Welcome to the middle of the week, and a happy United Nations Day to all of you that find this body of one-world government hacks as useless as I do.
(did I say that out loud?)
Our weather today might have you reaching for the shorts and tank tops, with temps supposed to be hitting the 80s...yowzah!
Naturally in MY part of the ghettohood, the males wear those over sized and droop-dogg satin b-ball shorts damn near all year (along with those ever-so-stylish flip flops...hey, toss in an orange jumpsuit and well, you know the rest...lol)
The rains yesterday brought down a LOT of leaves, so be careful driving about.
We've got an interesting bundle of stuff to get into today, so let's get cracking by starting things off with our military quote of the week, aka WHO SAID THAT?, and I think you'll find this quote applies to a LOT of things these days in your life, in America, and around the globe.
"It's easier to get into something, than to get out of it."
This is a more contemporary quote, so don't bother thinking that Napoleon said it (although he COULD have), 'K?
The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back at the Dysfunction Junction...
*** Okay, pop quiz time...WHO is the largest oil producer in the world?
The USA?
If you said NO to all of these, and instead replied: "Why Russia, of course, Bob"...go to the head of the economics class.
Yes, friends, the Russian "state-owned" oil giant ROSNEFT is increasing it's footprint on the global oil market with it's latest acquisition, and will wind up leapfrogging over ExxonMobil as the largest publicly traded oil producer (in terms of OUTPUT).
Here's the lowdown from the AP:
http://www.journalgazette.net/article/20121023/BIZ/310239948/0/SEARCHRosneft was founded in 1993, and is currently 75% owned by the government (that can't be good), but the deal with TNK-BP with net the Russkies about $61 billion dollars.
But wait, we're not finished yet...
The United States in poised to to overtake the Saudis in oil output, and could place the USA in the NUMBER ONE SPOT (sorry, Russia).
Here's the skinny on this AP story:
Our oil production has surged for the 4th straight year (no thanks to Obama - the MAJORITY of new drilling has happened on NON-government owned lands). We're on track to a production increase to 10.9 million barrels per day.
The USA hasn't seen such a yearly gain since 1951.
The last time we were #1 was after 9/11 2001 when the Saudis reduced production Since then the Saudis and Russia have been the world leaders.
We're looking at a potential of 13-15 MILLION barrels a day by 2020, and that handily outpace any other nation.
Our current usage is in the neighborhood of 18.7 million barrels per day, so we still need to IMPORT oil and will for a while longer.
What bothers me about all of this is that although our oil PRODUCTION is on the move UPWARD...what about our REFINING capacities???
America has not built ONE, SINGLE new refinery in the last 35 years...and recently shut down parts of refineries currently in operation (like the one righ near Philadelphia, PA). So what's the REAL story here?
We get all this crude out of the ground...and then have to SHIP IT ELSEWHERE to be refined and then ship it BACK HERE to sell?
That can't be cost-effective...no damn way.
Why aren't we investing in NEW refineries or enlarging our current ones?
Something just doesn't seem right here...does it?
We'll have to keep out "ear to the ground" on this one and keep track of things.
*** Okay, so you've just got done beating on the girlfriend, and feeling a lot more "alpha-male" then you did an hour ago...what's NEXT?
Well, how about a visit from the local SWAT team to roust your sorry buck-ass out of that apartment?
Here's the story (picture from WPTA):
I was listening to this on the police radio, and one Micheal Stots, age 38, apparently broke out 2 windows, tossing things outside. He was said to have been strangling his girlfriend with a BELT (how quaint).
BTW, Stots is black...just so you know.
And here is his RAP SHEET:
02D04-9602-IF-003369 Stots, Michael M 02/28/1996
Allen Superior Court 5 IF - Infraction
02D04-9605-CM-004030 Stots, Michael M 05/14/1996
Allen Superior Court 6 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor
02D04-9906-OV-001145 Stots, Michael M 06/02/1999
Allen Superior Court 5 OV - Local Ordinance Violation
02D04-0009-IF-015581 Stots, Michael M 09/18/2000
Allen Superior Court 5 IF - Infraction
02D04-0010-IF-017081 Stots, Michael M 10/17/2000
Allen Superior Court 4 IF - Infraction
02D04-0102-CM-000861 Stots, Michael M 02/05/2001
Allen Superior Court 5 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor
02D04-0106-IF-010325 Stots, Michael M 06/18/2001
Allen Superior Court 6 IF - Infraction
02D04-0110-CM-007552 Stots, Michael 10/04/2001
Allen Superior Court 6 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor
02D04-0203-IF-002771 Stots, Michael M 03/05/2002
Allen Superior Court 5 IF - Infraction
02D04-0305-CM-003913 Stots, Michael M 05/22/2003
Allen Superior Court 5 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor
02D04-0412-IF-018551 Stots, Michael M 12/04/2004
Allen Superior Court 4 IF - Infraction
02D04-0510-CM-007290 Stots, Michael M 10/05/2005
Allen Superior Court 4 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor
02D04-0801-MC-000250 Stots, Michael M 01/30/2008
Allen Superior Court 5 MC - Miscellaneous Criminal
02D04-0803-CM-001504 Stots, Michael M 03/12/2008
Allen Superior Court 5 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor
02D04-0803-IF-004739 Stots, Michael M 03/25/2008
Allen Superior Court 6 IF - Infraction
02D05-1012-IF-016092 616845 Stots, Michael M 12/30/2010
Allen Superior Court 5 IF - Infraction
Decided 9-18-2-7/IFC: Expired Plates
02D05-1210-MC-002848 na
Fort Wayne, IN 46806
1432 E Rudisill
Fort Wayne, IN 46806
3122 1/2 S Calhoun St
Fort Wayne, IN 46806
Boy's got a history of domestic battery going back to 2008...Maybe it was stress on the job...oh wait,it doesn't say anywhere that he was gainfully-employed, does it?
Ah yes, your TAX DOLLARS (hard) at work here...nice to see that the area around Reed St. and State Blvd is full of such nice, neighborly "people", isn't it? Sure makes an apartment complex a lot more COMPLEX, doesn't it?
Management should just toss the girlfriend out for making such bad choices (of boyfriends) in her life.
I mean, she can ALWAYS move down HERE...lots of VACANT properties just WAITING for the next group of societal trash to move in.
(like we need any MORE of that sh*t around us)
Moving on...
*** On a final note, problem people are everywhere these days, and it seems like it's becoming "the new normal" (which is a phrase I'm rapidly beginning to detest). Didn't used to be that way.
The problem people were few and far between, and those who became problems were admonished, cited, arrested, imprisoned, or just "up and disappeared".
But these days, we're more of an "understanding" society, and maybe that's not such a good thing as we were led to believe.We used to have LAWS...and RULES...and even GUIDELINES that helped keep us ALL on that straight and narrow, right?
Well, we still have the laws and such, but no one seems to be FOLLOWING them..at least not in the manner and degree they USED to be followed.
Life is full of things to screw up...that much is certain.
And no, self-esteem cannot be had in ANY bottle, regardless of whatever government "program" comes along and tells you otherwise..
And no, self-esteem cannot be had in ANY bottle, regardless of whatever government "program" comes along and tells you otherwise..
Our job is to either avoid the screw-ups, or learn FROM those screw-ups...it's NOT to KEEP SCREWING THE HELL UP...and being able to get away with it.
Any society makes out better when a level of SELF-control and SELF-policing is in play.(Lord knows I practice self-control every, single day by not capping the lot of these mooks around here)
We should aspire to be BETTER human beings...better neighbors...better citizens.
Fact is, some folks just don't WANT to...because that means WORK.
But, they fail to realize that WITHOUT (some form of) work on our part, there can never be ANY sense of ACCOMPLISHMENT, and with that a sense of CONTENTMENT. There is no self-esteem without being able to accomplish something.
All this (and more) is part of the human experience, and whether we like it or not, we're part of it.
So, it's in our own best interest to make the best of whatever comes our way, good OR bad.
And if that means adhering to some rules and laws, well, that can only make us that better person we're trying to become.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Bob, I thought you'd finally lost yer nut... until you finished the UN sentence. Glad the world still spins true.
And yes, Russia has two things that make them a more efficient oil producer than us... 1- a single, goal-directed policy- to be the #1 producer. 2- the ability to ignore environmentalist whackos and a multiplicity of companies there to divide and distract. We could never get #2 here, but we SHOULD be doing the first. If we were, gas would be at $2 levels.
You know me better than to not ALWAYS read to the end of ALL my sentences
(they call me "Mr. subliminal" sometimes...lol)
Yeah, about as subliminal as a train-wreck!
The U.N. should be DISBANDED...just like the League of Nations (UNextrordinary gentlemen) was, which also didn't work out.
Oh yeah, Russia is STILL a threat...just not in the overt NUCLEAR way they USED to be...they're shooting for "economics" this time.
(so they can AFFORD their military)
Also, watch out for the story on Russia's "new anti-dissention" policy that will strip Russian people of their freedom they acquired to this point, when they get jailed for just speaking out against the gov't...shades of the old KGB there...again.
And by 2020, fuel prices just MIGHT be down to that $2.00 level (if not sooner)...
We shall hope, and we shall see.
Hey, thanks for stopping by today and commenting.
Stay safe up there.
"What bothers me about all of this is that although our oil PRODUCTION is on the move UPWARD...what about our REFINING capacities???"
Bingo! The environmental extremists oppose the building of new refineries. They don't seem to realize that having to ship crude oil out of the country to be refined actually increases potential environmental impact. (It also makes the process more expensive, which drives prices up.) Once again, emotion trumps logic.
John D.:
Hey, I only ask the questions that anyone who's been paying attention would do...LOL!
(helluva character flaw, eh?)
As a former "East-Coaster", I use to run past the refineries (we used to have there) quite often...and it would ONLY seem logical to have as MANY refineries to cover WHATEVER crude production we can manage.
If production goes UP...we build MORE refineries, or EXPAND the current ones.
Supply and demand - that's what it's ALWAYS been about (even when gas was UNDER A DAMN BUCK A GALLON).
Thanks much for rolling on up today and commenting.
(btw, I do like BINGO...lol)
Stay safe out there.
Not sure how you feel about Donald Trump but please watch this.. nkr
There's plenty of oil here in the states, but the lefties (how about we all set them on board rubber rafts to drift somewhere else?). By the way, did your dashboard disappear? i went to my blog to post something, and I don't see anything up at the top like usual?
Trumps okay...pretty good "showman"...lotsa bark.
I was at his casino that he had (has?) in Atlantic CIty,NJ a long time ago...befiore his divorce...had a nice yacht - looked like a danmn surplus destroyer...LOL.
I think Obama is VERY "transparent"...I can see RIGHT THROUGH HIM...LMAO!
(would be nice to learn ABOUT the REAL Obama...nmaybe I'll get me a copy of "2016" on DVD)
Thanks for the link...and for stopping by today and commenting.
Stay safe down there.
The proof that we DO have major supplies of oil (and gas) is the state of the economy in the DAKOTAS...lowest in the whole NATION!
And it's NOT because the government stuck their finger in the pie there...quite the OPPOSITE.
And that's just the tip of a much LARGER energy "iceberg"...
My dashboard is still there...for now.
Must be time for those "glitches" in BLOGGER we seem to get EVERY year.
If you don't see that small box with the "pencil icon" in it someplace, I'd post something to the BLOGSPOT forum about it.
(try looking for an "overview" of your blog, that'll work, too)
In the meantime, thanks for stopping on by today and commenting.
Always a pleasure to see 'ya.
Stay safe down there.
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