19 February 2018

Monday Musings...
If you like your days more on the soggy side, then the start of this week will make you smile.
I will say that snow we had over the weekend didn't last long, even if we did get 2 inches (where we live). It was gone by yesterday afternoon, and things were actually drying out.  We're now starting at a 3-day event with rain on and off for that duration.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us...(what else?) RAIN, which could be heavy at times, cloudy skies, and temps reaching all the way up to around SIXTY (that's 6-0) degrees.
Now, let's get that morning drink poured, so we can be wet on the inside, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the rain barrel is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Chocolate Mint Day
(my default candy here is Junior Mints.)
---It's National Lash Day
(gonna be interesting to try and observe this one)
---It's Presidents Day
(when you become too lazy to acknowledge Washington AND Lincoln SEPARATELY)
*** Next up,  how's YOUR sense of "well-being"?
This story might shed some light on things. Here's the link:
The criteria used to define the index used to arrive at the stats are these:
Well-Being Index Definitions
- Purpose: Liking what you do each day and being motivated to achieve your goals.
- Social: Having supportive relationships and love in your life.
- Financial: Managing your economic life to reduce stress and increase security.
- Community: Liking where you live, feeling safe and having pride in your community.
- Physical: Having good health and enough energy to get things done daily.
Well, I can honestly admit to having some FAILING grades there, with the rest barely average, and that's a shame considering our king (read mayor) is ALWAYS touting our "quality-of-life" in Fort Wayne.
While I'm sure there ARE (still) many good parts of town, OURS isn't one of them, and nothing is being done to change that perception...OR that reality.
But, we are looking at a proposal to stick a SOLAR FARM in the area of that Posterior (I mean POSTERITY) Heights
I mentioned this on Friday's post. Big effin' deal.
*** Next, and speaking to our part of Fort Wayne, there's this little gem of a story:
POSITIVE influence, hmm?
Now, some of this predates my "arrival" to this city (it took place back in 1981 here), but should have been something to take note of, and I would have liked to have seen these programs on cable access when they aried.
Focusing on the positive in the black community...ahead of it's time for that era.
My my, how things HAVE changed in that community SINCE then, haven't they?
Drug use, drug dealing, homicides, infant deaths, loud music, too many parties, too many welfare queens and baby factories, rape, public urination,. burglaries, thefts, assaults, robberies, are all on the SHORT list.
We (now) have that community devoid (for the most part) of what should be passing for normal behavior, but there are those who BELIEVE such behavior IS normal. Not much of a legacy from that program that aired 27 years ago...is it?
*** Next up, Kevin Leininger has a very good column about the state of education
I've heard this mantra before, and in decades past - that "education is a white thing".
Were I to invoke deductive reasoning, can we therefore conclude that STUPIDITY is a black thing?
Well, let's say the ones they're making these days differ greatly from those wonderful blacks I grew up with, played with, prayed with, and worked alongside of for all those formative years.
Dr King got it RIGHT.
As a result of such "evolution", my opinion of their community (as a whole) has changed significantly, and it's nothing I did which is at the basis of my feelings. They did that all by themselves. No pity from me there.
*** Next, a little proof about that changing face of the black community. Here's the link:
Another drug dealer busted on the SE side, where life is apparently cheaper than the poison to be found at the gov't sponsored houses.
Arthur Williams, 35,  is the winner in this particular lottery. The raid took place at a house located at 1504 E. Rudisill Blvd this past Saturday. When stopped in his vehicle (after a brief pursuit in which Williams resisted), police found 90 grams of cocaine on him.
When the house was searched, police also found more cocaine, marijuana, and related paraphernalia.
And another "productive" citizen gets to wear orange.
*** Next up, let's leave behind the nonsense, and stop on by our "Kitten Corner"...
We're as good as gold.
Considering Wifey was visiting her dad in southern Indiana, the kids did pretty well for the weekend.
Nothing got broke, and no one was hurt...a win-win all the way around.
We did have some bird-watching, and some nuzzling sessions (with me) which helped pass the time well enough.
Even the napping seemed a bit more comfortable, given the classical music on the stereo.
Yeah, the kids are really a joy to have around, even if they get into stuff once in a while.
*** Next, let's check back in with "Midnight and Company"...
Our furry twosome stayed close by the house most ALL weekend, and I'm always glad of that.
Is THIS close enough?
The snow on Saturday tossed them for a loop, but when it melted away quickly, every thing went back to normal for them.
Bet I can get closer.
Midnight was back up on the table for his eats, while Whiskers prefers dining on the ground floor.
Hopefully, we'll be able to have these two around for a while.
*** Last back to the umbrella store...I decided to save the best for last, and by that, I mean another one of our crazy-ass days that worked out well in the end. (cue the Dragnet theme music)
The event took place Friday morning around 1120 hrs, when I was coming in from being with the cats outside. A black Charger came flying up Monroe, and when I got inside, I saw the same black Charger driving ALL over our lawn, barely missing the trees we have there. Whoever was behind then wheel was in a helluva hurry and couldn't drive worth a damn.
The car took off westbound toward Lafayette St., and I thought "I think I should call the FWPD on this one".
So, after getting some photos of the damage, and putting the call into dispatch, giving them as much information as I could, they told me an officer would come to talk with me.
An hour later, an officer rolled up and I took him on a tour to show him the damages to our lawn that this car created.
He told me, it was over, in that the persons responsible had been arrested (already?)...a mere two blocks away over on Avondale (near that abandoned city utility bldg) at Maple Grove.
Seems two perps (one was 18, the other was 12  - yes, that's TWELVE years old) had broken into a car dealership at 5400 Decatur Rd, gotten some keys, and taken a couple cars...and ONE of them was...a BLACK CHARGER.
(that explains the lousy driving abilities displayed on our lawn). The teen tried running from the officers, but got tazed (three times, according to the officer).
On scene were at least 2 officers, a Sgt, a Lieutenant, and a deputy chief, so you KNOW this was a pretty big deal to have that many (and of those ranks) there when the take-down occurred. There was also a stolen BMW that was recovered.
And it was my tip (as to direction of travel) that helped officers find the teens, who were parked on Avondale when the FWPD rolled up and boxed them all in. And nothing on ANY news sources about it...imagine that.
You see something...say something. Works for me.
As for our lawn? Well; it's probably not enough damage to meet the insurance deductible (got some patching to do come spring), and I'm just happy as hell that little punk didn't drive INTO our house...that would have netted that car thief a case of "lead-poisoning" if you catch my drift.
So, once again, I just did what needed to be done.
Guess all I need now is a proper uniform...and a shield.
I can dream...the price is always right there, isn't it?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


Momma Fargo said...

I swear your cats are fake because they pose so perfectly. Who does that? LOL. And you aren't complaining about the rain and 60-70 degrees, are you Bob? This Monday is conquered! ARRR! Have a great day!

Bob G. said...

Momma Fargo:
---I can truthfully say that NONE of the cats are fake, and the only reason they pose so well is that I'm too damn PATIENT (and make some weird noises that gets their attention)...HA!
---Can't complain about the rain TODAY...ask me again on WEDNESDAY (I should be pretty fed up by THEN)...LOL!
---We will prevail every day as long as we choose to do so...make no mistake.

Thanks for rolling up today to comment.
Have yourself a good day and stay safe down there, dear.

CWMartin said...

I'd say I'm on, to one degree or the other, downward slopes on ALL of those categories. Maybe it's just the rain... or the cutters-only OT that God prepped me for by having several pastors mentioning that work is a good thing this morning, so I guess I'm not supposed to complain...

So are they wanting the media to pat them on the head, or just flat-out lie about the situation? Never can tell anymore...

You know, Tony Evans preached a wonderful sermon the other day on rebuilding the inner cities one person at a time. So I have added that to the prayer list, emphasizing the need for educational inspiration and employment opportunities. Now I find that what I have been praying for is racist? I flat give up.

You should play the kitties some Nugent once in a while, lol...

Yeah, I wondered how the little sh!ts didn't get that lead poisoning as it was... D made it sound like he came a lot closer to being a houseguest than that.

Bob G. said...

---If there is a day where we find nothing to complain about, it's a very rare find in THIS world.
---Personally,. I think being in the 40s on that index list isn't anything t brag about...but I'm SUCH a cynic...heh.
--- On that, I'd chalk it up to one of Satan's ruses designed to have us turn away from what God places upon our heart, but hey, I could be wrong there.
---It was one f those things where I was put in a certain spot at a certain time and was compelled to do what was expected of me...weird how that works.
And I'm very glad we didn't have any houseguests under those conditions.
(hate to waste good ammo).

Hey, thanks for stopping by to comment.

Stay safe and prayerful up there, brother.