20 December 2017

T'was the Humpday Before Christmas...
Middle of the week once again. And we only have ONE more Wednesday to go for 2017.
Where did this year disappear to anyway?
Seems we all got caught up in something while that old calendar passed the days away before our very eyes.
That's a good resolution for next year...become LESS distracted.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us mostly sunny skies, temps reaching to around 38 degrees, and no precipitation today (that comes along tomorrow).
One lump or two?
So what say we get a nice hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa inside us as we take a look at what's been going on elsewhere...hmm?
*** First off of the computer table is our WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week:
"Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas."
A shame we only dig such feeling out at this time of year, when we could just as easily promote them ALL year long. So, who said that?
The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back in Plymouth Notch, Windsor County, Vermont...
*** Next up is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's Mudd Day
(It's a Lincoln assassination thing)
---It's National Sangria Day
(not for breakfast...maybe for lunch...and dinner)
*** Next, by now you know that local phenom, Addison Agen came in 2nd in The Voice last night.
I still (personally) believe she's a winner with her singing, as do a lot of other folks.
It would not surprise me if she gets a contract herself with a recording company.
To get that far at her age is nothing less than miraculous, and I wish her well in the future.
*** Next up...oh yeah...the Senate narrowly passed a tax CUT bill, and as can be expected, the dumbocrats didn't like it.
That's just tough shi*t, isn't it? Come up with a BETTER plan then, you idiots. Here's the lin
The dems could never come up with anything better for one reason:
They love to SPEND too damn much (and the Reps aren't THAT far behind these days)
*** Next...and more on the lighter side, this just in from a (credible) news source:
** Interesting times at the North Pole. With the global economy still slumping, Santa took a sleigh ride to Washington.
Despite being criticized for flying in, Congress agreed that Christmas is an industry too big to fail – Santa got his TARP funding. 
Now he’s feeling the pressure from the government-appointed elves on his board of directors. As a result, early retirement, downsizing, and corporate restructuring will change holiday traditions forever. 
Ed Snowmaker, the board chair, issued this terse statement: "The streamlining of North Pole Enterprises is necessitated because Santa allowed the organization to get too self-indulgent.
As a result, costs are out of sync with productivity. It could not respond to the market fast enough. The Board of Directors could not sit idly by and permit further erosion of the bottom line.” According to an elf with really big ears, here’s what’s really happening on Candy Cane Lane:
Comet and Cupid “chose” early retirement packages. They hope their experience will transfer to jobs in the overnight delivery business. 
No delay in Santa’s gift distribution is anticipated because a sled equipped with a hybrid engine will offset the loss of two reindeer power. 
Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer will be taking Family Medical Leave in 2018. (The insider elf reports that Rudolph will fly to a rehab facility in Southern California. When he returns, his nose will not be red.) 
As for further restructuring, the board says today’s global challenges require North Pole Enterprises to constantly evaluate the competitiveness of its operations and products. 
Therefore, effective immediately, the following changes will be made in “The Twelve Days of Christmas” subsidiary:
1. The partridge will be retained, but a plastic tree will replace the pear tree.
The Board cited annual maintenance costs (e.g. fertilizer, bug spray, pruning, etc.) and the fact that the pears did not meet expectations as a cash crop. The pear tree will be sold for firewood and a one-time gain will be added to the bottom line.
2. The two turtledoves represent redundancy. In addition, their on-the-job romance was a distraction to other workers. Their positions have been eliminated. Management is trying to place them in separate areas.
3. The three French hens will be donated to a soup kitchen. The donation will generate a $20 charitable contribution.
4. The four calling birds will be replaced by a CRM system using Voice Over Internet Protocol. Offshore technology consultants will determine the system configuration and choice of carriers based upon 4G coverage area.
5. The five golden rings will be auctioned on eBay because of the strong gold market.
6. Given the fluctuations in egg prices in global commodity markets, the six geese-a-laying are a luxury the North Pole can no longer afford. The three most productive geese will be retained as a market hedge. The other three will join the French hens at the soup kitchen;
Their donation will generate a $40 charitable contribution.
7. The seven swans-a-swimming have been terminated because of the costs associated with maintaining a heated pool at the North Pole. The swans will be sent to outplacement. They plan on relocating to a warmer climate.
8. The eight maids-a-milking have been replaced by automated milking equipment. The maids believe their employment rights have been violated; eight lawyers-a-suing filed a class action suit.
9. Nine ladies dancing and ten lords-a-leaping have been terminated because dancing and leaping do not contribute to the core business. Because the dancers and lords are under union contract, they will receive 95 percent of their pay for two years.
10. The eleven pipers piping and twelve drummers drumming is a band out of tune with current demographics. For now, a blues band from Chicago will supply the toy factory’s requisite background music.
Speculation swirls like snowflakes about additional cuts in headcount and costs. Santa may be next as Snowmaker grabs the reins of power.
*** Next up, time to stop on by our "Kitten Corner"...
I'm just gonna be adorable.
The kids were back in "nice" mode yesterday, in spite of me bringing up bins from the basement for various decorations. So far...so good.
They did get a bit curious (been a year since they seen this stuff), so they're just exploring their recent past.
But nothing was torn up or torn down. We'll see how they do when the tree comes out.
Daddy does a lotta funny stuff.
Overall, a good time to just nap some of the day away while "Daddy" does his decorating thing and gets a few cards in the post.
*** Next, let's see what's going on with "Midnight and Company"...
The furry twosome were enjoying the warmer weather, and yes remained close by all day once again.
Didn't miss a meal OR snack, which is good to see.
At "last call" we get the hand-held treat thing, and that's cute, as they both use their paws to hold my hand when I give them a treat (one at a time, mind you).
They're even learning to sit up. Now, if only I could get them to wipe the cars down in the garage...lol.
*** Last back to the mainframe...I admit to (like Bob Cratchit) being behind my time this year.
This holiday season just snuck up on me, and yet I knew it was coming. The calendar didn't lie to me.
You really don't mean to to put things off to the last minute, but it does happen.
Actually, it's not THE last minute...just later than I would prefer to have things accomplished.
That's not like me, as I usually am early for damn near everything.
(I do plan to be late for my own funeral, however...lol)
But early or late...whatever time is at hand, it will be worth it.
And, it doesn't matter how big your wallet is at Christmas, but how large your heart is.
To me, that means more than anything money can buy.
So, get ready to put on some Nat King Cole, watch a few classic holiday flicks (and a lot of Doctor Who episodes), add some holiday "spirits" to some eggnog, and enjoy the season...
For it never lasts as long as it should, and that is the real shame.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

The real shame of that Christmas spirit is that we only feel we can share that sentiment with those we AGREE with. The true power of Christmas lies in sharing it with our "enemies", real and imagined, as well.

Darn, I thought it was Harry Mudd day! Sangria would go much better with HIM...

I did listen to AA's song, and thought it was really good... the video I thought was overdramatized in places, but okay. A FB friend thought Chloe blew her chance being flat on one song, but apparently the audience had more than him and Randy Jackson in it. Congrats to AA for a whale of a job. And frankly, I thought her performance in WRITING Tenn. Rain was far better than her singing on it.

Tax bill: Just like the GOP, Dems are wasting their time whining about how terrible the other side is than to do anything positive. I'm just amazed the Reps got out of their own way long enough to do something.

I knew I had seen the North Pole Report many times before (the fact that you left in Rudolph's rehab date as 2010 confirmed it, lol), but still worth re-reading to Laurie!

Holiday sneak-up: Don't feel bad. I asked Laurie what she wanted LAST NIGHT.

Bob G. said...

---You make a VERY good point...wish our enemies would allow us to share it with them...heh.
(seems they never want to be bothered)
---Sangria AND Harry Mudd...a potentially comical situation.
---Yeah, there was a bit much with the video (that's why I minimize them...lol).
The song itself is something I expect to hear on a country station...a lot. Nice to see lyrics that emote so well.
Maybe her studio version of that song will fare better than the live one.
---"Got out of their own way"...so true...so very true.
---Thanks for pointing that out...it will be UPdated.
(my bad for blindly cutting and pasting)
---I asked D last week, she gave me a short list and nailed it on EBAY (within an hour!)...talk about fortune smiling.

Hey, thanks for taking time to stop by and comment today.

Stay safe (and keep the Faith) up there, brother