20 March 2014

Spring Has Sprung...At Long Last.
I think I SEE Spring coming...it's over there.
Yes, it's TRUE...around 1257 hrs EDT, Spring (otherwise known as the vernal equinox) will arrive.
And we have the bunny to prove it.
I had thought it arrived shortly after midnight, but it was just another mook driving a ghetto-mobile with a really BAD muffler.
** Note to future entrepreneurs - DO NOT open a muffler shop on the SE side of Ft. Wayne, because no one seems to BUY them when they NEED them (this naturally excludes we at the "Fortress"...lol)
The Hoosierland weather on this first day of Spring will see us with a high of around the mid-forties, and after the clouds go away, we're going to see a decent amount of sunshine, but we will have a slight breeze.
So, with that said, let us top off that morning beverage and venture forth into this fine day...until someone comes along and f$cks it all up
*** First out of the corral is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is."
This was spoken by Sir Winston Churchill (30 Nov 1874 - 24 Jan 1965)
And here is his rather lengthy WIKI:
I'll leave it to all of you to read up on a man who was said to be one of the greatest wartime leaders of the 20th century.
(and a very quotable person to boot).
He did hold the office of Prime Minister in England from 1940-1945, and again from 1951-1955.
And if you didn't know, he was an artist, historian and writer.
He was a staunch anti-communist and a member of the conservative party, who had warned Parliament in the early 1930s that they should be wary of Germany rearming itself.
We all know how that fared, don't we?
Truly,a remarkable individual...the likes of which we have not seen since.
Moving on...
***  Next, we have this story that I just cannot let pass without saying something about it.
We had three "people" who took it upon themselves to rob local Kroger stores of some hooch...but not just a bottle or two, oh no.
Their booze bounty amassed a total retail value of OVER FOUR THOUSAND BUCKS...!
Yep, this is a real "WTF???" moment for three dumbass perps.
Here's the story from WANE:
And the story also includes an "inventory" of their thefts...not cheap at all.
For example...THREE bottles of Hennessy - total:  $147.96...!!!
Now, we bought alcohol at Krogers over the years, and for the last several years, they've taken to placing a large black "security cap" over the tops of the bottles.
THESE aren't easy to remove.
And these caps have to be removed with a SPECIAL tool at the checkout counter, lest they set off the alarms at the thresholds of the entry/exit doors of these stores.
Apparently either the Krogers that were targeted did NOT have the caps for the bottles, or they didn't take time to hear the alarms going off, because these perps were to have made off with BASKETS of booze (in some cases) and up to FIVE bottles on their persons over a couple months.
Someone in store security might need to look for another line of work soon.
This is some SERIOUS "shrink".
Deandre J. Williams, Jamarcus A. Tucker, Marcus C. Boone - LOSERS!
But, what it really interesting about the thieves, is that ONE of them was recently mentioned in ANOTHER story about a crime, where he was a "victim".
Here's THAT story:
And the followup story:
But NOWHERE in ANY media source do they try to "connect the dots" with the one Kroger thief, one Marcus C. Boone.
Funny, I didn't have any problem...and I found his RAP SHEET:
MARCUS C BOONE - MALE BLK 5'5" 200 lbs 
 02D04-9906-IF-009889 Boone, Marcus C 06/25/1999 Allen Superior Court 5 IF - Infraction Decided UNDER 18 POSSESS TOBACCO 
 02D04-0110-IF-019817 Boone, Marcus C 10/13/2001 Allen Superior Court 5 IF - Infraction Decided NO OPR'S LIC. WHEN REQ'D 
 02D04-0205-CM-003324 Boone, Marcus C 05/06/2002 Allen Superior Court 5 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided NEVER RECEIVE LICENSE NO OPR'S LIC. WHEN REQ'D VIOL NOISE ORDINANCE (FW) 
02D04-0211-MC-001942 Boone, Marcus C 11/05/2002 Allen Superior Court 5 MC - Miscellaneous Criminal Decided P.C. POSSESSION OF COCAINE POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA RESISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT RESISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT 
02D04-0303-CM-001901 Boone, Marcus C 03/17/2003 Allen Superior Court 6 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided RESISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT 
02D04-0305-CM-004102 Boone, Marcus C 05/27/2003 Allen Superior Court 5 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided MINOR CONSUMING ALCOHOL 
02D04-0503-CM-001460 Boone, Marcus C 03/04/2005 Allen Superior Court 6 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided OPERATE WHILE SUSP (MISD) IMPROPER TAIL LIGHTS 02D04-0508-CM-005861 Boone, Marcus C 08/15/2005 Allen Superior Court 6 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided OPERATE WHILE SUSP (MISD) IMPROPER HEADLIGHT 
02D04-0604-MC-000802 Boone, Marcus C 04/24/2006 Allen Superior Court 4 MC - Miscellaneous Criminal Decided P.C. RESIDENTIAL ENTRY P.C. RESISTING LAW ENFORC RESISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT OPERATE WHILE SUSP (MISD) FAIL STOP AT THRU-HIGHWAY 
 02D04-0604-CM-002935 Boone, Marcus C 04/27/2006 Allen Superior Court 5 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided RESISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT CRIMINAL TRESPASS 
02D04-0706-CM-003678 Boone, Marcus C 06/19/2007 Allen Superior Court 4 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided OPERATE WHILE SUSP (MISD) EXCEED MAX LAWFUL SPEEDS 
02D04-0805-CM-003394 Boone, Marcus C 05/27/2008 Allen Superior Court 5 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided DISORDERLY CONDUCT 
02D04-0807-CM-005125 Boone, Marcus C 07/31/2008 Allen Superior Court 4 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided FALSE INFORMING (B) 
 02D04-0812-CM-007971 Boone, Marcus C 12/05/2008 Allen Superior Court 4 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided RESISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT RESISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT 
 02D04-0812-CM-008451 Boone, Marcus C 12/31/2008 Allen Superior Court 5 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided RESISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT RESISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT 
 02D04-0903-CM-001902 Boone, Marcus C 03/31/2009 Allen Superior Court 4 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided CRIMINAL CONVERSION 02D04-0908-CM-004799 Boone, Marcus C 08/10/2009 Allen Superior Court 4 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided RESISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT 
 02D04-0910-CM-006067 Boone, Marcus C 10/05/2009 Allen Superior Court 4 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided RESISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT 
 02D04-1004-MC-000747 Boone, Marcus C 04/14/2010 Allen Superior Court 6 MC - Miscellaneous Criminal Decided P.C. INTIMIDATION RESISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT RESISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT 
 02D04-1004-FD-000360 Boone, Marcus C 04/19/2010 Allen Superior Court 4 FD - Class D Felony Decided INTIMIDATION RESISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT RESISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT 
 02D06-1104-MC-000850 na na BOONE, MARCUS C 04/07/2011 Allen Superior Court 6 MC - Miscellaneous Criminal (Citation) Decided 35-48-4-7(a)/FD: Possession Schedule I, II, III, or IV Controlled Substance 35-44-3-3(a)(3)/MA: Resisting Law Enforcement 
 02D04-1104-FD-000520 BOONE, MARCUS C 04/12/2011 Allen Superior Court 4 FD - Class D Felony Decided 35-48-4-7(a)/FD: Possession Schedule I, II, III, or IV Controlled Substance 35-44-3-3(a)(3)/MA: Resisting Law Enforcement 
 02D06-1205-CM-002527 NA NA NA BOONE, MARCUS C 05/04/2012 Allen Superior Court 6 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided 35-44-3-3(a)(1)/MA: Resisting Law Enforcement 35-44-3-3(a)(3)/MA: Resisting Law Enforcement 7.1-5-1-3/MB: Public Intoxication 
 02D05-1309-CM-004106 NA BOONE, MARCUS C 09/06/2013 Allen Superior Court 5 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Pending 35-48-4-13(a)/MB: Visiting a Common Nuisance 
 02D04-1310-CM-004700 NA BOONE, MARCUS C 10/21/2013 Allen Superior Court 4 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Pending 35-48-4-8.3(b)/MA Possession of Paraphernalia. Person who knowingly or intentionally violates (a) 
 02D06-1403-FC-000081 BOONE, MARCUS C 03/19/2014 Allen Superior Court 6 FC - Class C Felony Pending 35-45-6-2(3)/FC: Corrupt Business Influence 35-43-4-2(a)/FD: Theft 
5610 RADCLIFFE CT Fort Wayne, IN 46806 
3212 LILLIE ST Fort Wayne, IN 46806 
2416 Maumee Fort Wayne, IN 46802 
5708 Brighton Meadows Fort Wayne, IN 46835 
1421 Greene St Fort Wayne, IN 46806 
928 1/2 Putnam St Fort Wayne, IN 46808 
2823 Schele Ave Fort Wayne, IN 46803 
Homeless (2008) Fort Wayne IN 
734 Drexel Ave Fort Wayne, IN 46809 
734 Pontiac St E Fort Wayne, IN 46806
The other two booze-snatchers, Deandre J. Williams and Jamarcus A. Tucker also have lengthy rap sheets:
 DEANDRE J. WILLIAMS - MALE BLK - 6'0" 170lbs ======================================= 
02D04-0207-MC-001074 Williams, Deandre J 07/02/2002 Allen Superior Court 5 MC - Miscellaneous Criminal Decided P.C. REC STOLEN AUTO PART 
 02D04-0207-FD-000413 Williams, Deandre J 07/09/2002 Allen Superior Court 4 FD - Class D Felony Decided AUTO THEFT 
 02D04-0209-CM-006705 Williams, Deandre J 09/03/2002 Allen Superior Court 4 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided MINOR CONSUMING ALCOHOL 
 02D04-0211-MC-001931 Williams, Deandre J 11/04/2002 Allen Superior Court 6 MC - Miscellaneous Criminal Decided P.C. DL/POS LOOK/LIKE SUB P.C. BATTERY P.C. POINT LOADED FIREARM RESISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT CARRYING HANDGUN W/O LICENSE 
 02D04-0211-MC-001975 Williams, Deandre J 11/12/2002 Allen Superior Court 6 MC - Miscellaneous Criminal Decided P.C. ARMED ROBBERY 
 02D04-0211-FB-000226 Williams, Deandre J 11/15/2002 Allen Superior Court 6 FB - Class B Felony Decided ROBBERY 
 02D04-0304-CM-002831 Williams, Deandre J 04/15/2003 Allen Superior Court 4 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided BATTERY (A)
812 Washington Blvd Fort Wayne IN
02D04-0005-CM-003945 Tucker, Jamarcus A 05/15/2000 Allen Superior Court 6 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided NEVER RECEIVE LICENSE NO FIN RESPONSIBILITY(INF) 
 02D04-0006-CM-005018 Tucker, Jamarcus A 06/23/2000 Allen Superior Court 6 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided CARRYING HANDGUN W/O LICENSE 
 02D04-0007-CM-005568 Tucker, Jamarcus A 07/14/2000 Allen Superior Court 5 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided FALSE INFORMING (B) CRIMINAL TRESPASS 
 02D04-0007-CM-005859 Tucker, Jamarcus A 07/24/2000 Allen Superior Court 4 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA FALSE INFORMING (B) CRIMINAL TRESPASS 
 02D04-0010-CM-007692 Tucker, Jamarcus A 10/02/2000 Allen Superior Court 5 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided CRIMINAL CONVERSION FALSE INFORMING (B) 
 02D04-0010-CM-007778 Tucker, Jamarcus A 10/06/2000 Allen Superior Court 6 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided FALSE INFORMING (B) CRIMINAL TRESPASS 
 02D04-0010-MC-001740 Tucker, Jamarcus A 10/26/2000 Allen Superior Court 4 MC - Miscellaneous Criminal Decided P.C. REC STOLEN AUTO PART FALSE INFORMING (B) 
 02D04-0010-DF-000874 Tucker, Jamarcus Antwan 10/31/2000 Allen Superior Court 4 DF - CL D Felony or lesser charge Decided RECEIVING STOLEN AUTO PARTS FALSE REPORTING OR INFORMING 
 02D04-0102-CM-001107 Tucker, Jamarcus A 02/12/2001 Allen Superior Court 6 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided OPERATE WHILE SUSP (MISD) 02D04-0107-CM-004990 Tucker, Jamarcus A 07/06/2001 Allen Superior Court 5 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided FALSE INFORMING (B) CRIMINAL TRESPASS 
 02D04-0110-DF-000671 Tucker, Jamarcus Antwan 10/08/2001 Allen Superior Court 6 DF - CL D Felony or lesser charge Decided RESISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT 
 02D04-0201-CM-000039 Tucker, Jamarcus A 01/02/2002 Allen Superior Court 4 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided CRIMINAL TRESPASS 
 02D04-0208-CM-006332 Tucker, Jamarcus A 08/21/2002 Allen Superior Court 6 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided CRIMINAL TRESPASS FALSE INFORMING (B) 
 02D04-0211-CM-008701 Tucker, Jamarcus A 11/08/2002 Allen Superior Court 4 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided OPERATE WHILE SUSP (MISD) 
 02D04-0301-FD-000019 Tucker, Jamarcus Antwan 01/13/2003 Allen Superior Court 5 FD - Class D Felony Decided RESISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT RESISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT FALSE REPORTING OR INFORMING RECKLESS DRIVING 
 02D04-0311-CM-009750 Tucker, Jamarcus S 11/24/2003 Allen Superior Court 5 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided RESISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT RESISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT FALSE INFORMING (B)
 02D04-0312-CM-010099 Tucker, Jamarcus A 12/08/2003 Allen Superior Court 6 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided FALSE INFORMING (B) 
 02D04-0410-MC-002032 Tucker, Jamarcus A 10/26/2004 Allen Superior Court 6 MC - Miscellaneous Criminal Decided P.C. POSSESS. MARIJUANA OPERATE WHILE SUSP (MISD) FALSE & FICTITIOUS REG'N 
 02D04-0410-FD-000820 Tucker, Jamarcus Antwan 10/29/2004 Allen Superior Court 4 FD - Class D Felony Decided POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA HASH OIL OR HASHISH OPERATE VEH UPON HWY WHILE LICENSE SUSP OR REVOKED 
 02D04-0501-MC-000009 Tucker, Jamarcus A 01/03/2005 Allen Superior Court 6 MC - Miscellaneous Criminal Decided P.C. POSSESSION OF COCAINE P.C. CARRY HDGUN W/O PRMT FALSE INFORMING (B) RESISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT RESISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT 
 02D04-0501-FC-000006 Tucker, Jamarcus Antwan 01/06/2005 Allen Superior Court 4 FC - Class C Felony Decided CARRYING A HANDGUN WITHOUT A LICENSE POSSESSION OF COCAINE OR NARCOTIC DRUG RESISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT RESISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT 02D04-0903-CM-001461 Tucker, Jamarcus A 03/13/2009 Allen Superior Court 5 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided RESISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT PUBLIC INTOXICATION 
 02D05-1102-CM-000756 602750 TUCKER, JAMARCUS A 02/07/2011 Allen Superior Court 5 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided 9-24-19-2/MA: Driving While Suspended (Prior w/in 10 years) 
 02D04-1211-MC-003102 NA TUCKER, JAMARCUS A 11/21/2012 Allen Superior Court 4 MC - Miscellaneous Criminal (Citation) Decided 35-42-2-1.3(b)(2)/FD: Domestic Battery - Committed in Presence of Child Less Than 16 Years 
 02D04-1301-CM-000396 000040972572 000040972572 TUCKER, JAMARCUS A 01/25/2013 Allen Superior Court 4 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided 9-24-19-2/MA: Driving While Suspended (Prior w/in 10 years) 9-21-3-7/IFC: Disregard Lighted Signal - Signals Exhibiting Colored Lights 
 02D05-1307-MC-001693 NA NA Tucker, Jamarcus A 07/12/2013 Allen Superior Court 5 MC - Miscellaneous Criminal (Citation) Decided 35-42-5-1(1)/FB: Robbery - Defn Armed OR Bodily Injury Results To One Other Than Defn 35-42-3-3(a)(1)/FB: Crim Confinement (confine) - Armed w/ Deadly Weapon/SBI to Another/on Aircraft 
 02D06-1308-CM-003875 NA TUCKER, JAMARCUS A 08/26/2013 Allen Superior Court 6 CM - Criminal Misdemeanor Decided 35-46-1-15.1(2)/MA: Invasion of Privacy - Viol Ex Parte Protec Order Issued Under 34-26-5 
 02D05-1402-MC-000275 NA NA TUCKER, JAMARCUS A 
02/06/2014 Allen Superior Court 5 MC - Miscellaneous Criminal (Citation) Decided 35-43-4-2(a)/FD: Theft 35-44.1-2-3(d)(1)/MB: False Informing 
 02D06-1402-FD-000148 Tucker, Jamarcus A 02/11/2014 Allen Superior Court 6 FD - Class D Felony Pending 35-43-4-2(a)/FD: Theft 
 02D05-1403-FC-000082 Tucker, Jamarcus A 03/19/2014 Allen Superior Court 5 FC - Class C Felony Pending 35-45-6-2(3)/FC: Corrupt Business Influence 35-43-4-2(a)/FD: Theft 
Tucker, Jamarcus A Also Known As Sewell, Marcus Also Known As Suell, Marcus Also Known As Thomas, Lamar Also Known As Tucker, Brandon Also Known As Tucker, Marcus Also Known As Warr, Myrone Also Known As White, Quindale 
3632 Logan AVE Fort Wayne, IN 46803 
1118 OAK ST Fort Wayne, IN 46803 
3002 WINTER ST Fort Wayne, IN 46806 
2934 Reed St Fort Wayne IN 
4002 Winter St Fort Wayne, IN 46806 
344 Rudisill Bl E Fort Wayne, IN 46801 
1331 Eden St Apt 6B Fort Wayne, IN 46803 
2540 Reed St Ft Wayne IN 
1214 Green Fort Wayne, IN 46803 
Now, how much do you want to bet that some (or all) of the booze that was pilfered wound up at that Hard Hitters motorcycle(?) club that was recently raided by various law-enforcement agencies (including the EXCISE POLICE), hmm?
The timeline and arrests would seem to confirm it..the Kroger story didn't break until AFTER the club was raided and arrests were made (and I would wager that either these thieves or friends of theirs were part of the 27 who were busted.
The Kroger thieves ARE looking at RACKETEERING charges, and to me, that smells of a FEDERAL rap.
In any event, YOU now know the entire story and where it could be headed..for now.
*** Okay, so the snow has all but gone away, and the sidewalks are once again CLEAR, but does that stop idiots from walking in the middle of the street (at least on the SE side)? Not on your life.
And NOWHERE are the police to get these mooks the hell OUT of the streets...maybe it's a "gang thang" with not walking on sidewalks down here?
Get outta the damn street, dumbass!
I know that at night, you want to shout out your car window "Hey dumbass, SMILE so I can see where the f$ck you're at".
Even schoolkids don't stay on the sidewalks, either, and it's got nothing to do with snow...or the lack of it.
Must be the "CULTURE" they're brought up in that's to blame (there's that damn "C"-word AGAIN).
Are you beginning to see a pattern being established here when it comes to what passes for culture?
I think you do quite well.
*** Last back to the pasture today, modern culture is one of those important facets to humankind,...and human nature.
But, rather than be something rather simplistic in concept and execution, it has become (like our government) so overblown and complex, that it can't even figure itself out, and perhaps that's why it's become a "catch-all" for everything in society, both good AND bad.
And that's not good.
We have our own thoughts about what culture really is...or at least what it should be, and after reading up on this, I can tell you that what I believed is a far cry from what the reality of culture is, and aside from that being an epiphany or revelatory in nature, common sense tells me that's exactly what it has become.
I will try to uncover and explain much of what I've found out, and I'm sure it will reveal itself to be the cause of much of our society's ills.
I think there was a saying that went something like "Anything in life that's worth something, doesn't come easily."
That sums it up well enough...for now.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


John DuMond said...

Churchill! I shoulda known. That guy was awesome.

RE: Kroger thefts - It's possible that the alarms weren't functioning properly, or maybe even turned off. Sometimes false alarms annoy the staff, so they unplug the things. Foolish? Absolutely. But I've seen it happen.

Bob G. said...

John D.:
Yeah, Churchill was one of THE greats...until the war ended and the UK people all but tossed him to the curb.
Fortunately, they again came to their senses in the raly 1950s...lol.

As for Kroger?
The security sensors are in those black caps, and when removed...no alarm. checkout HAS to remove them too (they ALSO cost the store money).
At Circuit City, we used the adhesive security ribbons (on small items) and wired larger items down to security tables in the stores.
And whwen THEY went off, they were freaking LOUD!

And as far as I can remember, the booze is about the ONLY product that has such things on them at Kroger...everything else is fair game for shoplifting.
(like those roasts the one mook took a couple months ago, and then tried ot take it back and get a gift card AND cash (they caught HIS ass, too).

SO, it would seem that Kroger is somewhat responsible when it comes to theft, but maybe an employee turned off th system for a time...an "inside job"?
Damn strange.

That's still a sh*tload of hooch!!!

Thanks for rolling up to comemnt today.

Stay safe out there.

CWMartin said...

Well, let's go through Kroger's books, and see which employee was on duty the last time one of those tools came up missing.

Not surprised to see Hennessey on the list. You just can't find Ripple anymore.

Bob G. said...

That would be a GREAT starting point for the store manager!

"suffisticatid" ghetto-swill.
(when Schlitz Malt Liquor or Magnum 40 oz just won't cut it, hmm?)

Annie Green Springs and Boone's Farm...the "kings" (or is that queens?) of ripple.

Back in Philly, they had THUNDEBIRD and KING SOLOMON wines...that crap would strip chrome off a damn bumper!
(when we USED to have bumpers)
What a trio of LOSERS!

Hey, thanks for stopping on by today & commenting.

Stay safe up there.

Momma Fargo said...

Lot o' booze there. And the rap sheet on the one dude I think went into the core of the earth or the bottoms of hell. Goooooodddnnnessss. I have to say, Bob. You are so harsh on the nice young "jogger" in your street. I jog in the street. I jog on the country roads. I also wear a hoodie. I think you were a little "harsh" on that feller. LMAO. Hey, Phelps went to the same place as that boy's rap sheet! Did you see?

Slamdunk said...

I laughed at your muffler shop crack. Do you remember the old commercial where a guy with a noisy and crap car is telling everyone "motor oil is motor oil!" Still true about people and their care for cars today.

Yes, Kroger does need an upgrade to their security measures, but your posted arrest histories say it all.

Darn blustery wind here is canceling out the improved 40+ degree temps…

Bob G. said...

Momma Fargo:
I figured YOU could really "appreciate" the rap sheets...
Yeah, his file must read like a Manhattan phone directory...LOL

He wasn't an "official" jogger...just a mook probably muling some crack to another crib...or just purchased some.
Believe me, he stopped after he turned the corner (lack of motivation?)
BTW, YOU can jog anywhere you want to, dear - even across my lawn...!

Yep, that Indiana "bad boy house" gets a LOT of traffic.

Glad you could stop on by today to comment.
Always a pleasure.

Roll( and jog) safe down there.

Bob G. said...

With very FEW exceptions, what my Dad told me is true...even today:
"A CAR will tell you a LOT about the PERSON driving it."

Kroger needs to consider stronger security measures,even IF they made over $2.15 Bil last year...they should have the $$$ to make upgrades, otherwise people wouldn't be leaving their stores with huge chunks of meat down their britches (or baskets of booze).

It's more a SOCIETAL issue with the majority of such crimes perpetrated by minorities (many on the gov't dole) who will venture to other areas where the pickins are easier...simple as that.
(but the media won't tell you such things)
That's the truth.

Thanks for rolling by to comment.

Stay safe out there.

Disgusted said...

My brother is a daily coffee shop customer at the Dupont Krogers. He told me about this maybe 6-7 weeks ago. It seems they were stealing the bottles from the gift pack packaging. They kept on finding the empty boxes in the laundry detergent aisle. Also I think you can find the "keys" to the security caps on the web, maybe Ebay. While shopping at the West State Krogers I saw a security cap with a wine cork sticking out of it. It was in the cheese-yogurt case, about 10 feet away from the bathrooms.

Bob G. said...

The gift packs should be under LOCK & KEY, but I used to work Loss Prevention, so I already KNOW how to make it harder for these mooks.
Apparently, Kroger store managers do NOT...and that costs ALL of us sooner or later, hmm?

The ALPHA caps (as they're called) I'm sure can be found somewhere online...would not surprise me.

Still, you bust a few of these perps and drive their faces into the parking lot asphalt a few times as they leave...they'll beg off.
(and they'll ne easier to spot when they come back...road-rash face)...LOL.

Thanks for the comment.
Much appreciated.

Stay safe out there.