08 November 2017

Humpday Happenings...
Middle of the week already, and it's more than a bit "brisk" outside this morning.
I hear we dropped below freezing slightly, and we know that any plants we might have outdoors will be giving up the ghost soon enough (damn).
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us mostly sunny skies (for a change) temps reaching up to around 47 degrees (gonna need a jacket), and no precipitation (also, for a change).
So, what say we chase the chill out of our insides with a nice hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, as we see what's been going on elsewhere, hmm?
*** First out from under the covers is our "WHO SAID THAT?" quote for the week:
"People with mental health problems are almost never dangerous. In fact, they are more likely to be the victims than the perpetrators. At the same time, mental illness has been the common denominator in one act of mass violence after another."
I feel that in recent events, this is perhaps one of the truest statements to come from the mouths of anyone when it comes to violent behavior, mainly because it happens to be quite true.
So, who said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back in the "show me" state...
*** Next up is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Cappuccino Day
(well, that's ONE way to enjoy coffee, I suppose)
---It's National Harvey Wallbanger Day
(that could also warm someone up)
---It's National Parents As Teachers Day
(depends on how "liberal" those parents are when teaching, doesn't it?)
---It's National S.T.E.M. / S.T.E.A.M. Day
(it's a smart thing)
*** Next, We can now "officially" claim 31 homicides for the area this year (you heard it here first, though). Just in case you need a recap, here it is:
And, just to put people (and things) in their proper context, here's the rap sheet from our latest victim (who was no doubt a great person, fun to have around, and the best father in the world...so someone will say):
SIMS, JAVON D Male Black
5' 2", 200 lbs
 2905 Smith ST 
 Fort Wayne, IN 46806
Allen Superior Court 5
MC - Miscellaneous Criminal (Citation)
35-48-4-6(a)/F3: Possession of a Narcotic Drug Possession of b/t 10 & 28 grams of Schedule I or II
35-47-2-1(a)/MA: Carrying a Handgun Without a License
35-48-4-11(a)(2)/MB: Possession of Marijuana Growing or cultivating marijuana. First time offender.
9-30-15-3/IFC: Open Alcoholic Beverage Container During Operation of a Motor Vehicle
9-19-10-2/IFD: Failure of Occupant to Use Safety Belt
Allen Superior Court 4
F4 - Felony 4
35-48-4-6(a)/F4: Possession of Cocaine Possession of b/t 5 & 10 grams of cocaine but an enhancing c
35-47-2-1(a)/MA: Carrying a Handgun Without a License
35-48-4-11(a)(2)/MB: Possession of Marijuana Growing or cultivating marijuana. First time offender.
Yes, another "stellar citizen" bites the dust in Foirt Wayne.
(God only knows what his "juvey" arrests consisted of)
*** Next up, just when you thought that student testing was becoming more than tedious (for all involved), along comes this:
Okay, so after talking about this with Wifey (a teacher by trade), she likens having students taking the SAT or ACT test  to going for your driving test, and having it consist of taking several laps at the Indy 500...DURING THE RACE!
No pressure...right?
Someday, someone will wake the hell up and do away with ALL the nonsense testing, stop all the teaching TO this testing and get the hell back to the BASICS when it comes to ascertaining the achievement levels of students.
Besides, having every student take an SAT isn't a guarantee that they ALL belong (or will even succeed) in college...does it? In my day, the SAT was purely for those who might be college-bound.
But hey, times have changed...right?
*** Next , and this is a bit of a bother to me, is this penchant that the Latinos a couple doors down from us have - they love to bring ALL these trucks over and park them along the street when they go off to wherever the hell it is they work.
It's like our block has become the carpool parking lot for several trucks.
Now, I think carpooling is fine, but why use OUR street to park the vehicles? Why not have the person transporting all these other (migrant?) workers go to all the other houses/apartments and PICK THEM THE HELL UP?
We're not the safest neighborhood on the SE side (like there are any left these days), and I;m not watching THEIR vehicles, although if I happen to see someone trying to break into one of them, I will call the cops, but it's not my job to monitor the "parking facilities", if you get my drift.
Some people just have absolutely NO concept of how things work when it comes to society and it's evils.
*** Next up, time to lighten things up with a visit to "Kitten Corner"...
Another good day with our kids, and that means not too much running about and causing localized havoc within out four walls...lol.
It also means that napping takes center stage, right behind mealtimes. Violet loves to follow you around to get her neck rubs, while Gallifrey comes to you while you're sitting down.
He takes the initiative and jumps right up in your lap to get head rubs, so you have to be careful not to have a drink or food in your hand.
*** Next, let's take a minute to check in with "Midnight and Company"...
Sure doesn't matter that we humans turned OUR clocks back an hour - our furry twosome is always on the patio awaiting their breakfast...before the sky turns light. I still wait until the sun comes up to feed them, as I don't like tripping over cats outside in the dark (I get enough  "practice" INSIDE   the house...LOL).
Midnight hung out most of the day while Whiskers was doing her "come and go" routine, but rest assured, every morning, she's at the screen-door wanting her food. I even got her to go inside the shelter (she came out shortly afterwards), so she knows what it's for (I hope).
I mean, it beats sleeping under some refuse or a parked vehicle any night of the week...right?
*** Last back to the linen closet...What is America trying to become?
Well, if I knew the answer to that one, I wouldn't ask the question...AND I'd probably be able to cash in big time with such knowledge.
Let's just say our nation is adrift in a sea of apathy and mediocrity.
Our country has been producing young people who embrace socialism and communism, and to hell with how many tens of millions of it's own were killed under such rule by various dictators.
We are teaching kids that exceptionalism is wrong, and that anyone who shows up "gets a prize", in that,  awards are profusely tossed around in hte name of equality...aka no losers syndrome.
We allow aberrant behavior by citizens, and in the same breath call police out for ANY behavior that would seem to the most liberal among us to be "out of order", and that places everyone at risk, especially the officers.
We have lost the war on drugs, mainly because we fought the wrong battles with the wrong weaponry.
And the influx of illegal drugs into our country is barely lessening, plus the manufacturing of meth HERE is rising.
We have lost the war on poverty, because we have created generational dependency upon government (taxpayer) funded programs that have done nothing to lower the number of people on assistance. Instead, we increase the poverty level, adding hundreds fo thousands more into the mix...and we think that's a win...not hardly.
We have forgotten how to hold not only others, but ourselves accountable for what goes wrong.
We have supplanted ethical behavior for sensationalism, and live from fad to fad, mostly in the social media realm.
We have lost our ability to properly communicate and interact with one another.
Through all this (and more) we are being told that our country is doing okay...seriously???
I think we can (and must) do better...a helluva LOT better.
The road we're on is not a good one, and this country deserves more than what we're settling for these days.
This is unknown territory for our (still rather young) nation, and if we're not careful, we will wake up one morning and not recognize a single aspect of this country any longer. Then, what shall we do?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Playing my M10 station at the moment... try typing to Green Grass And High Tides, I dare you!

Windshield was plenty frosted... back porch looked like it, too.

And that quote brings into play the Law of Large Numbers. Shootings going up I betcha means mental illness numbers going up. Also a factor of population. I tried to tell some dippy French chick this on Twitter the other day, she's like, "If you say so." And so I ended the discussion by mentioning how much better the Euros are at running down large numbers of victims with vehicles. Never heard back...

Bad enough I thought it was Thursday all day, no need to inject a Harvey WB into the situation...

First thing I said when I heard the ID was, betcha Bob will have an extensive record up tomorrow...

"All your friends and all my friends and all of the noise..." Castlecomer isn't any easier to type to...

Yeah, make 'em all take the SAT... my daughter might just as well make an origami diploma out of the test sheet. Laurie was just training some girl who needed a cheat sheet to make change... and was still f'ing it up. The only thing this will bring is Indiana moving up the "Stupidest states" list while admins more concerned with PC will make excuses and fire teachers for doing the job THEY asked for.

I'll bet the Latino Travel Committee likes to start the morning with a snort of java (or whatever) and meets up there to do that before playing, "Who can drive".

Did V catch on to any birding tips in her hideaway?

Well, in my opinion, our nation is like Rome in development, only accelerated do to size and tech. So best guess of what becomes of us? Piss with the barbarians for a couple more decades and give it all to the Greeks.

Bob G. said...

---I will have to listen to that tune and give it a go.
---Like I said, that's all I fund on this ":good person"...
But it's a good bet he was on the FWPD radar before 2014.
---(Actually typing to that Outlaws song is fine with me...I must be malfunctioning...heh.
A kick-ass rocker, imho.
---(Gonna check out that Castlecomer song next...see what YOU started!)
---My concern with making them ALL take the SATY,...you're gonna wind up with a bunch of MORONS...and that won't sit well with the Liberals...they want college for all...and for FREE. Sorry, that dog's not gonna hunt.
(some kids just ain't cut out for college...at least 33% at last Talley).
---A 'cheat sheet" for making CHANGE? (hadda read that twice to fully comprehend what my eyes saw)
Good Lord...we are screwed.
Tell Laurie I feel for her along those lines.
---The Chicanos have the same "driver" (probably the only one with a VALID green card/visa...LOL)
Did I sa6y that OUT LOUD?
Sorry (not really).
---The Castlecomer tune fine for me to type along with...go figure.
But all of the workers have newer trucks and SUVs...must come with the illegal entry status?
---I think the ONLY thing she learned is that she can't see a single bird in her hideaway (better call Fernando...LOL)
---Yeah...I've read Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire AGES ago, and the similarities to them and now US are astounding.
Weird, huh?
All we need are those damn HUNS...oh, wait...now that I think of it...

Hey, thanks for stopping by to comment today.

Stay safe (and stay warm) up there, brother.