27 November 2017

(Cyber) Monday Musings...
High prices will be deleted.
I trust all of you managed to AVOID the whole Black Friday gig. I know WE did.
Today marks the start of that "other" shopping season for the holidays - the one that takes place ONLINE.
Oh, look...online coupons, too.
Supposed to be bargains out the wazoo. We shall see...maybe.
Our Hoosierland weather brings us a nice day with mostly sunny skies, temps reaching all the way up to around 56 degrees, and not a drop of rain to be found (let the pigeons loose).
So what say we begin the day with a nice refreshing drink to wet the old whistle, as we see what's been going on elsewhere...
*** First out of the coffee pot is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's Cyber Monday
(if you need an explanation  find someone else)
---It's National Bavarian Cream Pie Day
(they don't come much tastier that this baby)
---It's National Craft Jerky Day
(and I thought it was another "political" thing)...lol
*** Next up, they caught the shooter who killed that local gas station employee.
Here's the lowdown:
Victor M. Rivera, 21, Fort Wayne, was arrested Friday on initial charges of murder, felony murder, and robbery causing serious bodily injury.
And, as can be expected, he has a history with the FWPD and the judicial system - one which SHOULD have denied ANY purchase or possession of a firearm, but since the FBI went and PURGED their database (see my post from 23 November). Here's the source story (again):
Granted this deals with "fugitives" for the most part, but with the felonies (battery to an infant for example) this piece of crap should have NOT been able to get a damn gun...right? Yet there he was, gun in hand, taking the life of an INNOCENT person...and for what purpose other than to get something fore nothing. Damn shame this turd wasn't shot and killed., although that still wouldn't bring the victim back.
And this story is about the victim:
A totally senseless killing of someone who was just working his job (and an obvious cat-lover).
Jacob Walerko, who turned 25 last month is the empty chair at his home, and that should have never had to happen. My prayers go out to his family and friends.
*** Next, Friday was SUPPOSED to be our trash/recycle PICKUP DAY...
Well, I was HALF-right.
Trash came by nice and early (about 15 minutes after I put the bins out...by 0630 hrs.
However, recycle took a bit longer to arrive...like NOT AT ALL.
I emailed solid waste (didn't hear back), and then called Republic (company responsible) and their records showed we were NOT scheduled for a pickup. I told them it's been TWO weeks since the last one...we definitely are due.
(my bin is FULL, btw)
So, I left the bin out until 1700 hrs (end of day for them), and still nothing. The woman at Republic stated it would be logged as a MISSED pickup (good idea, since it WAS), and that pickup would be Monday (hey, that's TODAY).
Late in the day...nothing.
Anyway, my bin is BACK out and here's hoping.
See, THIS is the kind of shit that pisses me off (royally).
If it's not the damn newspaper not showing up, or in the flowerbeds, or incomplete, it's missed trash or recycle pickups. And, if it's not those, it';s mail coming around 5 P.M. once in a while, for no reason, or something not getting to pour house that's supposed to (lost items from eBay for example).
And ALL of this is aside from the typical conditions down there in the crotch of the city.
*** Next up, and speaking of pissed off, THIS story must have those who detest displays of Christmas publicly spitting purple and pissing plaid...lol. Here's the story link:
Christmas in the Park - Franke Park to be exact. This has been going on since 1951 (got me beat by a year).
Yes, it IS all about Jesus, and it's great to see the involvement by people of ALL ages.
(take THAT, you heathen atheists!)
((The two-day festival, which was sponsored by Christ Child Festival of Fort Wayne Inc., brought more than music to Franke Park. Attractions included children's games and crafts, horse-drawn wagon rides, a petting zoo and balloon sculpting.
The festival's focus was simple: The reason for the Christmas season, said Judi Hapke, publicity chairperson. 
Instead of Santa Claus, Christmas in the Park showcased actors from Fire & Light Academy portraying various biblical characters, such as Mary and Joseph, in a recreation of the streets of Bethlehem.))
Previous year attendance was listed at around 10,000 people.
And not a single ACLU member was to be found....GOOD!
*** Next, time to stop on by "Kitten Corner"...
But, I HAZ been good for goodness sake.
The kids were more than a little rambunctious over the weekend - not a good start to the whole "being good for goodness sake" thing...heh.
Still, we managed well, and no one got their backside smacked, although Gallifrey did get chastised for jumping up and scratching me when I was trying to get his food. That is a REAL no-no. Violet always sits patiently while I get their stuff ready.
I iz sorry, but I iz still cute.
We all follow procedure, no one gets hurt, and everyone gets fed...simple, huh?
(well, it's supposed to be that way)
*** Next up, let's do our check-in with "Midnight and Company"...
What? It's comfy.
Our furry twosome were close by ALL weekend, and that's a good thing to see. Whiskers came out of the Mark I shelter, and as for Midnight...well, he made himself a "nest" of sorts in the leaves at one flowerbed, which is fine.
I even got more ;leaves and put them against the fence to cut down any wind that comes along.
I hope he uses the Mark II shelter, though...when it gets colder.
Why is he not in a shelter?
Won't need it for the next couple days...that's a given.
They are fun in the morning, when you open the curtains and see them both waiting to be fed. She's on the screen and he's sitting there, staring. In some ways, they mirror our indoor cats. Midnight is like Violet and Whiskers is like Gallifrey when it comes to getting their eats. Never a dull moment, which is a good thing with them.
*** Last back to the tea kettle...the holidays are supposed to be a joyous time.
And yet, we see evidence to the contrary, such as the gas station murder last week.
Had it not been for the timely intervention of the PUBLIC, he might still be at large (as most all of the minority shooters tend to be on the south side of our city).
We see more and more that the holidays, although it is the most festive time of year, becomes the most notorious when it comes to crime. The perps just can't take some time off and let the REST of us enjoy some small vestige of the season. That is simply not right.
With a society that seems to value morality less (except when it's convenient to the user, or as a crutch to excuse bad behavior) you will see such actions.
But when a society embraces morality and not in a relativistic sense (as I mentioned last week), then everyone winds up in a better state of mind.
We seed to stop all the useless rhetoric which serves no purpose other than to rile people up, and those sources know who they are. Fortunately, we know who WE are, and it's not part of that group.
Time to stop the nonsense and start to look to this season, and what it really means.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


Momma Fargo said...

I do not Black Friday nor do I cyber Monday. And kitties!!! Love those guys. Hope all is well up north. The weather down here is frightening! Is this winter?

Bob G. said...

Momma Fargo:
---Glad to know you don't BF or CM either (boy, does that sounds hinky...lol)
---We're proud of our 4-footed "kids" (and we never have to send any of them to college or get them a car...HA!)

---Things are doing okay for the time being (get tired of holding my breath, though).
Weather is just plain WEIRD, but it IS Indiana, right?

Thanks for rolling up today to comment.

Stay safe down there, dear.

CWMartin said...

Black Friday Cyber Monday blah blah blah, we had Thanksgiving Friday, worked Monday, and in between the only things I bought were toilet bowl cleaner, ibuprofen, and air freshener. Get in line, ingrates!

Victor the Turd- you pretty much covered it.

Recycle bin- Like I told D, just dump it in some neighbor's yard and light it. They'll figure it was left by a former dissatisfied "customer" (for drugs or sex) and never know the difference.

Franke Park- hopefully even the atheists can figure out when they're NOT invited.

Bob G. said...

---I admire your practicality, budd6y. I can ALWAYS stand to have some Ibuprofen on hand...lol.
---And that perp was miffed because the gas station did NOT hire him ? (should looked in the mirror first)
This guy is up to his eye teeth in LOSER!
---I REALLY want to light up the houses (not with holiday cheer) and chase all the riff raff away. I know my dreams and wishes get kinda "dark" at times...bwahahahaha.
---LOL...you got THAT right! I so love this.

Hey, thanks for swinging by to comment today.

Stay safe (and headache-free) up there, brother.