06 November 2017

Monday Musings...
Now that was a pretty damp weekend here in the Summit City, but it could have been worse - like being in Portland, IN or Celina, OH. Prayers to those affected by the bad conditions yesterday. A cold front from up north kept this weather south of us (here). Usually don't hear of tornadoes in November, do we?
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us much cooler conditions than what we enjoyed over the weekend, with mostly cloudy skies, temps only reaching to around 50 degrees, light winds (no gusting), an an almost complete cessation to the rain (perhaps a stray shower...maybe).
Why don't we (then) start working on the cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate to get us revved up and prepped for whatever the day has in store, hmm?
*** First out of the microwave is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
November 6 -
---It's National Nachos Day
(nah, I like plain old chips and salsa)
---It's National Saxophone Day
(beats the triangle solo in that obnoxious commercial)
---It's Color The World Orange Day
(not to be confused with the orange of local prison jumpsuits)
---Yes, I know yesterday was also Guy Fawkes Day (England).
 I happened to spend it watching V For Vendetta on BBC America.
I trust all of you enjoyed the day, in spite of the rain.
*** Next up, one story regarding the TX church shooting...
There is simply no sense to this, and yet thankfully, one armed citizen kept the number of deaths and injuries lower than they could have been. The perp was shot dead in his vehicle after the a chase.
The story shed no light on a motive...what could cause anyone to just arbitrarily walk into a church on Sunday and start killing people? To me, that's nothing less than pure evil.
*** Next, It would seem that we have a disturbing "trend" in America, and here's the proof:
They killed HOW many millions???
Leave it to millennials to WANT socialism or facism over a democratic republic.
((“Millennials now make up the largest generation in America, and we're seeing some deeply worrisome trends," Marion Smith, executive director of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation said in a statement to Fox News. "Millennials are increasingly turning away from capitalism and toward socialism and even communism as a viable alternative.”)) That can't be good for our country.
Try living under such regimes. I dare you.
The story goes on: ((One of the most troubling findings of the report is that over 40 percent of Americans believe that there should be restrictions placed on the First Amendment and free speech to ensure that anything being said is not “offensive.” The survey also uncovered that a basic working knowledge of communism among all Americans is lacking.Seven out of 10 Americans do not know the definition of communism as it is most often confused with socialism. The same amount also underestimates the number of people who have been killed by communist regimes.))
Now, these millennials WANT such a government, but haven't a clue as to WHAT (all) it entails...
So much for better learning through technology and leftist media bias, right?
I think we can label this a "WTF?" moment...and it's barely Monday.
Maybe these young people should spend more time watching the History Channel, or stick their primate noses into something called a HISTORY BOOK...they might accidentally LEARN something (valuable) for a change.
*** Next up, Wifey and I went ahead and built a community cat shelter, and I quickly found out "Shelter Mark I" complete, such as it is.
I didn't have enough materials. Still, I pressed on and have the
We will be trekking over to Menards for more material so we can get another one complete. This time, we'll make the interior larger.
The first model would fit any one of our cats easy enough. I even stuck a "flap" over the opening (like those plastic strips they used at loading docks). And there's straw bedding inside.
*** Next,  time to stop by "Kitten Corner"...
Our kids had few crazy moments, and Gallifrey still likes jumping up onto the stove (that's got to stop before he makes a mistake (like when I'm cooking). Violet is content to watch him get into trouble (when she doesn't chase him around the house).
After all is said and done, they DO calm down, and take over the living room in the evening, leaving me either on the sofa or the floor. Not a problem, really. We do what we do and work with what we got.
*** Next, it looks like we might be back in "Midnight and Company" mode again...
Hey there...'member me?
Got the band back together...
Yes friends, Whiskers has returned, none the worse for wear over the past week.
I went to take a bag of trash to the bin in the garage  and when I came out, I heard a little meow and looked down...THERE SHE WAS! Stopped me dead in my tracks, too. That's not easy to pull off at my age.
She was just as affectionate as always, and in between the rain showers yesterday, we fed them both...a lot.
The two of them even took time to lounge on the (wet) grass...and why I have no idea.
Who would have thought that after a week of being M.I.A. she'd be back on our patio.
I thought we had another Hobo case on our hands, and I pretty much resigned myself to it, even if it did bother me a lot.
Hmm...this has possibilities...
As long as she wants to come around, Whiskers (along with Midnight) will have food and shelter (a soon as I get the other one built, that is...heh).
*** Last back to the kitchen table...no matter what happens in life, there is always reason to thank God.
I know I do it every day, and not just once in passing.
It's easy to thank Him for the BIG things, but, (to me), it's more important to thank Him for the small things....all the little things that occur every day, which would usually go unnoticed and under-appreciated.
That is what makes life what it is...all the nuances, the minutiae, the minuscule we often overlook in our "hurry-up" world.
Life is comprised of moments - those second-by-second "photographs" of what takes place day to aay for all of us.
And, its worth making an attempt to preserve a few of them from time to time.
It's so easy to remember the big things in our lives, but it's even nicer to be able to recall those small things which helped to shape us, define us...make us (hopefully) better people along our individual journeys.
We need to know that without a divine guidance, none of that would even be possible...or enjoyable.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


A Beer for the Shower said...

This whole socialism epidemic is insanely disturbing. Just the other night, Stephen Colbert gave a rambling, unfunny monologue on socialism, in which he called it 'sharing'. He even spoke positively about Karl Marx.

What the hell is happening to this world?

It's like millennials (not us, clearly) have bought into this insane lie that if the rich just shared all of their money with us, we'd all be happy and healthy and prosperous and all of our problems would go away because hey, free money.

But socialism isn't sharing. It's greed. It's saying I deserve YOUR money for doing nothing. And honestly, do these kids think that once they get free money they're all just going to work as hard as they can for the good of the nation? Or are they going to sit on their asses and enjoy free money because it comes to them regardless of whether or not they put forth any effort?

That's what I thought.

Bob G. said...

---Granted, we all have freedom of speech and thought, but when the sheeple in this nation start DIGESTING (read BELIEVING) the bullshit they're being fed, that simply can't be a good thing for anyone.
---It was once said that sooner or later you DO run out of other people's money (to "share")...many of those young people can't seem to skull THAT one out.
---I feel that socialism just does not work (history had proven as much)...ditto for fascism and communism. It ONLY gives to a very few, and everyone else can go to hell (do not pass "go" and do not collect ANY money - that's the rule of "the state".)
---Also, to mention again, there have been HUNDREDS of millions of people killed under those three regimes I just mentioned all over the world throughout history.
---We have got to start seeing WHAT (exactly) is being taught in schools, because there lies the foundation of such misguided thinking by these young people.
---You present an extremely cogent example of what IS wrong with this mindset (and where it WILL lead).

Thanks much for stopping by today and speaking your peace.
(always appreciated).

Stay safe (and democracy-laden) out there, guys.

CWMartin said...

First let me say how unsurprised I am over the lack of current knowledge on how communism works. Not like I didn't do two whole posts during the Obama Admin explaining the difference, but you have to start with a populace able to read without pictures or the interspersing of erotic innuendoes and four-letter expletives. Also helps explain all the liberals who have no clue what a Nazi really is.

I was so happy to be proven wrong on Whiskers. Glad she made it back unharmed.

Bob G. said...

---When I heard about the lack of knowledge on that subject, I honesty LAUGHED...I could not believe people would ALLOW themselves to become SO duped. To me, it's beyond sad...it's laughable.
---I know...with all the tech "aiding" people in their quest for what is passing for "the learning process" these days, it makes a hard case for going BACK to basics, and tossing in the TRUTH once in a while, too. That never hurt anyone...it just helps take the scales off their eyes.
---I had darn near written her off, too. It was a "showstopper" for me (when she showed up - woulda paid to see the look on my face...lol)...seriously.
I try not to question God's motives, but will always be thankful of His results.
(and that's been working out pretty good so far).

Hey, thanks for stopping by to comment.

Stay safe (and dried out by now) up there, brother.