100%, Keep up the good work.
I'm sure people like Jonas Salk, George Washington Carver, and Nikola Tesla (to name a few) felt much the same way...
And they also did things they didn't think they could do...but DID.
Glad to hear running the race...
Stay strong.
And stay focused.
You WILL surprise yourself!
Thanks for dropping by today.
Hills are OK, but when you see a mountain and then decides to climb it, it really gets "interesting".
Now, I've never done anything close to scaling Everest or El Capitan (and never hope to), but I have climbed my share of "mountains".
And many times, it will beat the hell out of you, and you WILL want to kick back and rest, or even quit.
But when you get to the summit and stand there taking in that VIEW...it makes it all worthwhile.
Then, you want to share that view...lol.
Yeah, it's worth it.
Thanks a lot for dropping by today.
We must have been accidently CHANNELING one another...LOL.
(sorry about that)
Actually it was that picture you had up yesterday, along with this month's scenic calendar picture that got me thinking...
(and that can become dangerous...ROFL)
Glad you enjoyed it.
It's pretty much what I use as a template for my life...
And, as long as I keep my head OUT of my butt, it works REAL well.
(no aspirations for politics, so I'm safe there with the butt-head thing)
Thanks so much for stopping by the "fence" today.
Great words of wisdome, Bob G. And looking back when I was young...it did seem like everything was right with the world. So..I guess if we are going to make it right...we have to do it ourselves. Starting today...
Momma Fargo:
So many things (aside from CHARITY) begin...RIGHT AT HOME.
And as our parents are remembered by what THEY did...so shall WE also be.
Sure, it's challenging, and sometimes, downright harder than hell.
But if it was OK for our folks to do (for us), then it MUST be fine for us as well (to pass forward).
And that's one of the BEST legacies we can give to our children...and our future.
Just wish more people figured it all out.
Be a LOT less crime, that's for sure!
Thanks a bunch for taking time to roll up today.
Stay safe.
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