07 November 2017

Tuesday Tidbits...
Okay then...we seem to be done with the rain for the time being (nice to have things dry out).
Now, rather than umbrellas, we'll need jackets instead, because the seasonal conditions would appear to have finally arrived. Considering this IS November,  I would expect no less from Mother Nature.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us partly cloudy skies, temps reaching to around 48 degrees, and a mild breeze (sure to bring down more leaves into our leaf catchers...I mean rain gutters...lol.
So why not kick back for a few minutes, get that nice hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa made and parked close by, as we see what else has been going on in some of the familiar places, right?
*** First out of the kitchen sink is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day
(yes, even our 4-footed friends can get this)
And that's all there is today...don't get many days with only one observance.
*** Next, once again, it's Tuesday, and that means making you in Ft. Wayne aware of all the important calls that the FWPD answered, but we never knew about, because the drive-bys were busy distracting us from what should matter.
SHOTS FIRED ((113)) - ARMED ROBBERY((53)) CALLS - 10/30 - 11/05
((23,113 - vandalism by gunfire))
OCT 30 -
17F133276 10/30/2017 08:58pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 4300 HOLTON AVE
((NO armed robberies))
OCT 31 -
((NO shots fired - amazing!))
17F133422 10/31/2017 09:51am 23,113         3200 COVINGTON RD
17F133461 10/31/2017 12:32pm 53 ARMED ROB 3900 CLINTON ST N & FERNWOOD AVE
NOV 1 -
17F133745 11/01/2017 12:30am 113 SHOTS FIRED 9100 STELLHORN RD & WHEELOCK RD
17F134117 11/01/2017 11:22pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 2700 MANFORD ST
17F134123 11/01/2017 11:39pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 2700 STATE BLVD E
((NO armed robberies))
NOV 2 -
17F134560 11/02/2017 11:48pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 4200 ROSEVIEW RD
17F134502 11/02/2017 08:39pm 53 ARMED ROB 1000 COLISEUM BLVD E
NOV 3 -
17F134594 11/03/2017 02:22am 113 SHOTS FIRED 1300 GREENE ST
17F134604 11/03/2017 03:34am 113 SHOTS FIRED 4700 KYLE RD
17F134938 11/03/2017 09:54pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 3200 HARRISON ST S
17F134683 11/03/2017 11:06am 23,113         1700 EDENTON DR
17F134796 11/03/2017 04:11pm 23,113         400 PONTIAC ST W
17F134855 11/03/2017 06:09pm 23,113         7000 JOHN ST
17F134614 11/03/2017 05:50am 53 ARMED ROB 7400 IDEAL AVE
17F134717 11/03/2017 12:56pm 53 ARMED ROB 100 STATE BLVD E & CLINTON ST N
17F134797 11/03/2017 04:19pm 53 ARMED ROB 4000 SOUTHPARK DR
17F134835 11/03/2017 05:19pm 53 ARMED ROB 3000 SIMCOE DR
NOV 4 -
17F134985 11/04/2017 12:11am 113 SHOTS FIRED 4200 HANNA ST S & MCKINNIE AVE
17F135014 11/04/2017 02:24am 113 SHOTS FIRED 2100 FOX AVE & DEWALD ST W
17F135301 11/04/2017 09:52pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 3900 RUDISILL BLVD E
17F135306 11/04/2017 10:12pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 3300 ROBINWOOD DR
17F134990 11/04/2017 12:36am 23,113         3300 EUCLID AVE
17F135172 11/04/2017 02:43pm 23,113         3000 CALHOUN ST S
((NO armed robberies))
NOV 5 -
17F135377 11/05/2017 01:53am 113 SHOTS FIRED 6000 SHELL DR
17F135412 11/05/2017 03:31am 113 SHOTS FIRED 2700 WASHINGTON CENTER RD W
17F135500 11/05/2017 12:26pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 4700 WEISSER PARK AVE
17F135528 11/05/2017 01:58pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 1400 WALDRON CIR
17F135631 11/05/2017 07:47pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 900 TAMERA GARDEN AVE
17F135646 11/05/2017 09:17pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 3000 SCHELE AVE
17F135445 11/05/2017 09:22am 23,113         2700 WASHINGTON CENTER RD W
17F135516 11/05/2017 01:13pm 23,113         4800 HANNA ST S
17F135381 11/05/2017 01:09am 53 ARMED ROB 900 WASHINGTON BLVD  
17F135586 11/05/2017 05:19pm 53 ARMED ROB 7300 WINCHESTER RD
---Also,  140+ traffic accidents (property and personal injury w/ lots of "hit-skips"), 100+ domestic calls (including battery), loads of robberies and burglaries, 1 stabbing, 3 rapes, 1 indecent exposure, 1 pursuit, and 20 narcotics calls.
*** Next up, and speaking about shootings, we had ANOTHER one overnight.
Here's the details (so far):
This took place at a house located at 2907 Smith St (near SE...where else?) around 0130 hrs this morning.
A man was apparently  shot out front of the house and polcie are investigating.
The man was taken to hospital in serious condition, but later downgraded to critical (#31 in the making?).
No victim ID, no motive, no suspect...the usual.
That seems to be all that the "locals" are up to (for the time being).
(( UPDATE - 1530 HRS - Javon D. Sims, 22, of Fort Wayne died of gunshot wounds, an autopsy showed. The coroner’s office ruled his death a homicide.))
There you have it - HOMICIDE NUMBER THIRTY ONE (and counting).
*** Next, another Ft. Wayne "landmark" gets ready to shut down. Here's the story link:
Yes, the old Aunt Millie's (Sunbeam) bakery on Pearl St, near downtown is set to close up by April next year, displacing 91 employees.
First, it was Bowser, then Harvesster, then G.E., now Aunt Millie goes bye-bye.
At least the headquarters (here) is staying, so it's not a TOTAL loss (just the blue-collared get screwed...typical).
I do think it's kind of curious that the bakery is being shut down NOW (with all the development near that area).
We're being told it's not the age of the plant (since 1901) but the geography that's causing the closing.
Yeah, and I'm actually the Pope (and will gladly sell you some riverfront property)...
I told Wifey don't be surprised if the site becomes either a downtown arena OR a parking area for that new upscale hotel... Both have the potential and location to make that a reality.
*** Next up, Wifey and I got the rakes out and took to the front lawn to move the leaves that have fallen (so far) to the curb strip.
And we were the ONLY folks to do so on our street (damn white people screwing a good ghetto up...I know). Wet leaves are harder to move than dry ones, but at least that's done for now.
And, everything looks a bit better as a result.
*** Next, it's time once again to drop by "Kitten Corner"...
Our "kids" didn't do that bad yesterday. They did get to watch a nuthatch come by the feeder (when the outdoor cats were not around), and spent enough time napping and playing with each other (read dashing about the house).
Both of them are finding favorite spots to sack out since the heat has come on (like on the dining room chairs under the table near the vent...lol).
Of course, there is always "daddy's chair" in the living room, and the perch (box) near the patio door where they can see what goes on outside and grab some midday sun (whenever it shows up).
*** Next up, let's check in with "Midnight and Company"...
Right on time, right on station. That's what greets us on the patio (and at the patio screen) each morning, even before the sky turns light (sorry, we don't feed in the dark)
Whiskers is back where she belongs and Midnight...well, he likes to live dangerously.
When we were raking out front, he took the "opportunity" to go into the middle of the street and LAY THE HELL DOWN, while also rolling about.
A vehicle was coming and Wifey was getting ready to stop it so the cat wouldn't get hit (good luck with that, knowing these morons around here).
The cat dashed out of the street, thankfully for all concerned, and pretty much stayed close by all day, as did our little female.
They're not exactly a handful, but they DO keep you on your toes enough.
*** Last back to the garbage disposal...too many people do not have social skills.
There I said it...so sue me.
Face it, today's society relies too much on technology to cure or solve it's ills, and the basic skills needed to interact one with another have taken a back seat (some might say are riding in the trunk instead).
Sorry, but when it comes to interaction and the ability to mediate should a concern arise, there is no "app" for that.
That's why we can't have the discussions or debates we USED to have, and why others won't give you the time of day when it comes to YOUR viewpoint, and yet, these same people all but demand you acknowledge (and abide by) theirs.
That's not a discussion, is it?
This is (also) why we have SO much domestic violence today (and the type that can lead to mass shootings, like what we saw take place this weekend in Texas). Every week, I see well OVER 100 domestic runs for the FWPD, and the way people tend to "settle" such disputes today puts officers at extreme risk (some officers get killed answering a domestic call).
And why is that?
Short answer: NO social skills (that would diffuse a domestic dispute, rather than escalate it).
People have forgotten (by design or by choice) HOW to talk things the hell out. As a reuslt, no common ground can be established, and arguments ramp up and out of control.
Maybe if such a LACK of social skills was caught earlier on and addressed (say, in school, for example), then perhaps a lot of the problems we see developing, would never reach the light of day.
Violence is never a "real" solution, but it is indeed...a problem, and one which needs our profound and immediate attention.
Whether it's domestic in nature (like under one's own roof)...or on the streets with criminal behavior, we all need to do whatever we can to dissuade others and ourselves from such actions, because we are better than we realize.
We just all have to start believing it...and practicing it.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


Momma Fargo said...

Why are those poor kitties out in the cold? It's chilly out there. I'm glad to see your shots fired have settled down. I think things are improving in the fort. Maybe. Snork. Hope all is well for you. Stay safe.

Bob G. said...

Momma Fargo:
---Well, for one thing, we don't have a BARN (or other out-building).
Second, we already have TWO cats indoors.
Third, we're building shelters for the outdoor cats as per the community cats websites.
Fourth, the outdoor cats keep field mice away...heh.
---I think the "113s" have declined due to lousy weather. We did have one person shot early this A.M. - go figure (friggin' morons!).
---If things are IMPROVING in FTW, then I MUST be the Master of the Universe...LMAO!
(and no, the world is NOT ready for that one, thank God).
I can hear you nodding (in agreement) with parts of this post, especially the closing "argument"...hmm?

Thanks for rolling up today and commenting.
(coffee's still hot and abundant)

Stay safe down there, Dear.

CWMartin said...

Wooly Worm says normal winter. Not a '78 or '82, but enough to possibly shut up the SMART climate changers for a couple of months.

Sucks to lose Aunt Millie's but the Doc made me break the Hawaiian Roll addiction a couple of years back over the damn gluten...

Sounds like Midnight has a little of that "Screw the Man" attitude in him.... ghetto born, I guess...

Closer: Well, leadership comes from the top, and look at DC.

Bob G. said...

---I'm all but BANKING of those dang wooly worms you showed us...LOL.
---Can't say I was into Hawaiian rolls...gimme the round Kaiser or those wonderful long Amoroso Italian rolls (from Philly)!!!
---Just because he's "black" (and comes from our part of town) doesn't mean much as far as things go. I'm an EQUAL=opportunity feline lover (ditto for canines)!
Besides, he's on OUR assistance (not the government's) and does NOT drive a Caddy...LMAO!
--- There's the "top" and then there's THE TOP.
D.C. isn't providing MUCH by the way of EXAMPLES these days...are they?
Maybe it's OUR turn to be the leaders (in any capacity we can muster).
Just a thought.

Hey, thanks for swinging by today to comment.

Stay safe (and well-informed) up there, brother.