02 November 2017

Thoughts For Thursday...
We're closing in on another weekend; the first of this new month (hope you changed your calendars over).
And, it's another soggy-ass day out there as well. At least it's not chilly.
With all the leaves around, you really need to take care driving and especially when braking on days like this. It's too easy to forget the simple things behind the wheel.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us (what else?) cloudy skies, rainy conditions for much of the day and temps reaching up around the 65 degree mark.
So, how's about we get a nice refreshing drink to start the day, as we take a peek at what's been going on elsewhere, hmm?
*** First out of the corral is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"The world is in a constant conspiracy against the brave. It's the age-old struggle: the roar of the crowd on the one side, and the voice of your conscience on the other."
This is attributed to General Douglas MacArthur (26 January 1880 – 5 April 1964) who was an American five-star general and Field Marshal of the Philippine Army. He was Chief of Staff of the United States Army during the 1930s and played a prominent role in the Pacific theater during World War II.
And HERE is his WIKI:
It's a pretty long read (as could be expected) simply because he had a pretty LONG military career. Still, it's worth it to see how a lenghty career in the military can be both a blessing and a curse.
MacArthur even spent some time as Superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point (1919-1922), where he modernized many programs and expanded the concept of military character to include bearing, leadership, efficiency and athletic performance.
His career was not without some bumps in the road. The "Bonus Army" incident of 1932 drew anger from the people, and yet not one shot was fired the whole time.
Even FDR and MacArthur came to (verbal) blows, and they had been longtime friends prior to Roosevelt's election to the presidency.
MacArthur was highly instrumental in the success by U.S. (ground) forces in winning the war in the Pacific during WW2.
((Postwar, as Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP) in Japan, MacArthur and his staff helped Japan rebuild itself, eradicate militarism and ultra-nationalism, promote political civil liberties, institute democratic government, and chart a new course that ultimately made Japan one of the world's leading industrial powers.))
It was during the Korean War that MacArthur ran afoul of (then) president Truman, and it all came to a head on 19 April 1951 when MacArthur gave his famous farewell speech to Congress after having been removed from active military service.
It's a very intriguing read, and worth some of your time. Did he make the right calls for the right reasons? Did he "overstay his welcome" as a leader? You can decide for yourselves.
*** Next up, time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Broadcast Traffic Professional's Day
(maybe we need a traffic "cop"?)
---It's National Deviled Egg Day
(Mom used to make some really GOOD ones)
---It's National Men Make Dinner Day
(and no grilling outside - that's cheating - grab the phone, Chris...lol)
---It's National Ohio Day
(we've been all around Indiana with this)
*** Next, another standoff keeps police busy. Here's the story (so far):
((Police were called to Baldwin Creek Apartments, 2020 Hobson Road, around 2345 hrs Wednesday after several people heard gunshots and called 911. 
Officers arrived and learned a man had fired shots at a woman and then retreated into her apartment. The woman was able to get away and was not hurt.
After using loudspeakers and flashbangs in an attempt to get the man to come out, tear gas was deployed and the suspect was arrested without firther incident.
A real POS.
The suspect was identified as 20-year-old Darrion Bright.
Bright is initially charged with two counts of criminal recklessness, 2 counts of domestic battery, and possession of a handgun by a serious violent felon.))
I will say that Darrion sure as hell does NOT live up to his last name...moron.
---Oh, and be sure to check my archive post here from 30 AUG 2016 - Darrion was busted in connection with the Alonna Allison murder (gang crossfire).
Back on the streets to cause MORE mayhem with another gun (probably illegal).
When is the black community going to address problem people like THIS piece of crap?
*** Next up, Kevin Leininger has a very good column in today's N-S.
Here's the link:
This plays right into what I spoke about yesterday with that meeting that councilman (for life) Glynn Hines and others had a couple days ago, regarding the Burmese population.
Now, in order to have all of this in it's PROPER context, we have to back up a few days to that UNITY WALK that took place over last weekend.
It looked to be a multi-race event and Jackie Joyner-Kersey spoke about change "starting with self", and it's THAT aspect I want to focus on. Forget the fact that BET labeled this as an "anti-racism" event. It did not seem that way to me.
Still, the whole SELF thing is what's important here. The black community has to start with ITSELF in order to make some change for the BETTER here.
Glynn Hines
Now, those same blacks mention the fact that it's the Burmese who are the root of the SE problems.
And to this, Leininger mentions a sort of deja-vu with the white flight that took place decades before.
(and it was whites who then mentioned that blacks were causing problems)
The blame game knows NO ethnicity here, right?
And now (at long last) we hear councilman Glynn Hines wanting to see some PROGRESS happening on the SE side (and he's mentioned all the downtown and riverfront development while nothing goes on in HIS area).
Leininger also brings up that laundromat owner on S. Calhoun,  who put a "NO BURMESE ALLOWED" in his window because of spitting and using the floor as a bathroom (like I said yesterday).
Yet, after all this has gone on for so many eyars, and is now taking place with "different players" on the same societal stage, all those involved refuse to look in the damn mirror when it comes to finding out where the problems lie.
This is perhaps the best read of the week and yet hardly scratches the surface as to what goes on down here.
We'll keep following this and see where it takes us, rest assured.
*** Next, time to drop in on  our "Kitten Corner"...
The  kids didn't do bad yesterday, except for getting into closets (which is a distinct no-no). It's too easy to close them inside to do...well that which they're not supposed to do.
Let's say it's easier to keep them where we can see them. Nothing is worse than at feeding time, you take  ahead-count and come up ONE cat short...lol.
Then, you have to check around to find him or her.
After all that is said and done, it's nice to have them in the living room with you, even if you don't have a chair to sit in, and as long as they follow you, you know where they're at all the time, right?
*** Next up, time for our "Tales of Midnight"...
Good food, nice atmosphere...
With Whiskers still gone, our furry buddy is doing his "solo" act with the usual nonchalance. He's waiting for morning grub, then it's off to patrol, and yesterday, he didn't come by for midday food, so we waited until late afternoon for him to stop by again.
And he did make "last call" which happens around dusk.
No waiting...I give it FOUR stars!
With today being trash day, the trucks will spook him, so he may be around our hosue more than usual, which if fine with us - more time to pet him and make a fuss that he's not missing.
*** Last back to the barn...I'd love to see some change in our part of town.
And, I'd much prefer that it be change for the BETTER...just once.
Yet, after 20+ years down here, I've seen nothing happen. Well, that/s not totally true. I have seen things happen.
I've seen an entire mall CLOSE, scores of businesses up and leave, good neighbors either pass away or leave the area, only to be replaced by some of the worst dregs that society has to offer.
And through all this (and more), plus three mayors, not one of them did much to change the deplorable state our part of town has slipped into after all this time.
Fast food trash - almost daily.
I see those who are now the majority here (blacks) trash the area at every turn, and age doesn't matter, as they act the same way if they're little or grown up.
At least the Latinos will work and do some things to make their properties better (after some NCE intervention). THEY can be motivated. What Burmese I've seen keep to themselves, but do love those garish house paints. That one house behind us DID paint over that purple (now it looks like a light mint green), so I'll take that as a "win".
I just cannot imagine WHY people would want to be ripped from their hoimeland to be dropped off in a totally FOREIGN environment, with no means to communicate or means to provide for themselves.
That is certainly NOT the "American" way of doing things, and maybe the Catholic Charities might want to look in THEIR mirror once in a while. While they "think" they may be helping all those refugees, they are actually doing more harm than good, especially to OUR country.
How soon they forget that many of the undocumented immigrants coming up from south of our border are ALSO winding up here in the Heartland. It's little wonder as to why our local population has risen so much so quickly. The numbers are being padded by people being placed here without our knowledge, and are not contributing to the betterment of OUR city, and especially the south part of Fort Wayne.
We need to start handing out some mirrors whenever these people begin asking why things are the way they are.
They'll find the answers to their questions a LOT sooner.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


Momma Fargo said...

Gah. So sorry to have missed posts. I will go back and catch up. This week has been nutso getting ready for tests. It is warming up outside for just a few. Dang the shots keep firing up there. It is nice and quiet down here. Great post. Keep them coming. Be safe.

Bob G. said...

Momma Fargo:
---With you, there is NEVER a need to apologize, dear.
---I want to hear about how you ACE those tests, too.
---Plenty of shots fired by mostly serious violent FELONS who should not even be in POSSESSION of a damn gun.
And the black community wonders HOW to make things better? They ARE kidding, right?

We'll keep our heads on a swivel up here.
Thanks for rolling up to comment.

You stay safe down there, Kiddo.

CWMartin said...

Yep changed the calendar at work just 38 hours into the month. Candidate for quick-response team!

I'm guessing from the quote I missed yesterday. Check it out in a bit...

"Broadcast Traffic Professional"? WTH is THAT? Never seen one hereabouts...

Just cheese samwiches today, my friend...

Took my line on the Bright case...

Yesterday (day before?) mention of the Burmese thing (maybe I just forgot the quote) hit it right on the head. Catholic Charities went in with good intentions and piss-poor execution, never giving the Burmese clue one of what was acceptable and what wasn't. Every bit of heartache the Burmese (and those around them) go through can be laid right there. Stop acting like liberal idiots and research what the unintended consequences will be. Sorry, but this was hardly a "good work."

Maybe you could save up your nice collection of neighborhood photos for the next "Blacks bitch about the Burmese" meeting and play with them a little game of "Who do you suppose lives here?" Should be great fun!

Okay, let me see if I was here yesterday or not, or if I just alzheimered the quote...

CWMartin said...

Okay, so I didn't miss yesterday, I just paid spotty attention. I shall endeavor to do better. Or at least send Gary Troxel to read it more thoroughly (Time Machine joke there).

Bob G. said...

Chris (1):
---Candidate? Hell, make you the CHIEF of THAT team!
---Got NO idea what that traffic thing is either.
(better call MAACO...LOL)
---cheese sandwiches for dinner Better have been TOASTED cheese (then you can count me in)
---Got it.
---Yepper...that's a good call there. These people NEVER stop to ponder what the EFFECTS will be; just create more CAUSES.
Sooner or later that bill will have to be paid-in-full.
---I have thought long AND hard as to crashing one of those meeting with some sort of PowerPoint presentation, but aside that I don't how to present one, I'd be booted out for being "racist" (you know how the liberal mind thinks).
---I'll leave you to figure out that "timey-wimey' thing...lol.

Thanks for stopping by to comment.

Stay safe (and sane) up there, brother.

Bob G. said...

Chris (2):
---Nah, you didn't miss yesterday (or the quote).
---I will say that Gary Troxel's 1941 Studebaker President Coupe is a REAL nice car, though...heh.
(see, I read up on stuff)

Ditto on stopping by.
And keep staying safe up there, brother.

CWMartin said...

Actually, the hot rod gets mentioned in passing... and leads to the REAL timey whimey stuff!