Here we are then...a brand new month, and with it come the first of the "bers" months. Can Christmas be that far off?
As predicted, the weather seems a lot more tolerable. Had to happen sooner or later.
But it will be short-lived. Gonna get hot again by next week.
Our Hoosierland weather for today will see us with mostly sunny skies, temps reaching up to the mid-70s and I think we'll might see a pass in the precipitation department. Toss in some lower humidity, too.
So, let's start this month off in fine style with a refreshing beverage as we take a look at what's been going on elsewhere...
*** First out of the cupboard is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"The greatest trap in our life is not success, popularity or power, but self-rejection."
This was spoken by Henri Nouwen (24 January 1932 - 21 September 1996), and he was a Catholic priest, professor, writer and theologian. Here is his WIKI:
Before his death, he wrote 39 books and hundreds of articles.
He was born in the Netherlands
I will leave it to you to read up on him in detail, for what I find intriguing about him is that although he was a revered speaker for Christianity, he also suffered from loneliness and a need for interpersonal connection.
((His popularity as a spiritual guide has been linked to his capacity to describe his personal struggles in a relatable manner.))
"I wanted to know how we could integrate the life of Christ in our daily concerns. I was always trying to articulate what I was dealing with. I thought that if it was very deep, it might also be something other people were struggling with. It was based on the idea that what is most personal might be the more universal."
—Henri Nouwen, Catholic New Times
He also struggled with his sexuality, which is believed to ahve contributed to his own self-doubt.
((Although this struggle was known by those close to him, Nouwen never publicly identified himself as a homosexual. There is no evidence that Nouwen ever broke his vow of celibacy))
((Nouwen held appeal to many audiences, including Anglicans and Evangelicals, because his spirituality was Jesus-centered. In 1992 he was invited by Robert H. Schuller to preach on Hour of Power at the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California. He appeared over three consecutive Sundays and preached on the topic of belovedness.))
A really interesting man who openly wrote and discussed his personal struggles with his walk with our Lord.
A good read and lends insight that yes, none of us are perfect.
*** Next up, it's time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature.
Well, it IS September, so let's take a peek at what is going on this month:
Baby Safety Month
Better Breakfast Month

Fall Hat Month
Hispanic Heritage Month – September 15 to October 15
Little League Month
Intergeneration Month
National Blueberry Popsicle Month
National Chicken Month
National Courtesy Month
National Honey Month
National Mortgage Professional Month
National Mushroom Month
National Papaya Month
National Piano Month
National Potato Month
National Preparedness Month
National Rice Month
National Sewing Month
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Awareness Month
Self Improvement Month
Whole Grains Month
National Suicide Prevention Month
National Payroll Week: 1-5 (First Week)
National Nutrition Week: 1-7 (UNICEF-India)
Self-University Week: 1-7
National Waffle Week: 4-10 (First Week)
Substitute Teacher Appreciation Week: 5-11 (First Full Week)
Suicide Prevention Week: 5-11 (Always has 10th in it)
Play Days: 6-10 (Tues.thru Sat. after Labor Day)
Popcorn Days: 8-10 (First Weekend After Labor Day)
National North West Cider Week: 8-18
National Days of Prayer & Remembrance: 9-11 (Friday thru Sunday Closest to 9/11)
Mushroom Days: 10-11 (Weekend After Labor Day)
Dating and Life Coach Recognition Week: 11-17
National Assisted Living Week: 11-17
National Environmental Services Week: 11-17
National Truck Driver Appreciation Week: 11-17
Balance Awareness Week: 12-18
Line Dance Week: 12-17 (Starts 2nd Mon. thru Sat.)
National Guitar Flat-Picking Days: 14-18
Hummingbird Celebration: 15-18
Constitution Week: 17-23
Farm Animal Awareness Week: 17-24 (Starts on 3rd Saturday)
Build A Better Image Week: 18-24 (Third Full Week)
Child Passenger Safety Week: 18-24
National Security Officer Appreciation Week: 18-24 (Third Full Week)
Pollution Prevention Week: 18-24 (Third Week)
Prostate Cancer Awareness Week: 18-24 (Third Week)
National Clean Hands Week: 18-24 (Third Full Week)
National Farm & Ranch Safety and Health Week: 18-24 (Third Full Week)
National Indoor Plant Week: 18-24 (Third Full Week)
National Rehabilitation Awareness Week:18-24 (Third Full Week)
National Singles Week:18-24 (Third Full Week)
National Dog Week: 18-24 (Always last week) Link Link and Link
National Historically Black Colleges & Universities Week: 18-24
National Keep Kids Creative Week: 18-24 (Last Week)
Remember to Register to Vote Week: 18-24(Last Week)
Sea Otter Awareness Week: 18-24 Link (Last Week)
Tolkien Week: 18-24(Third Week that Hobbit Day falls on = 9/22)
World Reflexology Week: 18-24(Last Full Week)
Deaf Dog Awareness Week: 18-25 Link (Last Full Week)
National Love Your Files Week: 19-23 Link (Third Full M-F Week)
World Hearing Aid Awareness Week: 25-10/1 Link (Last Week Sept.)
Ally Week: 26-30
Banned Books Week: 26-10/1 (Last Week)
Health Information and Technology Week: 26-30
National Postdoc Appreciation Week: 26-30
National Fall Foliage Week: 27-10/3
And finally, we have today:
(It's a WEST-COAST thing...feel free to google it up)
(quick, what rhymes with ORANGE?)
*** Next, more proof positive that we have some seriously deranged individuals in our midst.
Here's the story:
What is it with black males and this over-compensating dominance when it comes to "property"?
Morgan Govan, 37 is our "perp du jour" in the minority community.
Oh, yeah, we've seen THAT look before.
You can't even find people like HIM in Gitmo trying to get intel from the detainees.
This is one sick-ass lunatic.
Granted the women he tortured we not stellar citizens either (drug addicted prostitutes), but STILL, the two women certainly didn't deserve the type of treatment that this perp committed upon them.
And all over a few "stolen" items in some storage facility that were actually sold for heroin (by one of the women).
![]() |
Sometimes, you need natural justice. |
Yes sir, takes a helluva MAN to tie up two druggies and then pound them with your fists, foot and a claw hammer, doesn't it?
Must be compensating for a LACK of manhood somewhere.
Be nice to have police use the same tactics he used on the women ON HIM. See how HE likes it?
(but that would make the good guys into bad guys...not a perfect solution there)
Still, sure makes you long for those days of old west justice.
And with his priors, let's try and put him AWAY this time...for a VERY long time, okay?
Now, lets shift gears away from such vermin.
*** Next up, time for another installment of "The Hobo Chronicles"...
I've found out one thing about our little feline friend - he likes to wait for Wifey.
I often catch him flopping down by the garage door, and he already knows where I am (usually taking pictures of him close by), so he's got to be "waiting" for Wifey to come back home.

Hobo was sitting there, watching her That was too cute. I said not to worry, she's coming back later today.
He does love to rub against her legs whenever she goes outside (must be the body wash?)
If nothing else, he is a VERY affable cat. There is just so much about him that says "formerly owned by people" it's not funny. I mean of ALL the places to go, he came HERE to us. And he's stayed since that day I first saw him on our garage roof.
At least, he's got good taste when it comes to people (and the food they serve)...heh.
*** Last back to the kitchen cabinets... life has so much to offer to everyone.
The problem is, many people don't WANT to seek what they need, don't desire to have what's attainable, and don't want to work at getting it. Funny, THAT is what much of life is all about.
Those not willing to participate in the "human adventure" are destined for lesser things, and they have no one to blame but themselves. Yet, when you hear such people, they assess blame to everyone and everything ELSE.
Again, that's part of the "entitlement trap" they have bought into with gusto.
People need to realize that life is the ultimate "one-shot", and needs to be appreciated.
It's the ONE ride on the Merry-Go-Round we all get...not two, or three, or twenty rides. Everybody gets ONE.
And to try and make the best of it should be pretty high on the old "to-do" list.
There was this saying that we need to "take time to smell the roses". It's true, believe me.
We ALL need to stop jumping about like frogs on hot-plates and tone it all down a bit.
Take solace in the little things in life...the insignificant, the minuscule.
You can open up the vastness of life when acknowledging the small aspects we often ignore.
And when that happens, you become a better person. Not that hard to figure out in the long run.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Henri Nouwen... what a fascinating man. I'm half way through reading his wiki as I type this comment. And what a great quote. Anyone who says they've never struggled with self-rejection and self-doubt at some point in their lives is lying, I think.
"Take time to smell the roses." Is there an app I can download for that? I'm too busy on my smartphone to actually go outside.
I have an tried and true manner when I choose these quotes:
I do it by what asking have I struggled with in the past, and then what do people (themselves) face these days.
That works well; enough
Kinda like tossing darts at the spinning wheel of
Henri IS a very interesting person, and one that I never heard of before early this week.
Amazing what you find when you're NOT
I wish they'd bring back the ROSE-SCENTED air fresheners...Now THERE'S something I miss, especially when roses ain't a bloomin' no longer in the garden...heh.
(not kidding)
Thanks much for taking time to stop by and comment today.
Stay safe (and classy) out there, guys.
I'll have to look into Nouwen later. Sounds like a good man up against a no-win fight.
Classical music month- I could use some more Brit composers...
Payroll week? That's every other week here, lol!
Better remind me on Nat'l Dog week...
Well work had no rhyme or reason... that's for sure.
Read about that POS Govan... Needs to go replace that gorilla at the Cicy Zoo... albeit in the lion cage.
---"a good man in a no-win fight"
That sounds like a LOT of us most days, hmm?
But, like Jim Kirk said: "I Don't believe in the no-win scenario".
---I'd like to FIND 'ya some more
---Used to be the same w/ me too.
---I will make a note of it (for Scrappy's sake).
---Please refer to the "good man/no-win fight" reference above.
---I kinda LIKE that idea. It has the distinct novelty of never having been done before. Unfortunately, this turd will cost more people more money as long as he draws breath. REAL justice could change that.
Thanks for swinging on by today and commenting.
Stay safe (and love that nice 2-day weather) up there, brother.
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