21 June 2018

Thoughts For Thursday...
Kinda sets the tone, doesn't it?
Welcome to the longest day of the year.
And it's also the first day of summer (officially).
That means from here on out, the days will be getting shorter (as to the amount of daylight we'll have). But, it won't be all sunshine and lollipops, kids.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us cloudy skies, temps rising to around 75 degrees, and a good chance of showers by this afternoon (heavy at times we're told), so if you have anything to do, get it done early.
Now, let's all partake in a liquid repast, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First off of the hat rack is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"Immigration laws are the only laws that are discussed in terms of how to help people who break them."
This was spoken by a familiar face here, one Thomas Sowell (born June 30, 1930) and is an American economist and social theorist who is currently Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. Here is his WIKI:
((While often described as a black conservative, he prefers not to be labeled, having stated, "I prefer not to have labels, but I suspect that 'libertarian' would suit me better than many others,
He takes strong issue with the notion of government as a helper or savior of minorities, arguing that the historical record shows quite the opposite.))
Since we featured him before, I'll leave it up to all of you to read up on him. I think you'll like it.
*** Next, time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
JUNE 21 -
---It's Go Skateboarding Day
(I can think of easier ways to injure myself, thank you)
---It's National Arizona Day
(and we care about this WHY?)
---It's National Daylight Appreciation Day
(makes it lots easier to see stuff, doesn't it?)
---It's National Day of the Gong
(Time to play Bohemian Rhapsody, I guess)
---It's National Dump the Pump Day
(you can walk...I'll drive myself around)
---It's National Peaches and Cream Day
(still not to be confused with Peaches and Herb)
---It's National Seashell Day
(only at the shore, folks)
---It's National Selfie Day
(and this is important to society HOW?)
*** Next up, Ft. Wayne has joined a ten-point coalition. Here's the story:
Talk is cheap. Seeing is believing.
So, they have had this in Indy, an that's been keeping crime down HOW, exactly?
Will this become a good deterrent from  crime HERE?
Do such programs actually revitalize crime-ridden areas of cities, and if so, in what way and to what degree?
See, I have to ask the OBVIOUS questions, because I like to know "up front" what we're getting into.
Perhaps this story sheds a bit of light on things (in other cities)?
Or, maybe we should look closer to home...like in Indianapolis:
They do mention a more constant presence in such (high-crime) areas, which could bring our part of town back to where it was say two decades ago (when we had patrols in our alleys).
That could be a good thing, but I will reserve any judgment until I SEE some positive change ,
Call me cynical here, for I have seen little to no such change happening where we live over the last 20 years..
*** Next, Ohio sure has been busy, Here's the story:
Wow...100  so-called immigrants caught at a meat packing plant by ICE, who just happen to be (mostly) from Guatemala...with stolen or fraudulent IDs. Who could not have seen this coming? And how much more widespread are such activities?
And yet, after things like this, we still have people (here) who have no problem with all the illegals coming here.
Just follow the damn laws and procedures and come here LEGALLY...
*** Next up, our FWPD gang unit has increased raids to seize guns. Here's the story:
A recent SW side haul - not too shabby.
((The unit completed 17 raids and netted 130 guns in 2017. This year, the unit had executed 19 raids as of Sunday, Sgt. Gary J. Hensler Jr. said.
The unit has seized 68 guns this year – more than half of last year's haul, Hensler said.))
That's a good thing, but I feel the police have only scratched the surface with these mooks. They never seem to be at a loss to secure illegal firearms by the usual means (theft and black market purchases).
I always have this uneasy feeling that for every gun that's taken off the streets, there/s one replacing it (kind like the asshole gang members).
Let's hope that crime lessens because of the FWPD's efforts.
*** Next, and speaking of crime, we have this little known story:
This took place on the SW side of town (where crime seems to be moving into) around 2355 hrs Tuesday at a house located in the 6500 block of West Hills Road.
A man suffered a home invasion, robbery and minor injuries.
((The victim told police both suspects wore hoodies, a scarf around their face and gloves, the police report said. He couldn’t tell their race. Police found a chair outside the house under the bathroom window, the police report said.
A K-9 search didn’t have any success with tracking the suspects, the police report said.))
*** Next up, time to leave all the stupid alone and go visit "Kitten Corner"...
Oh, hey there...how's it goin'?
Our kids did okay for most of the day...didn't get into too much, and only tried to open that closet bi-fold door twice. I'd call that a win.
I can sleep anywhere, anytime.
They did watch a couple birds, the outdoor cats, and a few bugs (none of which made entry into the house...lol).
And naturally, there was plenty of time to take things a bit easier.
*** Next, let's see what's happening with "Midnight and Company"...
Don't have to call me now, do 'ya?
Our furry twosome actually got to dry out yesterday, which made eating a lot easier.
Both of them attended every meal, and stayed until dark once again. I have the feeling that by NOW, they're getting the hang of things. Once in a while, I still have to call Midnight, who comes from across the street.
I am here, well fed, and taking it easy.
Whiskers is just there, and you rarely have to call her. If you do, she comes from the side gate or the patio gate, so she sticks close by.
After all, what we provide can't be found (easily) anyplace else
*** Last back to love shack, today Wifey and I celebrate our 21st anniversary.
(Geez, has it been THAT damn long already???)
Now, I could say that in some ways, it seems LOTS longer, but I don't want to get hit...LOL.
Let's just say it's been one interesting ride so far.
Nothing wrong with a nice ride, is there?
We've had our ups and downs, but nothing so distracting that it takes away from being a couple.
Now, I checked into what this year signifies as far as gifts...we have BRASS.
And, NO, I'm NOT planning on buying Wifey a trumpet (sorry , Hon).
We're not a couple that goes hog wild with such stuff. We prefer to just take things as they come, and celebrate in a more subtle manner. As you grow older together, you learn so much...finish each other's sentences, know what the other likes and is thinking,  and so on.
Life is indeed a marvelous journey and it's a more fulfilling journey when it's made with someone you care about and love.
It makes any joy doubled and any sadness halved.
That's not a bad thing, considering we're all headed to the same destination in the end.
So here's to the first 21 years, and may we both enjoy many more, God willing.
As for all of you out there...
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Did you about choke hearing "First day of summer" after the heat we've had? I did...

Sowell is a pretty wise man.

Skateboarding- ditto. Quicker ones, too.

Daylight appreciation? Really?

Oh, a beautiful afternoon to dump the pump... if you remembered to bring the paddle...

I'd have to say by quick perusals of the news, if Indy does it to prevent crime and violence, count me out. Of course, that's without reading the article or asking after their abilities in actually doing whatever it is they supposedly do...

I saw it was the big day on FB.. Had to have some fun with D, which led her to threaten me with bodily discomfort, lol! Congrats to both of you, may you have the "brass" to last for many more!

Bob G. said...

---Yes, I damn near snotted my coffee out (a terrible waste, BTW). Seems summer came earlier than first thought.
---With age comes wisdom, my friend.
(unless people haven't bothered to pay attention in life)
---They've come a LOMNG way from the old days of skates nailed to boards (literally).
---Yes, really...ROFL.
---LOL...no one even mentioned needing a raft, canoe, kayak or boat, did they?
---I think they should have posted the homicide rate SINCE 1997 up to 2017...see if the numbers really went DOWN (or not).
THAT (to me) would be the litmus test.
---AHH...nice play on words...(brass)...
To quote Cap: "I understood that reference."

Thanks for sailing on by today to comment.

Stay safe (and dry) up there, brother.