01 November 2017

Humpday Happenings...
Welcome to the month of November. The year seemed to fly by (to me).
Now, we're looking at Thanksgiving and Christmas (already got some holiday catalogs in the mail to remind me).
And, by the looks of things, this old world is getting more crazy by the day, and we'll look at some of that later on.
Our Hoosierland weather for today has us seeing overcast skies, temps climbing to around 57 degrees (won't happen until late tonight), and the slim possibility of a snow flurry (?) during the day.
Guess we'd all better get a cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate to steel ourselves (just in case) as we see what all has been going on elsewhere, so buckle up...it's going to be a wild ride (shades of Mr. Toad)...
*** First out of the shower is our WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week:
"The world is in a constant conspiracy against the brave. It's the age-old struggle: the roar of the crowd on the one side, and the voice of your conscience on the other."
I thought another look at the word "conscience" is warranted, especially in the light of recent events. Do we bow to conventionality, or do we rather listen to that inner voice that usually can direct us along a better path?
So, who said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back at the Rainbow Hill estate near Garrison, Maryland...
*** Next up, let's take a look at our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Author's Day
(yes, some of them STILL use typewriters)
---It's National Brush Day
(you teeth, and not your hair)
---It's National Calzone Day
---It's National Cook For Your Pets Day
(wonder if the cats would like a calzone?)
---It's National Deep Fried Clams Day
(okay, I'm getting hungry now)
---It's National Family Literacy Day
(a literate family is a happy family)
---It's National Stress Awareness Day
(and remember...STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS!)
---It's National Vinegar Day
(it's a slow fermentation of ethanol thing)
*** Next, let's look at some of the MONTHLY observances:
Adopt A Senior Pet month
Aviation History Month
Banana Pudding Lover's Month (that works for me)
National Gratitude Month (something a LOT more people should practice)
National Native American Heritage Month
National Peanut Butter Month
National Roasting Month
Now, these are the high points, so be sure to take note and enjoy them all.
*** Next up, my prayers go out to the families of the 8 people killed in that NYC terrorist attack. Here's what known so far:
A person of (radical) Islamic persuasion leaves Tampa, comes to NYC, rents a pickup from Home Depot and, well...does what terrorists do best - terrorize (taking out 8 people along the way). And he brandished a paintball pistol and BB pistol and thought the NYPD would NOT take him down?
He was shot in the abdomen (good shot placement - center mass) and taken to hospital and is expected to survive. And he came here legally (special diversity-visa program - thank you Chuck Schumer) back in 2010. Nice to know the DEMS are taking care of immigrants (and our own people) for us.
*** Next, Fort Wayne's Burmese population is taking some deserved heat of late (what...again?). Here's the story:
You know things are bad when the blacks complain
Finally, our councilman, Glynn Hines has to WORK for his money, and he's finding (black) residents of his district less than pleased with the influx of Burmese refugees (courtesy of Catholic Charities and their ilk).
Ripping people from their homeland for decades.
Catholic Charities Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend works to resettle Burmese refugees - actually, they just remove them from where they live, ship them thousands of miles AWAY from their country of birth and dump them here in the USA, without ANY knowledge of OUR culture, and NO way to communicate properly in OUR language.
You have to love such philanthropy...NOT!
((There are about 6,000 Burmese refugees living in Fort Wayne, a large concentration of whom live on the city's southeast side. During Tuesday's meeting, residents raised concerns about homes owned by Burmese families, which some neighbors say have become a problem. Issues cited most included overgrown grass, trash in yards and homes painted bright colors. 
“I call them circus colors and I don't know where they're getting the paint from,” Estelle Turner said. “First it was just two tones, then it was patterns and they do not blend in with the neighborhood. They bring down the value of the homes that are there. Bright pinks, purples, orange, yellows, green, what have you.” 
One resident complained of Burmese neighbors slaughtering animals such as chickens in their backyard.)) Now THERE is a real "WTF?" moment.
Yeah, THAT is sure to drive UP property values in OUR part of the city...thanks King Henry for all YOUR help.
Wonder how YOU would enjoy having them in YOUR neighborhood.
And remember a few years back when a store owner complained (and had to apologize...for no reason) about the Burmese spitting all the khat on the sidewalks in public? I remember.
((Councilman-at-large, Tom Freistroffer said. “I think the underlying tone is acceptance and I think the Burmese need to be accepted in whatever community and whatever neighborhood they're in. Then comes the language, then comes the education.”))
For people to BE accepted, they have to show a willingness to become educated and versed in the language. After all, that worked for ALL the immigrants (Italians, Japanese, Germans, Irish, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc) we took in over the past 200+ years. Oh, and they WERE legal immigrants, and not a bunch of displaced refugees from everywhere else that were merely dropped off here.
I think Tom's got that short list in the wrong order.
*** Next up, an update on that recent police shooting.
Here's the link:
Yeah, a SE side "quiet suburban neighborhood" (as was said in a previous story)...ROFL!
And, the perp was shot by a FEMALE LEO...good for her!
The perp also faces a nice list of charges.
*** Next up, and speaking of "Momma Fargo" a Wyoming traffic stop nets a crapload of pot and three men from the Fort Wayne area. Here's the story:
Sweetwater County, Wyoming was the locale where this took place. A deputy and his K-9 partner found 293.3 pounds of marijuana, more than $700 in cash and a currency-counting machine. The marijuana was packaged in 260 vacuum-sealed plastic bags in 10 suitcases and duffle bags, several of which bore store tags.
Bolton          Holliness-Ransom           Magee
((According to a statement from the Sweetwater County (Wyoming) Sheriff's Office, Kyle Bolton, 26; Mack Magee Jr., 61, and Antres D. Holliness-Ransom, 20, were charged with felony-grade possession of a controlled substance, unlawful manufacture or delivery of a controlled substance and conspiracy. Each had bond set at $100,000.))
Nice job, people. Good to see that much weed off the street and those three perps busted.
*** Next, let's drop by "Kitten Corner"...
Another nice day with nice cats around the house...doesn't get much better than that.
And getting frequent leg rubs, as well as being followed around the house never hurts either.
Some days you don;t even have to raise your voice. I really like THOSE days.
Then, there are days when you wonder who brought in a herd of wildebeest. It's a trade-off that you learn to accept.
*** Next up, time to go back to our "Tales of Midnight"...
Our furry buddy is still without his "partner" (Whiskers), and where she disappeared to is anyone's guess.
Midnight was around most all of the day, and I don;t mind that at all. Better to know WHERE he's at then wonder where he goes and what could happen to him if he strays too far from the food and care we provide.
Wifey and I did see that white cat (I call Snowball) across the street the other day, but that cat didn't have a notion to come over here (yet). We may see it as the weather gets colder, as we did last year.
Curled up and comfy.
In the meantime, Midnight gets the "lion's share" of attention from us, and if Whiskers ever does come back, she will also receive her share, just like she used to get.
*** Last back to the bathroom... America is a caring nation with caring people.
We've proven that so many times in the past.
But, there comes a time when even such virtuous intent can be overextended.
We gladly embrace anyone who has the sincere desire to become part of what our nation stands for, and is willing to assimilate into OUR culture (while retaining their heritage from their birthplace - no problem there).
It's when we become the dumping ground for any and all people who hardly even know WHAT the USA is all about that many of us have a problem with. It's like a macrocosm of being a doormat. People will invariable use you to wipe their shoes off, and I'm sorry, but the word WELCOME was never stenciled upon my forehead.
We have a perfectly good and just LEGAL method for bringing people who wish to become American citizens into our country, but for some reason, that's not good enough for the liberals among us.
(they must feel so insecure about their voting base)
I believe we NEED to take whatever steps we have to in order to preserve and protect OUR way of life, and by that, I mean the culture that is purely American, because we seem to be losing touch with it.
If we fail in that mission, then what used to be the home of the free and the land of the brave might will cease to exist. And the amber waves of grain and purple mountain's majesty might well become things of the past.
We are a first rate country...NOT a third world one.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Calzone sounds good- but I just ordered a pizza from Papa John's in honor of them pulling their ads off the NFL...

Cook? I barely do that for ME!

Family Literacy Day- you should post flyers all over your neighborhood! Be sure to use plenty of simple pictures...

"Stressed"... by golly, it is! Still not as good as the Subaru thing...

Wow, blacks complaining about Burmese lawns? There IS a God...

"For people to BE accepted, they have to show a willingness to become educated and versed in the language." Willingness in big block letters.

Laurie brought up the fact that it was Elder Bush (I guess we should call him "Perv Bush" now...) that signed that diversity BS into law. Not a real big fan of the Bush family these days...

Bob G. said...

---I heard about the owner of PJs doing that, and I thought "good for you"...now I have to say Good for YOU, as well!
---Wifey "cooks" every Friday (via phone call or drive over to some fast food joint...see, (never sell yourself short)it CAN be done, chef...LOL.
---Funny, no one seems to know WHAT to call such a word that when reversed, spells a completely DIFFERENT word. It's not a palindrome, nor a proper anagram. Maybe BACK-WORD. Here's one:
REGAL - LAGER (pass me a cold one...heh)
---LMAO...yeah, once in a great while, humankind DOES manage to get something right.
---I ALMOST highlighted that word IN BOLD TYPE, too.
---Laurie is correct in the history behind that "lottery" bill. Ted Kennedy was keen on this, bringing up the IRISH aspect to such immigrants.
Agreed. Bush 41 had his moment with the war in Iraq.
Bush 43 had HIS moment with 9-11. That's about it.
As time passes, I think history will agree with BOTH of us.
It's not that we lacked GOOD presidents, we just had leaders with varying levels of BAD (and yes, the Dems were far worse). I would say that Reagan was perhaps the best of the lot in my lifetime (with Kennedy a close 2nd).
Still waiting for another Washington (or Lincoln), though.

Hey, thanks much for taking time to sop by and comment.

Stay safe (and stay warm) up there, brother.